@vladimir-granat said in NATIONS CUP U21:
Kriteria member timnas osm Indonesia U21, sesuai dg yg ditetapkan oleh Panitia WNC U21 2022, yaitu:- Memiliki pengalaman bertanding minimal 150 dan maksimal 850
- Poin (1) adalah utk masing2 slot
- abdulhanif17
- albamovic7
- Anugerah93
- bryan04_04
- Bujang Jawa
- deanyf1
- Pedjoeang45
- Surya Zulyawan
- Twilight Echo
- Yusro Fiiy
Para member timnas U21 Indonesia tsb memenuhi syarat pengalaman bertanding 150-850 di masing2 slotnya. Mereka jg dipanggil secara khusus oleh koordinator timnas osm Indonesia salah satunya krn selama monitoring di event2 resmi komunitas osm Indonesia memiliki performance yg baik dan stabil, serta telah mendapatkan rekomendasi dari momod masing2 krunya, terutama dlm hal kesiapan mental dan perilakunya.
- abdulhanif17
- albamovic7
- Anugerah93
- bryan04_04
- Bujang Jawa
- deanyf1
- Pedjoeang45
- Surya Zulyawan
- Twilight Echo
- Yusro Fiiy
- rizal nugraha_06
- Ahmad Irfan21
G1 : Twilight Echo @Twilight-Echo
G3 : Anugerah93 @Anugerah93
G5 : rizal nugraha_06 @rizal-nugraha_06
G7 : Surya Zulyawan @Surya-Zulyawan
G9 : Yusro Fiiy @Yusro-Fiiy
โฉ -
We have reached the final round of the
WNC U21 2022
Group Stage, where there is still a lot to decide!We will publish the lists of managers and PM for the R3 battles of all qualifying groups.
Thank you to all National Coaches for meeting the defined lineup registration period for this round.
WNC U21 - Group Stage - R3
Group A
Poland U21
Morocco U21
- @Ochroniarz_123 - PMOchroniarz_123 -
Poland G1
- Blue Team 1
ronaldo ouazize -Morocco G1
- Red Team 1
Dooshek -Poland G3
- Blue Team 3
hamza1_788 -Morocco G3
- Red Team 3
Wodzu1902 -Poland G5
- Blue Team 5
bilal maadoumi13 -Morocco G5
- Red Team 5
bangello -Poland G7
- Blue Team 7
ุงูุทุงูุณู ูขูข -Morocco G7
- Red Team 7
Docencik -Poland G9
- Blue Team 9
ูู ุงู ูุงุฏู -Morocco G9
- Red Team 9
Mexico U21
Venezuela U21
- @dialeo93 - PMdialeo93 -
Mexico G1
- Blue Team 1
joselu1020 -Venezuela G1
- Red Team 1
Christian Ortega 87 -Mexico G3
- Blue Team 3
yilder morales -Venezuela G3
- Red Team 3
JesusGonzalez13 -Mexico G5
- Blue Team 5
ale amorelli -Venezuela G5
- Red Team 5
DMTZOL -Mexico G7
- Blue Team 7
MasterSup -Venezuela G7
- Red Team 7
Vick y Mario -Mexico G9
- Blue Team 9
UlisesBHR -Venezuela G9
- Red Team 9
Group B
Colombia U21
Hungary U21
- @ferchosc - PMferchosc -
Colombia G1
- Blue Team 1
Jokinho19 -Hungary G1
- Red Team 1
atlnando -Colombia G3
- Blue Team 3
xxxEmezxxx -Hungary G3
- Red Team 3
juan david_31_1 -Colombia G5
- Blue Team 5
Viktoo8 -Hungary G5
- Red Team 5
brayan angarita -Colombia G7
- Blue Team 7
BioCitromSav -Hungary G7
- Red Team 7
nicklopp_2 -Colombia G9
- Blue Team 9
sdsdsd_69 -Hungary G9
- Red Team 9
Egypt U21
Peru U21
- @hussein-ismai1-11 - PMhussein ismai1 11 -
Egypt G1
- Blue Team 1
Seven Craxker -Peru G1
- Red Team 1
sayed bahaa uwk55 -Egypt G3
- Blue Team 3
charlinder -Peru G3
- Red Team 3
zezo_treakaa -Egypt G5
- Blue Team 5
Adrian Frusciante -Peru G5
- Red Team 5
ุงุญู ุฏ ู ุญู ุฏ ุนุจุฏ ุงูุญู ูุฏ_7 -Egypt G7
- Blue Team 7
Riberto Calderรณn -Peru G7
- Red Team 7
Ahmแธษ Khalแธษ10 -HEgypt G9
- Blue Team 9
MickeSeki -Peru G9
- Red Team 9
Group C
Spain U21
Iraq U21
- @jfalons - PM
Edited text
adrilopezg -
Spain G1
- Blue Team 1
Karrar king king -Iraq G1
- Red Team 1
Your Nxghtmare -Spain G3
- Blue Team 3
Kei sha -Iraq G3
- Red Team 3
jfalons -Spain G5
- Blue Team 5
ali1997_4 -Iraq G5
- Red Team 5
Josรฉ Piรฑรกnez_1 -Spain G7
- Blue Team 7
Saalwan93 -Iraq G7
- Red Team 7
Noelia Moliner Garcia -Spain G9
- Blue Team 9
ุงูุณุจูุดู ูุงู ุงูุนุฑุงูู -Iraq G9
- Red Team 9
Argentina U21
France U21
- @Nico-Vasche - PMel gorila roldan -
Argentina G1
- Blue Team 1
JonSnow65 -France G1
- Red Team 1
emanuel_97806 -Argentina G3
- Blue Team 3
Andรฉ Nesixh -France G3
- Red Team 3
cdlgdh -Argentina G5
- Blue Team 5
Din0z0r -France G5
- Red Team 5
Quiro Visius -Argentina G7
- Blue Team 7
dani59_3 -France G7
- Red Team 7
Nico Vasche -Argentina G9
- Blue Team 9
teamfredo -France G9
- Red Team 9
Group D
Bosnia and Herzegovina U21
Ecuador U21
- @NODY1946 - PMNODY1946 -
Bosnia G1
- Blue Team 1
Yordi0719 -Ecuador G1
- Red Team 1
Nurudin Ibrahimovic -Bosnia G3
- Blue Team 3
FelixVZ -Ecuador G3
- Red Team 3
A Bajramoviฤ -Bosnia G5
- Blue Team 5
- Red Team 5
AjdinMata -Bosnia G7
- Blue Team 7
Villa Villamar -Ecuador G7
- Red Team 7
Pipak123 -Bosnia G9
- Blue Team 9
capitรกn tsubasa_2020 -Ecuador G9
- Red Team 9
Brazil U21
Italy U21
- @MurฤซloAbreu - PMMurฤซloAbreu -
Brazil G1
- Blue Team 1
Hank Strama -Italy G1
- Red Team 1
douglas d11_ -Brazil G3
- Blue Team 3
Tommylicca86 -Italy G3
- Red Team 3
- Blue Team 5
Francesco833 -Italy G5
- Red Team 5
RPirro -Brazil G7
- Blue Team 7
Visela25 -Italy G7
- Red Team 7
- Blue Team 9
alessio99_ -Italy G9
- Red Team 9
Group E
Bolivia U21
Portugal U21
- @Edman-Palenque - PMEdman Palenque -
Bolivia G1
- Blue Team 1
carlosc1998 -Portugal G1
- Red Team 1
Ronnysc -Bolivia G3
- Blue Team 3
atomiketch -Portugal G3
- Red Team 3
Lindon John Arrascaita -Bolivia G5
- Blue Team 5
Andrรฉ R Pinto -Portugal G5
- Red Team 5
Erland_97 -Bolivia G7
- Blue Team 7
MrCascao99 -Portugal G7
- Red Team 7
Maurolp08 -Bolivia G9
- Blue Team 9
Osvaldoabreu -Portugal G9
- Red Team 9
Kazakhstan U21
Uruguay U21
- @maqsat_77 - PMmaqsat_77 -
Kazkhstan G1
- Blue Team 1
pichobolso23 -Uruguay G1
- Red Team 1
Amankulov Ayan -Kazkhstan G3
- Blue Team 3
el propio dt -Uruguay G3
- Red Team 3
berdibek_10 -Kazkhstan G5
- Blue Team 5
Richard cangri -Uruguay G5
- Red Team 5
islam4ik_3 -Kazkhstan G7
- Blue Team 7
Pep Tavito -Uruguay G7
- Red Team 7
ะะพััะผั ะฐะฝ ะะตะณัะผั ะฐะฝะพะฒ -Kazkhstan G9
- Blue Team 9
Seba1985 -Uruguay G9
- Red Team 9
Group F
U.A.E. U21
Indonesia U21
- @c-m-alraeesi - PMc.m.alraeesi -
U.A.E. G1
- Blue Team 1
Twilight Echo -Indonesia G1
- Red Team 1
87Khalid -U.A.E. G3
- Blue Team 3
Anugerah93 -Indonesia G3
- Red Team 3
Abdulla90_0 -U.A.E. G5
- Blue Team 5
rizal nugraha_06 -Indonesia G5
- Red Team 5
Ahmad Omar90 -U.A.E. G7
- Blue Team 7
Surya Zulyawan -Indonesia G7
- Red Team 7
Akal7osani -U.A.E. G9
- Blue Team 9
Yusro Fiiy -Indonesia G9
- Red Team 9
Turkey U21
India U21
- @brsakyz - PMbrsakyz -
Turkey G1
- Blue Team 1
VRSancheti_192 -India G1
- Red Team 1
Tettey09 -Turkey G3
- Blue Team 3
Vamsi M -India G3
- Red Team 3
Syucepur58 -Turkey G5
- Blue Team 5
Rahid Batic -India G5
- Red Team 5
YaลarArslan55 -Turkey G7
- Blue Team 7
Eccentric -India G7
- Red Team 7
42Ebubekir1907 -Turkey G9
- Blue Team 9
Arindam1805 -India G9
- Red Team 9
Leagues must be created on October 16th at the following time:
CEST.When the counter reaches
the league creation schedule has ended. You must start creation, when the counter is 2 hours before reaching0
.PMs must send invitations to all coaches in their leagues in a row and as soon as they create the leagues.
In R3, penalties will be applied to National Teams of PM's if invitations to all league managers are not sent within 15 minutes.
The names of managers in these lists are correct and this is the correct way to write them. The names of the leagues must be exactly like written here and the PM should respect this indications.
We advise PM's to copy the names that are in the list of the respective league, and add these managers to the list of your friends in the game, in order to be easier when sending invitations to the league.
We ask the PM's that, in case they are not available to create their Leagues at the specific time, to contact the WNC staff or your National Coaches, to avoid delays or advances in the creation of Leagues to avoid penalties and delays in starting the Group Stage.
We also ask, as a courtesy, to the PM's to send a message through the game, to the managers of the Leagues they will create, informing them of the approximate time they will create them.
Attention! This action is not mandatory, just a way for everyone to organize themselves, in order to enter their respective Leagues as soon as possible and thus all have equal opportunities.
We advise managers to pay attention when choosing teams to avoid penalties.
Now let's publish a short walkthrough to help PMs create leagues.
Choose a free slot to create the league.
Select the league Friendly Battle with a cost of 200 BC.
Go to the definitions
Change the NAME of the league.
Enter the league and choose your team and then send the invites to the managers.
And you are done!
WNC U21 - R3 - Calendar
๏ธ Between 10/10 at
and 13/10 at23:59
CEST lineup registration for R3๏ธ On 10/10 - R2 game 10 update, with exception of Group F
๏ธ On 11/10 - Game 10 update of Battle between Turkey U21
and U.A.E. U21
๏ธ On 14/10 - Game 10 update of Battle between รndia U21
and Indonesia U21
๏ธ Between 14 and 15/10 list of managers and PM for R3 and league creation schedule and walkthrough published
๏ธ On 16/10 - Start of R3
These dates and times may change due to unexpected events.
You can check the
WNC U21 2022
Regulation here.You can reach us with the official email:
If you have any questions or suggestions, please send PM or email or message in the WhatsApp Nation Cup Representatives channel to the members of the WNC Staff:
Believe in the Future!
WNC Staff -
Yesterday at the scheduled time most of the
Group Stage
R3 leagues were created.We want to thank all the National Coaches and PMs who did everything they could to respect the league creation schedule. A special mention to the National Coach from Portugal @bababufias and the PM @carlosc1998 who, knowing that they had no obligation to create the league and knowing that the PM from Bolivia did not have BC to create the league, assumed this responsibility on behalf of Fair Play.
Unfortunately, there were some cases that ended up conditioning the battles of this round a little.
We have 2 similar situations that were motivated by the lack of Boss Coins by the PMs who should have created the leagues:
involving the National teams of Bosnia and Kazakhstan respectively.We had a 3rd case in which the league was not created, because according to information from the National coach the managers who were registered in the lineup for R3 were not available to play. This case happened in the league:
that would be created by Spain against Iraq and that ended up not being created for this reason.In any of the reported cases, the National Teams of Spain, Ecuador and Uruguay were declared winners of the battles, guaranteeing 3 points and 1500 battle points. As for the National teams that did not participate, they are left with 0 points and at the end of the competition the WNC staff will decide if there will be any sanctions in relation to this situation.
We take the opportunity to clarify that the league creation time has been the same since the beginning of the competition, and that we have only promoted one change that took effect in R2, and which was related to the time countdown that we published on the eve of the creation of the leagues, in which in R1 when this counter reached 0 the PM had 2 hours to create the league, after realizing that there would be no adequate way to control whether the schedule had been respected, we decided to change it soon in R2 and applied it now also in R3 , that the PMs should create the leagues when there were 2 hours left for the counter to reach 0, and when it reached 0 the period of creation of the leagues would have ended.
Let's now see what the status of the leagues that have been created is.
WNC U21 - Group Stage - R3
Group A
Poland U21
Morocco U21
- @Ochroniarz_123 - PM
League created and complete, name of the league ok. Everything ready to start!
You can follow this battle here.Mexico U21
Venezuela U21
- @dialeo93 - PM
League created and complete, name of the league ok. Everything ready to start!
You can follow this battle here.
Group B
Colombia U21
Hungary U21
- @ferchosc - PM
League created and complete, name of the league ok. Everything ready to start!
You can follow this battle here.Egypt U21
Peru U21
- @hussein-ismai1-11 - PM
League created and complete, name of the league ok. Everything ready to start!
You can follow this battle here.
Group C
Spain U21
Iraq U21
- @jfalons - PM
League not created.*
Argentina U21
France U21
- @Nico-Vasche - PM
League created and complete, name of the league ok. Everything ready to start!
You can follow this battle lhere.*The league wasnยดt created because the managers from Iraq werenยดt available to play.
Group D
Bosnia and Herzegovina U21
Ecuador U21
- @NODY1946 - PM
League not created.**
Brazil U21
Italy U21
- @MurฤซloAbreu - PM
League created and complete, name of the league ok. Everything ready to start!
You can follow this battle here.**The league wasnยดt created because the PM hadnยดt BC to create the league.
Group E
Bolivia U21
Portugal U21
- @carlosc1998 - PM
League created and complete, name of the league ok. Everything ready to start!
You can follow this battle here.Kazakhstan U21
Uruguay U21
- @maqsat_77 - PM
League not created.***
***The league wasnยดt created because the PM hadnยดt BC to create the league.
Group F
U.A.E. U21
Indonesia U21
- @c-m-alraeesi - PM
League created* and complete, name of the league ok. Everything ready to start!
You can follow this battle here.*League created out of the schedule.
Turkey U21
India U21
- @brsakyz - PM
League created and complete, name of the league ok. Everything ready to start!
You can follow this battle here.WNC U21 - R3 - Calendar
๏ธ Between 10/10 at
and 13/10 at23:59
CEST lineup registration for R3๏ธ On 10/10 - R2 game 10 update, with exception of Group F
๏ธ On 11/10 - Game 10 update of Battle between Turkey U21
and U.A.E. U21
๏ธ On 14/10 - Game 10 update of Battle between รndia U21
and Indonesia U21
๏ธ Between 14 and 15/10 list of managers and PM for R3 and league creation schedule and walkthrough published
๏ธ On 16/10 - Start of R3
These dates and times may change due to unexpected events.
You can check the
WNC U21 2022
Regulation here.To report a penalty use only the form.
We created a editable table to help the National coaches to keep track of their scores, you can download it here.
You can reach us with the official email:
If you have any questions or suggestions, please send PM or email or message in the WhatsApp Nation Cup Representatives channel to the members of the WNC Staff:
Believe in the Future!
WNC Staff -
Timnas OSM Indonesia U21berhasil lolos ke BABAK 16 BESAR dan akan berjuang dg sistem KNOCK OUT
Next Round, Timnas OSM Indonesia U21akan berhadapan dg timnas U21 MESIR
Lineup :
G1 : Pedjoeang45
G3 : bryan04_04 (C)
G5 : Ahmad Irfan21
G7 : deanyf1
G9 : Bujang Jawa -