Game Updates
Vincent Ado Kompanyreplied to JetonT. on 15 Dec 2022, 21:05 last edited by Vincent Ado Kompany 15 Dec 2022, 21:06
@JetonT said in Game Updates:
Your words have been heard already.
Soon we will have package 'Start the game with 2 goals advantage' or 'Increase your chances of winning the game for 50%'.What brain came up with this idea? To buy club funds
@Daniel-Rausis easy to say but in our place will be new player. And if I play already 18 years it is difficult to stop
How is it possible that right now, in one of the current battles of my crew, some of the opponents already have the new update and are already buying money (one of them already purchased 2x 100M) and for us, the update isn't available?
I'm not saying that we will spend money on this, cause we won't, but this is entirely unfair from the start!!
To give you a comparison, it's like we're in a fight and you're giving weapons to some and the rest will have to rely on their fists.This is completely BS.
We will most likely lose this battle because the rules have changed along the way for some.. -
Fear Forcereplied to hugosoares88 on 16 Dec 2022, 17:30 last edited by Fear Force 16 Dec 2022, 17:31
@hugosoares88 yeah they don't care about what we say, they just want money
At least not in the battles, what the points of disabling instant training, purchasing players with BC when this shit update is available there.
@SpecialOne I know you guys won't listen but at least respond and do it fair in the battles -
With this last update (to pay for income funds in battles) a lot of my crew members will leave this game, because is unfair for us. A battle is not more a battle to cheat with money. In this case, me too I'll leave this game and RIP OSM, RIP OLD TIMES!
I'll say it again, the vast majority of competitive OSM trainers complain and complain and complain, but keep playing (maybe even buy a few packs). They are not listening to our suggestions, dissatisfactions here in the forum. I sent an email to GB via, they also have a phone number +31 (0) 79 341 4450. Community unity is one that makes noise together, that seeks to be heard. The idea is not to suggest the end of the option to buy funds, but to propose the existence of a button that enables or disables the option to buy packages in leagues and its absence in group battles. Let's make some noise is my last proposal before leaving the game for good.
@Bembelmän said in Game Updates:
And the answer to our questions and suggestions will be.... Everyone has the opportunity to buy these packs, so it is "fair" for all managers. And it is our decision whether to take this opportunity or not. And that we can not judge the managers just because those who use these packs, which after all are freely available to all of us .
(F*ck on 'normal leagues', but don't let them destroy the competition in battles - please share if you agree in WhatsApp, discord and wherever you communicate with other crews)
@Bembelmän said in Game Updates:
And the answer to our questions and suggestions will be.... Everyone has the opportunity to buy these packs, so it is "fair" for all managers. And it is our decision whether to take this opportunity or not. And that we can not judge the managers just because those who use these packs, which after all are freely available to all of us
You should be staff. This is roughly exactly what they would say
still no comments from official staff, ask them for a job you won’t get paid for
I still don't have the option to buy club funds
I don't know if that's good or bad. What do you say? -
@Ado-Hackovic said in Game Updates:
I still don't have the option to buy club funds
I don't know if that's good or bad. What do you say?Good, but unfair you haven’t got the option and others do Aldo
Dear OSM this is the way how you want OSM look like? Player with 4th level od medals with squad 8mld? With one Player coast more than whole my squad? This how P2W in OSM will look? Ridicules... I built my squad in league of USA in normal way to have chance to win Champions Cup and I get this oponents?
@jasiuk88 They put a new Christmas Theme wow!!
But do not have time to put a theme to stop pay to winThis game is becoming bullshit sorry for the bad language tho
looks like we finally know what the inventory does
it stores all the club funds you buy so that you can use it in any campaign you want
@Generic_Manager but not everybody, which makes it more fair!
We have already played 3 battles since the introduction of the new packs, where our opponents have used Boss Coin Packs. 1x very massively and unfortunately also 1x, although we have actually agreed a gentleman agreement with the opponent before the 1st game day that no money packs are used.
And such things, unfortunately, are a big buzzkill for our managers. Since these money packs are killing the game.... and the previously really great Battle, changed in a completely new direction. And from our point of view, unfortunately, in the completely wrong direction.
We are relatively sure, if it will stay with these packs, it will drive managers away from OSM to play the Battle in the medium term, because very many managers generally only play the Battle or tournaments organized by the community. And that would be a real pity.
We can only hope that GB will take back their decision with the money packs.... and we can play our "old" Battle again.
what is the next ypgate
Why are you ruining the game? bunch of money
wolfies. This must be a tactical game right? Unfortunately, there is nothing left of that tactical game. with your annoying nasty updates. have something to spare for a fun game. but now I'm done with it. Jeroen Derwort should give you a slap on the ear. with your pay to win updates. fun is not important at all. raking money is osm's policy. rip osm. mvgr -
"The moderator communicated that it could be a little *****, but that in principle the league will be created before 23:00. However, I still warn you that it may be a little *****(The word censored means the act of creating the league later than supposed...)"
Don't you think this is just ridiculous? Comunicate that way becomes impossible. When is this disgusting censorship system revised, as promised? You are a shame, only useful to ruin the game and never to help.