[Międzynarodowy Turniej][Grupy]The Eagles Cup 2016
Eye of Tiger confirm the result
@fahdan2014 The Special Forces & Karadeniz İmparatorluğu
Final result.
The Special Forces: 933
Karadeniz İmparatorluğu: 1388
Difference : - 455 -
Well done Tugas
specially @ReisJr18 never seen a player take that many points in away games (3 wins, 1 draw, 1 game lost) -
Parabens Tugas pela bela vitoria ,@ReisJr18 vc superou todas as expectativas!! Sabia que iria evoluir mt rapido, parabens a todos pela batalha que fizeram!!
Great battle TUGAS !! Good luck in the next phase!
Final Score
Nustara United 1058
Platinum Warriors 1275
including penalty for out-of-date alignment
please confirm @Bang kibo -
@Mano meneses.
Final Results
Nacao Brasil (NBR): 1581
Legion Crusher (LC): 768
(pinalty -100)Diference: 813
Thank you
FINAL RESULT (MD 22/22)Thanks Giovani Brazi Ragazzi for very good battle
See you next time and good luck! -
@sinister4 Confirm ✓
@sinister4 said in [Międzynarodowy Turniej][Grupy]The Eagles Cup 2016:
Final Result :-
Lion Kong : 519
Men Of Honour : 1930
Dif : -1411Please Confirm @il-phenomenon
Confirm ✓
Final Result
Phantoms of the Cannibals 1063
Musketeers 1332Difference +269 TMK
Pending confirmation
Final result
Zeitgeist :1296
AutoKimia2000 :720
Result confirmed -
The Best of Turkey 848
New Age 1509
Difference 661Please confirm @mrtgll33. Thank you for the experience and the challenge! Good luck for your future battles
@pedroquerido14 Confirm mate, crayz battle
Final Result
Arab Crew: 1322
Idios Assassins: 1131 -
@florida5 Result confirmed, congratulation for platinum warriors