That event could be great if it worked for everyone in the same way.
Try to play a competitive league with 15+ managers and sell in two days what they sell in one simulation. I think these positive opinions would change so much...
xXSpeedKill Portuguese Usersreplied to AlyssaGB on 4 Feb 2021, 10:27 last edited by xXSpeedKill 4 Feb 2021, 10:28
@alyssagb said in Promotions/Campaigns:
This weekend's event: Training Madness
Starts: February 5, 10am CET | Ends: February 8, 9am CETWow! Your coaches are on fire, so be ready this Friday! They're training your players so much harder during Training Madness Event!
Training madness, which is a much stronger name, has only the training and
extreme training part, which is a much softer name, is training and reducing training time? -
Training madness, which is a much stronger name, has only the training part and extreme training, which is a much softer name, is training and reducing training time?
February 11 - February 12: Create League (temporary)
Is this still on for tomorrow?
@hugosoares88 no news. So it is expected that event.
Mαhmouժ Muhαmmαժ English Usersreplied to AlyssaGB on 11 Feb 2021, 01:20 last edited by Mαhmouժ Muhαmmαժ 11 Feb 2021, 01:20
Not again please it already ruined enough for a single season
It’s ridiculous and not fair at all
You work on your team and strengthen the squad in 10 days and somelucky manager ends up selling player for 150 mil in a day ?! And buys better playersthe worst promotion in any competitive league as its random and unfair..
Hi.Will we get double boss coins when we watch ads videos this weekend as the last weekend?
@yousef_mor Hi, I hope so but most of the time different things come, I think we might get training progress. Hopefully
Yeah. It's been time since it was last there. -
@Lampard_Fired and I thought it would be training progression. But it is still related to it so that's great!
@alyssagb Nice event
in addition to this event will we get double boss coins while watching ads tomorrow?
Nope -
@vinayak-singh-mehra why you ere commenting everywhere I want to get the answer from this page's moderator.please,do not comment everywhere
Márcio Girilim Santos Portuguese Usersreplied to ghosstrider89 on 19 Feb 2021, 11:54 last edited by
@márcio-girilim-santos what is so funny here,friend?