__WNT 2016/2017 - General Info__
This is very strong community in OSM :clap_tone1:. -
@Dovco_HandF Absolutely I agree
Indonesia won the cup (+50pts)
@jorgebusty7 (Goal 5 spain and Goal 7 spain), they are very very strong ..
@jorgebusty7 What an amazing battle
:flag_es: :flag_id:
The latest update of squad value that I can count, it takes about 5 minutes ago at the final day of the quarter finals.
Maybe this is not the most accurate value because I can't stay longer.
At last, this is the only thing that I can do, and I congratulate for the highest of each objective team.
day 22/22 Uruguay vs Belgium
I want to congratulate Belgium was a very hard battle with great teams we are very happy to have outgrown a great rival
Spain vs Indonesia - Day 22 / 22 Result confirmed by the opposit captain
Thanks for this strong battle, the best we had in the tournament, luck in the next phase. I look forward to another battle in the future.
Final result
I wanted to thank all those involved and to congratulate both teams was a great battle, Brazil got the place, but the wave would look good with any of the selections.
@jorgebusty7 Great battle
congratulations Indonesia :flag_id:
Well played, Indonesia
Congratulations from Bulgaria!
France : 1390
Italia : 1069We wait Italian's confirmation
And we're going to the WNT 2016/2017 Semifinals:
Let's play in Australia and the division of teams is here:
The selections have until tomorrow (midday - server time) to post your lineups with captain and moderators!
@mrtgll33 could indonesia be the home team please? We created the league in all battles of the competition except one and we don't have much boss coins.
Moderators will be decided after the lineups. Not necessarily the HOME teams will create the leagues!