There was a transfers event them cancelled
what is a transfers event, how it is working?
@ChrisTolman Cheeky Question but Is it custom players that you can make?
@ChrisTolman Or even icons/legends
@Suleman____f I don't know
You'll see it next friday!
@ChrisTolman They look like legend cards! Guess I'll have to wait and see.
I just want to guess, I think 1 or 2 legend players will be given to each team this weekend. It will be in the form of a card opening in Fifa. These players will remain with us for only 2 days.
I believe that it does not involve legendary players, but that it is something in relation to the evolution of the players, such as the super training event that has been forgotten over the years
@Matuzalem-Severino Guess we will have to wait and see!
@Suleman____f really, we can only wait!
guys, where's the activity? Have you forgotten?
@BozkurtBuraq It starts in an hour and 19 minutes... I know we are all eager but we have to wait patiently!
I doubt it's icon-related event. We can see 68 overall, which is way too low for iconic footballers imo. It may really be custom player as @Suleman____f said. The thing is why would it only be added for a weekend
@Ochowiak It could be a trial or taster as to what's to come in the future. I guess we will find out soon
@BozkurtBuraq The event starts at 12.00 with TSI.
@Ochowiak It is an icon/legend event. My OSM says check the transfer list for them!