Nests and spawns/help
Recently saw a post that talked about how you can use Open Street Maps to help generate more spawns on or near your house. My neighborhood is lacking in spawns and figure i would give it a try. Can anyone that has had success in using OSM to create nests from existing spawn points share a pictures of how they edited the area? Also, if anyone has been able to edit an area around their house that did not have any spawn points to start to get some, i would love to see what you did.
One last question, how long did it take for you to see a difference in spawns after you finished editing your area
Hello mate...i changed the title a little bit so all managers can see what you are talking about in this topic... -
@ocaisceti94 said in Nests and spawns/help:
Recently saw a post that talked about how you can use Open Street Maps to help generate more spawns on or near your house. My neighborhood is lacking in spawns and figure i would give it a try. Can anyone that has had success in using OSM to create nests from existing spawn points share a pictures of how they edited the area? Also, if anyone has been able to edit an area around their house that did not have any spawn points to start to get some, i would love to see what you did.
One last question, how long did it take for you to see a difference in spawns after you finished editing your areaissue got solved!!
Nice to hear that...