[Międzynarodowy Turniej][Grupy]The Eagles Cup 2016
@Timao_corinthians @Cidadewap @aymakmm @karakanim @Lafuens @DWilson @Stefan-Joptwojmać @AC-Bubol @Jose-Ajimou @I-Love-Niken @nacho00772 @Nicolás31 @Bang-Kibo @Santosa-Jr @mrtgll33 @F-S-M-0-13 @Federghigu @dainomilano @Joe-Reeves @chypy20 @iron0511 @tunerfuba12 @jepsztel @Byku-Duma-Warmii @ThoriqJr @Il-Phenomenon @J.Shephard @Hank-Strama @p-olurankinse @Netvigator @tamermonem @fahdan2014 @Deak1975 @BIG-DAVE-78 @SirFabioCanà @Nickreds @Rafelmaz @Angelo-Jones @phaultseberg @King_Jamiu_10 @Leandro-Bandeira @Mano-Meneses. @Fabio_91 @Arken06 @iMpArAtoR__ @sistematikci @Merlino74 @Sebabiano @nikitoscska @Хосе-Валера @gabbrielll @XRATED69 @Harun-Kamış @ibrahim-PEKÝN @rickypacheco @Ktulo7 @luiz-eduardo-souza-fc @Dr-Luismar-Campos @19Bruno85 @romito61 @ToomAnyWays @martin343 @aris-sayang-anggie @fadhil-1212 @adi-putra99 @lucho0004 @jalanick @robbettinho @Supermaz13 @boskovice @elbahar-beso @Gabriela-Leticia @Dili-7 @YMOKSUZ @ciMenmst @Sawsilvio @Maio66 @art.bochkin @Serjio-T. @ATOM2222 @giouzzz @Paco_67 @SINISTER4 @semlali-semlali @igor-wesper @Vitor-Pessa @Angel-Sanctis @Jony302 @lazio1 @DAMELI-LORIS @frandvember @eko_wahyu @jose-maonangis @Wanex @Banished @nilsonfreitas @Fadeli-Anas @Murid-Nakal @chindilcuk @deancuk @yemaos @Florida5 @Le-Tre-Creste @francy14fc @Alex-Demartin @El-Regreso-De-Tuca @Roiter-Almeidaa @Oi-Eu-sou-o-Goku @Bani-Denovo @ytorres70 @Andreas-Fals @sir-alexs-boby-ferguson @tinggede @syamsul-bahri-1985 @Milhares @kiosky @aaaayyyyaaaa @مصطفي0102 @Big-Zeus @vince13carter @Davemx1984 @roby-caroli @Dovco_HandF
3rd round: 32 teams
Start: at 13th August 2017
Promotion: 16 winners
1 vs 32, 2 vs 31, 3 vs 30, 4 vs 29, 5 vs 28, 6 vs 27, 7 vs 26, 8 vs 25, 9 vs 24, 10 vs 23, 11 vs 22, 12 vs 21, 13 vs 20, 14 vs 19, 15 vs 18, 16 vs 171 vs 32, Tugas vs A Good Looking Imperium
G1 Marquinhos Rocha
G3 ReisJr18
G5 Danilo Abe PM
G7 Robynho Alves
G9 MAX Aurelio11 (c)
Away team - A Good Looking Imperium
G1 - Austria LustenauFlougle92 NL
G3 - WSG WattensDavemx1984 (C, PM)
G5 - Wacker InnsbruckNaruto Uzumaki 2014
G7 - SV RiedMaris
G9 - Floridsdorfer ACJopie1313
2 vs 31, Zeitgeist vs AutoKimia2000
Home Team - Zeitgeist
G1: @Ooskar7 (PM)
G3: @RoyKeanetheboss
G5: @javi-garcia (C)
G7: @Grande Poche
G9: @CaVe14
Away Team - AutoKimia2000
G1 : syamsul bahri 1985 (C)
G3 : aminppd
G5 : vladimir granat
G7 : zidanzidane05
G9 : chakrarhezpect3 vs 30, Spartacus Legends vs Máfia Brasil
Home Team - Spartacus Legends
G1 - Stefan Joptwojmać (PM, C)
G3 - gorkins
G5 - KysiuS
G7 - pawelbiniek1
G9 - AC Bubol
Away Team - Máfia Brasil
G1Roiter Almeidaa
G3Everton D B (C)
G5Renan Pereira2
G7Tirulipa 10
G9Branko Dortmund
4 vs 29, Merah - Putih vs Giovani Bravi Ragazzi
Home Team - Merah - Putih
G1: Jose Ajimou (C)
G3: ZieCR7 (PM)
G5: faz_faz
G7: Alqadri
G9: Ms. Chala
Away Team - Giovani Bravi Ragazzi
G1 misterpeloro
G3 mrfabio01
G5 francy14fc (c)
G7 loredema98
G9 balo_pingu5 vs 28, Nusantara United vs Platinum Warriors
Home Team - Nusantara United
G1 - Santosa Jr
G3 - Bang Kibo (C) (PM)
G5 - reztu sayang mama
G7 - murtadhobeladas
G9 - acul jange
Away Team - Platinum Warriors
G1: rube.cabj
G3: yemaos
G5: omarelprimo
G7: lucho2612
G9: florida5 (C)6 vs 27, The Best of Turkey vs New Age
Home Team: - The Best of Turkey
G1 - mrtgll33 (C) - (PM)
G3 - ALİ KOÇ 61
G5 - merthan10
G7 - sULtAn çER
G9 - numanvural
Away Team - New Age
Goal 1 - Banished
Goal 3 - pedroquerido14
Goal 5 - Léo Campos11
Goal 7 - Adryyanno Ramon
Goal 9 - Lucas Pereira LP
Captain : Banished7 vs 26, Hungarian Fighters vs The Phoenix
Home Team - Hungarian Fighters
G1: Kapfenberger SVGamsza
G3: Wiener NeustadtSzilágyi 70
G5: TSV Hartbergchypy20 (PM)
G7: FC Blau-Weiss Linzattila agocs
G9: LieferingJoe Reeves (C)
Away Team - The Phoenix
G1 - wáysal wáys
G3 - Euforia_boys (c)
G5 - Sen Huang
G7 - eko_wahyu
G9 - rbenny8 vs 25, Lion Kong vs Men Of Honour
Home Team - Lion Kong
G1️ TomoTimi
G3️ Bigreds96
G5️ Il Phenomenon
G7️ Abang Becak (PM)
G9️ Cahudi Karniti
Away Team - Men Of Honour
G1 - Austria LustenauSINISTER4 (C)
G3 - WSG Wattensعبدالرحمن عبدالله 33
G5 - Wacker Innsbruckkalifornya
G7 - SV Riedsf aziz trt
G9 - Floridsdorfer ACMess s
9 vs 24, The Rebels' Yell vs The Alliance
Home Team:flag_it: - The Rebels' Yell
Goal- Kapfenberger SV
Goal- Wiener Neustadt
J.Shephard :regional_indicator_c: PM
Goal- TSV Hartberg
Goal- FC Blau-Weiss Linz
Goal- Liefering
Away Team: The Alliance
G1 - Austria LustenauЛАНЦЕЛОТ 13 (С)
G3 - WSG Wattensvitoldmart
G5 - Wacker InnsbruckАllenatore
G7 - SV RiedSergii Rebrov
G9 - Floridsdorfer ACInmate002
10 vs 23, The Special Forces vs Karadeniz İmparatorluğu
Home Team: - The Special Forces
G1. Lakhlify
G3. Tamermonem
G5. Brothersuaq
G7. Palestine9
G9. Fahdan2014 (c) (pm)
Away Team: - Karadeniz İmparatorluğu
G1 - @adjei45
G3 - @cimenmst
G7 - @qwerzx
G9 - @Ghost451211 vs 22, Idios Assassins vs Arab Crew
Home team - Idios Assassins
G1: Deak1975 (c)
G3: incubus873
G5: MenagerBL
G7: Bluemooners
G9: Tangooscar
About PM we don't know yet, we didn't had time to speak about the battle, but all opponents will be invited on time!
Away Team: Arab Crew
G1:elbahar beso
G5:boskovice (c)
G9:alqatary12 vs 21, Phantoms of the Cannibals vs Musketeers
Home Team - Phantoms of the Cannibals
G1: Kapfenberger SVMata80
G3: Wiener Neustadtnalimnalim
G5: TSV HartbergDaje Santi
G7: FC Blau-Weiss LinzSirFabioCanà
G9: LieferingMortaraG (C) (PM)
Away team - Musketeers
G1 robbettinho
G3supermaz13 cap
G9frankilee8713 vs 20, REVENGE vs Fat Lords
Home Team - REVENGE
G1: Kapfenberger SVPROF CONSY
G3: Wiener NeustadtMichelozz
G5: TSV HartbergAle Oko
G7: FC Blau-Weiss LinzRafelmaz
G9: LieferingAngelo Jones (C) (PM)
Away Team - Fat Lords
G1 - Austria Lustenaulucho0004 (C)
G3 - WSG WattensIbrahimomovic29
G5 - Wacker Innsbruckpolska78500
G7 - SV RiedReynald Denoueix1943
G9 - Floridsdorfer ACJalanick
14 vs 19, Nação Brasil vs Legion Crusher
Home Team - Nação Brasil
G1- @Mano-Meneses (P)
G3- @Bruno-Souza-B49
G5- @Mr-Lucas-Carvalho
G7- @Sarrador (C)
G9- @João-Tonin
Away Team - Legion Crusher
G1- adi putra99
G3 Oky Setyawan (c)
G5 Mbah Yus
G7 herp vs you dont say
G9 aris sayang anggie15 vs 18, Turkish National Team (Galatasaray SK) vs Eye Of The Tiger
Home Team: Turkish National Team (Galatasaray SK)
G1: Kapfenberger SVKENA_54 (C)
G3: Wiener NeustadtYusuF ÇİRCİ
G5: TSV HartbergCihad ÖZDEMİR
G7: FC Blau-Weiss LinzKaiser Brian Clough
G9: Lieferingbollardsau
League moderator will be bollardsau
Away Team - Eye Of The Tiger
Galaxxxxy - Austria Lustenau (obb 1)
robertomancini1981 - WSG Wattens (obb 3)
Stefano Tavaglione - Wacker Innsbruck (obb 5)
(Cap.) Romito61 - Sv Ried (obb 7)
Asiatico85 - Florisdorfer (obb 9)16 vs 17, THE 1ST vs Draco's Crew
HOME team - THE 1ST
g1 - Хосе Валера
g3 - nikitoscska
g5 - reaktorr (c)
g7 - daniyar92
g9 - Triarius (pm)
Away Team - Draco's Crew
G1- supereduardosilva
G3- elcancro11
G5- Yozora17
G7- Mr. Jacaré
G9- gabbrielll (C)No line-up before deadline: Penalty: -100
Groups that did not post on time line-up:
Merah - Putih: - 100 points.
Nusantara United: - 100 points.
The Phoenix: - 100 points.
Legion Crusher: - 100 points.
Eye Of The Tiger: - 100 points.
The Special Forces: - 100 points.
Draco's Crew: - 100 points.More information - The Eagles Cup 2017
3 vs 30
Spartacus Legends VS Mafia Brasil
Transfers on the first day accepted by two groups! -

It is being agreed to buy and sell from day one -
@aris-sayang-anggie Since they have not answered us about the rules we will follow the rules of Battlepedia
League created and invitations sent
Good luck to all
@Timao_corinthians @Cidadewap @aymakmm @karakanim @Lafuens @DWilson @Stefan-Joptwojmać @AC-Bubol @Jose-Ajimou @I-Love-Niken @nacho00772 @Nicolás31 @Bang-Kibo @Santosa-Jr @mrtgll33 @F-S-M-0-13 @Federghigu @dainomilano @Joe-Reeves @chypy20 @iron0511 @tunerfuba12 @jepsztel @Byku-Duma-Warmii @ThoriqJr @Il-Phenomenon @J.Shephard @Hank-Strama @p-olurankinse @Netvigator @tamermonem @fahdan2014 @Deak1975 @BIG-DAVE-78 @SirFabioCanà @Nickreds @Rafelmaz @Angelo-Jones @phaultseberg @King_Jamiu_10 @Leandro-Bandeira @Mano-Meneses. @Fabio_91 @Arken06 @iMpArAtoR__ @sistematikci @Merlino74 @Sebabiano @nikitoscska @Хосе-Валера @gabbrielll @XRATED69 @Harun-Kamış @ibrahim-PEKÝN @rickypacheco @Ktulo7 @luiz-eduardo-souza-fc @Dr-Luismar-Campos @19Bruno85 @romito61 @ToomAnyWays @martin343 @aris-sayang-anggie @fadhil-1212 @adi-putra99 @lucho0004 @jalanick @robbettinho @Supermaz13 @boskovice @elbahar-beso @Gabriela-Leticia @Dili-7 @YMOKSUZ @ciMenmst @Sawsilvio @Maio66 @art.bochkin @Serjio-T. @ATOM2222 @giouzzz @Paco_67 @SINISTER4 @semlali-semlali @igor-wesper @Vitor-Pessa @Angel-Sanctis @Jony302 @lazio1 @DAMELI-LORIS @frandvember @eko_wahyu @jose-maonangis @Wanex @Banished @nilsonfreitas @Fadeli-Anas @Murid-Nakal @chindilcuk @deancuk @yemaos @Florida5 @Le-Tre-Creste @francy14fc @Alex-Demartin @El-Regreso-De-Tuca @Roiter-Almeidaa @Oi-Eu-sou-o-Goku @Bani-Denovo @ytorres70 @Andreas-Fals @sir-alexs-boby-ferguson @tinggede @syamsul-bahri-1985 @Milhares @kiosky @aaaayyyyaaaa @مصطفي0102 @Big-Zeus @vince13carter @Davemx1984 @roby-caroli @Dovco_HandF
3rd round: 32 teams
Start: at 13th August 2017
: General rules: Based on the general rules in Battlepedia, CCL, WCC, CC.
No transfers in the 1st preparation day! Every transfer: -50 points but no more than 500 points for all transfers in the 1st preperation day.
No transfers between crewmates! For Every transfer you will get penalty like Battlepedia said.
Friendlies: till four for the round only between colleagues from the Crew (Players do not have to play on their original positions - the rule only for friendlies). For challenge an opponent to a friendly match - 100 penalty points.
Instructions to create the league:
Detailed schedule:
3rd round: 32 teams
Start: at 13th July 2017
Using a spy, a doctor and a lawyer - without restrictions.
Classification: standard for battles in the format 5x5
In case of a draw in the battle: promotion for older seniority Group.
alt textLeaque name: The Eagles Cup 2017 R.3
Private leaque.
Server: any.
Date: 13th August 2017.
Time: between 18:00 - 23:59 serwer time.3rd round: 32 teams
Start: at 13th August 2017
Promotion: 16 winners
1 vs 32, 2 vs 31, 3 vs 30, 4 vs 29, 5 vs 28, 6 vs 27, 7 vs 26, 8 vs 25, 9 vs 24, 10 vs 23, 11 vs 22, 12 vs 21, 13 vs 20, 14 vs 19, 15 vs 18, 16 vs 171 vs 32, Tugas vs A Good Looking Imperium
2 vs 31, Zeitgeist vs AutoKimia2000
3 vs 30, Spartacus Legends vs Máfia Brasil
4 vs 29, Merah - Putih vs Giovani Bravi Ragazzi
5 vs 28, Nusantara United vs Platinum Warriors
6 vs 27, The Best of Turkey vs New Age
7 vs 26, Hungarian Fighters vs The Phoenix
8 vs 25, Lion Kong vs Men Of Honour
9 vs 24, The Rebels' Yell vs The Alliance
10 vs 23, The Special Forces / Exodus Of The Eagle vs Karadeniz İmparatorluğu
11 vs 22, Idios Assassins vs Arab Crew
12 vs 21, Phantoms of the Cannibals vs Musketeers
13 vs 20, REVENGE vs Fat Lords
14 vs 19, Nação Brasil vs Legion Crusher
15 vs 18, Turkish National Team (Galatasaray SK) vs Eye Of The Tiger
16 vs 17, THE 1ST vs Draco's CrewRound 3: AUSTRIA - II League (2)
Be careful and good think to choose goals in AUSTRIA - II League (2)
Pick the wrong team with the same goal will cost: -150 points.
Pick the wrong team with the diffrent goal will cost: -300 points.
Always captains can to do deal and they can communicate with each other. If you do not reach a consensus - will be apply look penalty system above.Every mistake must be reported in this forum topic!
All reported penalties, must be accompanied by proof (screen print).Line-up:- The Eagles Cup 2017
More information - The Eagles Cup 2017
Invitations sent!
@mano-meneses you dont sent a message hehehe
@aris-sayang-anggie Maybe you have to talk to your captain
Invitations sent !
5 vs 28
Nusantara United vs Platinum Warriors -
@aris-sayang-anggie said in [Międzynarodowy Turniej][Grupy]The Eagles Cup 2016:
@damiś27I'm sorry if forget
Legion crusher vs Nacao Brasil
G1- adi putra99
G3 Oky Setyawan (c)
G5 Mbah Yus
G7 herp vs you dont say
G9 aris sayang anggieI can not do anything about it, it just depends on your communication.
Good luck my friend, it's going to be a great battle. Your Crew is one of the best
We are ready!
Ligue is open.
send invation all.
League created and all invitations sent, good luck mates! -
If our opponents did not create the league until midnight what we have to do?
League Created for Tugas vs A Good Looking Imperium.
Moderator: Flougle92 NL (Subaccount S1).Good Luck to all the teams