@jetont On that I agree, I dont see why dont they imppement speedy scout with madness. Its win win situation for GB, as Im sure usage of coins would surge up with that.
Temporary event: Champions Scout
Starts: April 6, 7pm CEST - Ends: April 6, 11pm CEST
Cheap champions quality players during the Champions Scout Event!Your Scout will return from his trip within 2 hours instead of 16 hours. In addition, scouted players will cost less Boss Coins and Club Funds. Only 10 Boss Coins for a scouted player!
Tomorrow night is the night to profit from this special Event. Tip: choose a club in the Champions Cup for the full Champions experience!
@alyssagb The event will only serve players from clubs that participate in the Champions League? Or does it apply to any player, from all the teams in the game?
I sent my scout at 19.03 and even though he comes back after 16 hours?! What is this for a joke?!
A lot of players are having the same problems. I hope they can fix it. @SpecialOne @AlyssaGB
I think GB could give us exactly how much less in % the players would cost in this event...
KoningCo English Usersreplied to Master Guido_NL on 7 Apr 2022, 18:43 last edited by KoningCo 7 Apr 2022, 18:43
@master-guido_nl I had a problem with the weekend promotion a week ago, the start/end times seem to be inaccurate. So promotions can probably start at 19:05 or finish at 22:55. Maybe it's an idea for GB to add a clock to OSM.
Looks there was a mistake on last week announcement for this weekend event.... Surprise!
Good surprise to some and bad for others... we can't please you all!
This weekend's event: Transfer Madness
Starts: April 8, 10am CEST | Ends: April 11, 9am CESTDuring this event the chance of selling players on the Transfer List will be much higher!
You can now also add 6 instead of 4 players to the Transfer List at the same time. The Transfer List should be the core of a successful manager, because selling players is a great way to make Club Funds. And with those new Club Funds you can buy other players to improve your Squad.
What a joke. Not even giving us a chance to take a break during this event if we don't like it.
What a fail, just like the last event on Wednesday. Keep up the good work…
@specialone How crazy is this! On Friday begins one of the official tournaments in the Hispanic community. They can't warn from one day to another this kind of events! The one who sleeps the least will benefit.this is unhealthy
@specialone Thanks you for your information @SpecialOne I am sure this will be a very good event for new managers and me
Majstor Mattreplied to SpecialOne on 8 Apr 2022, 06:33 last edited by Majstor Matt 8 Apr 2022, 06:34
Though, I can see how this will cause some serious problems to those who planned their competitions, this should've been announced bit sooner so that people have time to prepare in my oppinion..
Fucking Joke, we Just started a competition to avoid this kind of shit. Why the change ,nobody knew.
10:12 and the event hasn't started het, what a surprise
I’m curious what kind of excuus they have.
KoningCo English Usersreplied to Kingnilo_NL on 8 Apr 2022, 09:08 last edited by KoningCo 8 Apr 2022, 09:12
Really? Again a joke with a last minute change. I sent my older players on training yesterday evening because there was an event with older players on the schedule. And I don't have enough money to start the transfer event properly. This is why we want to be informed in time!
And please change the Special Offers back to the old system, that was not optimal but much better than the current system.
@specialone nothing wrong with these event...... but the fact it comes like such a surprise is really shit, we could've waited a week to start competitions, now this event in the first week is really the worst........
@specialone I will not be able to appreciate the event as all my league is nearly hitting their ending, bad timing