[Międzynarodowy Turniej][Grupy]The Eagles Cup 2016
@Timao_corinthians @Cidadewap @aymakmm @karakanim @Lafuens @DWilson @Stefan-Joptwojmać @AC-Bubol @Jose-Ajimou @I-Love-Niken @nacho00772 @Nicolás31 @Bang-Kibo @Santosa-Jr @mrtgll33 @F-S-M-0-13 @Federghigu @dainomilano @Joe-Reeves @chypy20 @iron0511 @tunerfuba12 @jepsztel @Byku-Duma-Warmii @ThoriqJr @Il-Phenomenon @J.Shephard @Hank-Strama @p-olurankinse @Netvigator @tamermonem @fahdan2014 @Deak1975 @BIG-DAVE-78 @SirFabioCanà @Nickreds @Rafelmaz @Angelo-Jones @phaultseberg @King_Jamiu_10 @Leandro-Bandeira @Mano-Meneses. @Fabio_91 @Arken06 @iMpArAtoR__ @sistematikci @Merlino74 @Sebabiano @nikitoscska @Хосе-Валера @gabbrielll @XRATED69 @Harun-Kamış @ibrahim-PEKÝN @rickypacheco @Ktulo7 @luiz-eduardo-souza-fc @Dr-Luismar-Campos @19Bruno85 @romito61 @ToomAnyWays @martin343 @aris-sayang-anggie @fadhil-1212 @adi-putra99 @lucho0004 @jalanick @robbettinho @Supermaz13 @boskovice @elbahar-beso @Gabriela-Leticia @Dili-7 @YMOKSUZ @ciMenmst @Sawsilvio @Maio66 @art.bochkin @Serjio-T. @ATOM2222 @giouzzz @Paco_67 @SINISTER4 @semlali-semlali @igor-wesper @Vitor-Pessa @Angel-Sanctis @Jony302 @lazio1 @DAMELI-LORIS @frandvember @eko_wahyu @jose-maonangis @Wanex @Banished @nilsonfreitas @Fadeli-Anas @Murid-Nakal @chindilcuk @deancuk @yemaos @Florida5 @Le-Tre-Creste @francy14fc @Alex-Demartin @El-Regreso-De-Tuca @Roiter-Almeidaa @Oi-Eu-sou-o-Goku @Bani-Denovo @ytorres70 @Andreas-Fals @sir-alexs-boby-ferguson @tinggede @syamsul-bahri-1985 @Milhares @kiosky @aaaayyyyaaaa @مصطفي0102 @vince13carter @Davemx1984 @roby-caroli @Dovco_HandF @Marquinhos-Rocha @ReisJr18 @Danilo-Abe @Robynho-Alves @MAX-Aurelio11 @Flougle92-NL @Davemx1984 @Naruto-Uzumaki-2014 @Maris @Jopie1313 @Ooskar7 @RoyKeanetheboss @javi-garcia @Grande-Poche @CaVe14 @syamsul-bahri-1985 @aminppd @vladimir-granat @zidanzidane05 @chakrarhezpect @KysiuS @pawelbiniek1 @AC-Bubol @Roiter-Almeidaa @Renan-Pereira2 @Tirulipa-10 @Branko-Dortmund @Jose-Ajimou @ZieCR7 @faz_faz @Alqadri @Ms.-Chala @misterpeloro @mrfabio01@francy14fc @loredema98 @balo_pingu @Santosa-Jr @Bang-Kibo @reztu-sayang-mama @murtadhobeladas @rube.cabj @yemaos @omarelprimo @lucho2612 @florida5 @mrtgll33 @ALİ-KOÇ-61 @merthan10 @sULtAn-çER @numanvural @Banished @pedroquerido14 @Léo-Campos11 @Adryyanno-Ramon @Lucas-Pereira-LP @Gamsza @Szilágyi-70 @chypy20 @attila-agocs @wáysal-wáys @Euforia_boys @Sen-Huang @eko_wahyu @rbenny @TomoTimi @Bigreds96 @Il-Phenomenon @Abang-Becak @Cahudi-Karniti @SINISTER4 @kalifornya @sf-aziz-trt @Mess-s @MontellaValero @J.Shephard @Eddie77 @eldelanterodelgine @zardiRussia @ЛАНЦЕЛОТ-13 @vitoldmart @Аllenatore @Sergii-Rebrov @Inmate002 @Lakhlify @Tamermonem @Brothersuaq @Palestine9 @Fahdan2014 @adjei45 @cimenmst @YMOKSUZ @qwerzx @Ghost4512 @Deak1975 @incubus873 @MenagerBL @Bluemooners @Tangooscar @elbahar-beso @boufaljja @boskovice @THE-BLUE-MIND @alqatary @Mata80 @nalimnalim @Daje-Santi @SirFabioCanà @MortaraG @robbettinho @supermaz13 @PROF-CONSY @Ale-Oko @Rafelmaz @Angelo-Jones @lucho0004 @Ibrahimomovic29 @polska78500 @Reynald-Denoueix1943 @Jalanick @Mano-Meneses @Bruno-Souza-B49 @Mr-Lucas-Carvalho @Sarrador @João-Tonin @adi-putra99 @Oky-Setyawan @Mbah-Yus @herp-vs-you-dont-say @aris-sayang-anggie @KENA_54 @YusuF-ÇİRCİ @Cihad-ÖZDEMİR @Kaiser-Brian-Clough @bollardsau @Galaxxxxy @robertomancini1981 @Stefano-Tavaglione @Romito61 @Asiatico85 @Хосе-Валера @nikitoscska @reaktorr @daniyar92 @Triarius @supereduardosilva @elcancro11 @Yozora17 @Mr.-Jacaré @gabbrielll @Marquinhos-rocha @Reisjr18 @Danilo-Abe @Robynho-Alves @Dayanne-Mayara @Kadu3820 @Everton-D-B @Danilo-Arcanjo @GuilhermeAR @Wll337 @Ooskar7 @DWilson @javi-garcia @Thecrack93 @IMarin @Rube-cabj @yemaos @omarelprimo @lucho2612 @florida5 @faz_faz @zieCR7 @alqadri @Jose-Ajimou @Ms.-Chala @Pedroquerido14 @Adryyanno-Ramon @RooH-Cr7 @Lucas-Pereira-LP @Banished @Szilágyi-70 @Gamsza @chypy20 @attila-agocs @Joe-Reeves @SINISTER4 @kalifornya @alrajhi-75 @sf-aziz-trt @Mess-s @PROF.CONSY @Atletic-Van-Goof @Michelozz @Rafelmaz @Angelo-Jones @ЛАНЦЕЛОТ-13 @sexmachine1997 @vitoldmart @qdministrator @Inmate002 @Messias-santista-f-c @Bruno-Souza-B49 @Mr-Lucas-Carvalho @Felipe-Miléo @Leandro-Bandeira @adjei45 @cimenmst @YMOKSUZ @qwerzx @Ghost4512 @Triarius @reaktorr @Ильдар32 @daniyar92 @nikitoscska @elbahar-beso @boskovice @sultanmilano @THE-BLUE-MIND @alqatary @Galaxxxxy @robertomancini1981 @Stefano-Tavaglione @Romito61 @Extra-L @robbettinho @VisPenne @Lukamarekiaro @Andrei.89 @supermaz13
International tournament for Crews!
Without training camps!
Only with secret trainings!
We hope that the fun go hand in hand with the fair play.
5th round: 13.10.2017
The competition format: 5x5.
The competition system: knock-out.
Battle place: Round 5: Hong Kong, in the 5th round.
Line-ups should be posted by 11/10 (midnight server),
captain and moderator league for Home Teams
and only captain for AWAY TEAMS
No line-up before deadline: - 100 points. No line-ups till 12/10 (midnight server) - walkover.
Number of teams: 8
- 13.12.2010 - Tugas
- 13.04.2013 - Hungarian Fighters
- 29.11.2014 - Eye Of The Tiger
- 24.04.2015 - Arab Crew
- 30.05.2015 - Karadeniz İmparatorluğu
- 22.09.2015 - The Alliance
- 11.03.2016 - New Age
- 05.07.2016 - Platinum Warriors
Rules of deployment Crews: Every round from oldest to youngest - Crew Foundation day will decide.
: General rules: Based on the general rules in Battlepedia, CCL, WCC, CC.
No transfers in the 1st preparation day! Every transfer: -50 points but no more than 500 points for all transfers in the 1st preperation day.
No transfers between crewmates! For Every transfer you will get penalty like Battlepedia said.
Friendlies: till four for the round only between colleagues from the Crew (Players do not have to play on their original positions - the rule only for friendlies). For challenge an opponent to a friendly match - 100 penalty points.
Instructions to create the league:
Detailed schedule:
5th round: 8 teams
Start: at 13th October 2017
Using a spy, a doctor and a lawyer - without restrictions.
Classification: standard for battles in the format 5x5
In case of a draw in the battle: promotion for older seniority Group.Leaque name: The Eagles Cup 2017 R.5
Private leaque.
Server: any.
Date: 13th October 2017
Time: between 18:00 - 23:59 serwer time.5th round: 8 teams
Start: at 13th October 2017
Promotion: 4 winners
1 vs 8, 2 vs 7, 3 vs 6, 4 vs 51 vs 8, Tugas vs Platinum Warriors
2 vs 7, Hungarian Fighters vs New Age
3 vs 6, Eye Of The Tiger vs The Alliance
4 vs 5, Arab Crew vs Karadeniz İmparatorluğuRound 5: Albania
Be careful and good think to choose goals in Round 5: Albania
Pick the wrong team with the same goal will cost: -150 points.
Pick the wrong team with the diffrent goal will cost: -300 points.
Always captains can to do deal and they can communicate with each other. If you do not reach a consensus - will be apply look penalty system above.
Every mistake must be reported in this forum topic!
All reported penalties, must be accompanied by proof (screen print).The tournament founder reserves the right to make changes and to have a decisive voice in contentious situations.
:atom: Tournament Lead by @Damiś27.
:atom: Tournament Created by @Dovco_HandF -
Good luck to Karadeniz İmparatorluğu:flag_tr:
Now victory time, go semi-final! We believe in win Karadeniz! :flag_tr:
Tugas vs Platinum Warriors
G1 - @Marquinhos-Rocha
G3 - @Timao_corinthians (PM)
G5 - @MAX-Aurelio11
G7 - @Dayanne-Mayara
G9 - @Robynho-Alves ( C ) -
Great job, as always @Damiś27 :clap_tone1:
Round 5 - Quarter-Finals
#2 Hungarian Fighters vs #7 New AgeAway team lineup
G1 - Partizani Tirana - @Banished
G3 - Teuta Durres - @Erisonn-Lindoo
G5 - FC Kamza - @Léo-Campos11
G7 - FK Kukesi - @Lucas-Pereira-LP
G9 - KF Lushnje - @pedroquerido14 (C)Good luck!
Arab Crew Vs Karadeniz İmparatorluğu
G1:elbahar beso
G3:boskovice (c) PM
G9:alqatary -
Round 5 - Quarter-Finals
3 vs 6, Eye Of The Tiger vs The AllianceAway team:
G1 - Partizani TiranaЛАНЦЕЛОТ 13 (c)
G3 - Teuta Durressexmachine1997 (PM)
G5 - FC KamzaTriarius
G7 - FK Kukesiqdministrator
G9 - KF LushnjeInmate003
We can create league if Eye Of The Tiger agree.
(3) Eye of The Tiger vs. The Alliance (6)
Eye of the Tiger Home Team
robertomancini1981 - Kf Lacy (obb 1)
Galaxxxxy - Luftetari Gjirokaster (obb 3)
(Cap.) (PM) Romito61 - Skenderbeu Korce (obb 5)
Stefano Tavaglione - Flamurtari Vore (obb 7)
Extra L - Villaznia Shkoder (obb 9) -
Round 5 - Quarter-Finals
3 vs 6, Eye Of The Tiger vs The AllianceAway team:
G1 - Partizani TiranaЛАНЦЕЛОТ 13 (c)
G3 - Teuta Durressexmachine1997 (PM)
G5 - FC KamzaTriarius
G7 - FK Kukesiqdministrator
G9 - KF LushnjeInmate002
Tugas VS Platinum Warriors
G1: @Rube.cabj
G3: @yemaos
G5: @omarelprimo
G7: @Lucho2612
G9: @florida5 (C) -
5th round: 8 teams
Start: at 13th October 2017
Promotion: 4 winners
1 vs 8, 2 vs 7, 3 vs 6, 4 vs 51 vs 8, Tugas vs Platinum Warriors
Home Team - Tugas
G1 - @Marquinhos-Rocha
G3 - @Timao_corinthians :regional_indicator_p::regional_indicator_m:
G5 - @MAX-Aurelio11
G7 - @Dayanne-Mayara
G9 - @Robynho-Alves :regional_indicator_c:Away Team - Platinum Warriors
G1: @Rube.cabj
G3: @yemaos
G5: @omarelprimo
G7: @Lucho2612
G9: @florida5 :regional_indicator_c:2 vs 7, Hungarian Fighters vs New Age
Home Team - Hungarian Fighters
G1 - KF Laci - @Szilágyi-70
G3 - Luftetari Gjirokaster - @Gamsza
G5 - Skenderbeu Korce - @chypy20 :regional_indicator_p::regional_indicator_m:
G7 - Flamurtari Vlore - @attila-agocs
G9 - Vllaznia Shkoder - @Joe-Reeves :regional_indicator_c:Away Team - New Age
G1 - Partizani Tirana - @Banished
G3 - Teuta Durres - @Erisonn-Lindoo
G5 - FC Kamza - @Léo-Campos11
G7 - FK Kukesi - @Lucas-Pereira-LP
G9 - KF Lushnje - @pedroquerido14 :regional_indicator_c:3 vs 6, Eye Of The Tiger vs The Alliance
Home Team - Eye Of The Tiger
Kf Lacy (obb 1) - @robertomancini1981
Luftetari Gjirokaster (obb 3) - @Galaxxxxy
Skenderbeu Korce (obb 5) - @Romito61 :regional_indicator_c:, :regional_indicator_p::regional_indicator_m:
Flamurtari Vore (obb 7) - @Stefano-Tavaglione
Villaznia Shkoder (obb 9) - @Extra-LAway Team - The Alliance
G1 - Partizani Tirana@ЛАНЦЕЛОТ-13 :regional_indicator_c:
G3 - Teuta Durres@sexmachine1997
G5 - FC Kamza@Triarius
G7 - FK Kukesi@qdministrator
G9 - KF Lushnje@Inmate002
4 vs 5, Arab Crew vs Karadeniz İmparatorluğu
Home Team - Arab Crew
G1: @elbahar-beso
G3: @boskovice :regional_indicator_c:, :regional_indicator_p::regional_indicator_m:
G5: @sultanmilano
G9: @alqataryAway Team - Karadeniz İmparatorluğu
G1 - @adjei45
G3 - @cimenmst
G5 - @YMOKSUZ :regional_indicator_c:
G7 - @qwerzx
G9 - @Ghost4512More information - The Eagles Cup 2017
I agreed to buy and sell from the first day of preseason
I opened the league.
I've sent all invitations.
Good luck!
@pedroquerido14 -
The final result!
Eye Of The Tiger - The Alliance
waiting for confirmation of the result from the opponent!