Football Master Series (FMS)
Hello everyone. I take the boldness to congratulate @carlosastiz , brand new champion of the FMS.
I had to face Carlos in the round of 16 and he beat me very well. I want to congratulate him and the Bulls on the title they achieved. It is a pity that there has not been information yet on the semifinals and final but there will be external things I suppose.
Despite the fact that all the groups compete for this tournament, it should be noted that it has remained in the Hispanic community, so that makes me very happy.
Congratulations to everyone who participated and to the Markez organization.
To celebrate it with yours, Carlos!Greetings
@rafa-cunha don't worry, I already have all information and later I'm going to post it
Here is the end, here is our 5th Edition winner, congratulations @carlosastiz !
Thank you to everyone for make it possible one more edition and make me easier the organization!
Tomorrow I will post all images, I promise thatTOP 4 results
About next edition, I must change a bit the dates... Sorry, it's just my mistake!
FMS 6th edition - Schedule
- From 10/04 to 15/04 - Sign up.
- From 16/04 to 18/04 - Prepare leagues and contact managers.
- 19/04 - 1st round starts.
- 18/05 - 2nd round starts.
@language-AR @language-DE @language-EN @language-ES @language-FR @language-HU @language-ID @language-IT @language-PL @language-PT @language-RO @language-RU @language-TR
Congrats mate @carlosastiz
Thanks for organization @Markez17 -
Congratulations @carlosastiz Good game @Egorazzyka
Congratulations @carlosastiz
@carlosastiz congratulions. The title goes to the Hispanic Community
Congratulations to the winner @carlosastiz and all participants
Congratulations @carlosastiz!
Congratulations @carlosastiz They have been many years already setting the bar very high in everything you participate in. Let's enjoy it!!!
Congratulations @carlosastiz! Huge tournament you have done. Deserved title and one more for the CH!
Congratulations @carlosastiz
Congratulations to @carlosastiz for this spectacular victory
It is very difficult to win round 1 and win round 2. And to that add that last year he already achieved another first round with a unbelievable amount of points.
Congratulations, well deserved!
And congratulations to @Egorazzyka for this amazing 2nd place -
congratulations @carlosastiz, you deserved it.
Seems like my prediction that @carlosastiz will be a top competitor came true! Congrats bro
! Great organization by @Markez17.
Thank you all very much for your words.
@Rafa-Cunha @Markez17 @MehmetCetinTD @Sabit-Mamedov @BrhoomH @Gorkaogan @xinyanggan @Lafuens @han111 @Alex-Demartin @Byku-Duma-Warmii @jason_brody @frk038 @Vinayak-Singh-MehraCongratulate @Markez17 for their organization and the magnitude that the FMS is taking.
I am very proud and happy to have won the first phase and especially the final phase having in front of so many great managers from so many groups and countries in the world.
I have tried to be true to my idea of the game and risked a lot but with excellent results. I certainly know that playing 443b and 442b for most of the tournament is surprising. Playing the final with a 433b playing away from home, they told me it was crazy but you have to be true to yourself above all else.
I want to dedicate the victory to my group, THE BULLS, which is always supporting me and with whom I feel completely identified. Each of the managers of the three groups of THE BULLS deserves a big hug and my thanks.
I also want to dedicate it to all the managers who participate and have participated in the World Leagues Championship (WLC) tournament organized by THE BULLS and of which we have already been in 30 editions with an average of over 160 managers competing. If anyone is interested in participating, let me know privately.
And finally, I want to dedicate it to the HISPANIC COMMUNITY which, after all, is the one I participate in on a day-to-day basis and the one that supports me on the forum regularly. Congratulations to all of them because we have taken this title. I do not forget the SPANISH SELECTION which I love so much.
Thanks and good luck with the next editions.
you did a great job carlos, congrats..
Thank you very much markez17 for the wonderful organization.
Congrats Carlo for this title!
@carlosastiz Congratulations on winning such a difficult competition! Amazing job!
Congrats @carlosastiz