Training takes only two hours! Would be nice to mention
2 questions about this new “timer pack event, Mon-Friday……
- Why hasn’t everyone got it?
- Will in work in app battles and also leagues where timers and BC compensation is turned off.
If someone could answer my questions please it would be appreciated. @SpecialOne
@jeffro-davies said in Promotions/Campaigns:
- Why hasn’t everyone got it?
This pack is a test and we'll be analysing results to decide about future developments. being a test, we want to compare dtat and for that we need a control group and a group with the new feature....
- Will in work in app battles and also leagues where timers and BC compensation is turned off.
All users that purchase this pack will get their training timers reduced on every league on the specified time
Wow just wow... I am just waiting for the day when I will be able to "buy" certain amount of goals in a match... this is just ridiculous...
@specialone Stop making the game pay to win. Not everyone has money to buy, so this system should be closed in battles.
@majstor-matt said in Promotions/Campaigns:
Wow just wow... I am just waiting for the day when I will be able to "buy" certain amount of goals in a match... this is just ridiculous...
This is standard practice for mobile/free-to-play games. And let's be honest: it works. Why else do you think the mobile/free-to-play market is the fastest growing market within gaming? So it's only logcial that Gamebasics/Miniclip tries this practice aswell. Sure, you don't have to like it, but it is what it is and it is most likely to stay.
@specialone said in Promotions/Campaigns:
@jeffro-davies said in Promotions/Campaigns:
- Why hasn’t everyone got it?
This pack is a test and we'll be analysing results to decide about future developments. being a test, we want to compare dtat and for that we need a control group and a group with the new feature....
- Will in work in app battles and also leagues where timers and BC compensation is turned off.
All users that purchase this pack will get their training timers reduced on every league on the specified time
Thank you for the speedy reply.
This will completely ruin this CCW and WNC final. Wouldn’t be so bad if all had the option but now some in them leagues can have 4 hour timers, others can’t. I’m not playing in either but I feel for the people that are.
Day event: Bargain Scout
Starts: July 18, 07:00am CEST | Ends: July 18, 11:59pm CESTDuring this Event the Scout is on a speedy bargain hunt. Your Scout will return from his trip within 2 hours instead of 16 hours.
In addition, scouted players will cost less Boss Coins and Club Funds. Only 10 Boss Coins for a scouted player!*
Pay the Scout a visit right now and bolster your Squad in all the right places!
*Boss Coin price of World Stars isn't affected by this Event.
I wonder if this is the way out of the game that many people are looking for...
@specialone said in Promotions/Campaigns:
@jeffro-davies said in Promotions/Campaigns:
- Why hasn’t everyone got it?
This pack is a test and we'll be analysing results to decide about future developments. being a test, we want to compare dtat and for that we need a control group and a group with the new feature....
- Will in work in app battles and also leagues where timers and BC compensation is turned off.
All users that purchase this pack will get their training timers reduced on every league on the specified time
@specialone I can't believe that this new feature will be available in the leagues where everything is blocked. Am I reading it right?
If a certain user is blocking all the timers and BC effects, this means that he want a league where all the players are under the same circumstances.
Also, if you allow it in the battles... it's a non-sense!
You have thousands of noobs in hundreds of leagues that are willing to spend that money. Please, I'm asking you in the name of the world and dutch communities that play competitive OSM: block this pack in the leagues that have all the timers disabled!
Looking forward for you answer!
Best regards
@specialone The future looks bright for users who want to earn by paying.
@a-s-p-e-c-t This is unfair for many managers including me
@SpecialOne This must be a really bad joke...come on, is gamebasics serious? I know this is a test to gather data and etc but...lets be real, if goes on, they're getting greedy as hell.
I hope players do not buy those packs.
@trkz91 Do fair play don't use this freaking pack
@fc-eddie_nl Every business needs to grow, but also every business should think about its product. I am not against you guys trying to expand and grow. Go for it. But for the love of game give us OPTION! Give us option to block this in our leagues.
If someone wants to pay his way to win and buy goals with coins, or repeat the game by paying 1000 coins.. give him that option, I dont care... but give me an option to avoid that style, give people option to remove this nonsense in private league..
With that pack, during the training event ( 2 hours training ) ... with that pack purchase it goes to 1 hour trainings ????
Another trash idea.
Your greed has no limits. Ofc you have to pay your own bills and you need to make some money too, but you have no limits. Each week you come up with new ideas how to force people to spend more and more money. Even if you spend money it doesen't help you. Let's say someone has 50,000 coins in his account right now, he spent few hundreds of €, it's still not enough, he has to buy this new pack to have shorter training or other players will have advantage over him. Next week it will be another pack...and it's an endless game.
DON'T TOUCH THE GAMEPLAY AND DON'T MAKE THIS GAME PAY2WIN. Add some packs where you can win signed shirts, boss coins and stuff like that, people will still buy them and it's fine, but it's ridiculous that people can buy their results. What will be next time? ''Buy this pack and you will have faster scout'' or maybe ''your team will have a 25% boost for 5 days'' etc. ?
99,99% leagues in OSM are open. It's millions or hundreds of millions leagues, but you must destroy also the 0,01% of leagues??? (official battles and community tournaments).
The ''gaming community'' is few hundreds or few thousand of managers, 0,000000001% of the game and you can't live without us??? If we want closed leagues we don't wanna see this trash in them. And you must understand closed leagues are not free, we also pay coins to create them so it's our right to decide how we wanna play them. The best thing would be to have the option to TURN OFF all events, packs and other trash. Only scout and tactics. Thanks. -
totally agree.
@menagerbl Super well said