Listen to the music
@mr.afroto I like ROZES, Selfie, Don't let me down and Split 8-)
@xMitch1612_NL said in Listen to the music:
How cool is that!
Pretty Cool I'd say Mitch ! Haha.
Somethimes I think... I am born in the wrong year haha! XD
Trust me Mitch, it could be worse mate. I'm afraid I'm gonna leave this God-forsaken place in the wrong year. Haha.
Well! Lets end my story with a nice song for you
I did enjoy the story of your life my friend . Good one! :thumbsup_tone2:
Jazz basic!
Not the No1 music genre on my list but always a pleasure to recieve such a gift. Thank you Mitch .
@SUPERNOVA-8 said in Listen to the music:
@Marinus99 said in Listen to the music:
Song Challenge Day 10: A song that makes you cry
Earth - Year 2017 - Humanity still struggles to survive... War, terrorism, racism, pain, fear, hatred, hunger, suffering, alienation of the people... Why? When will we ever learn to live in perfect harmony united and stop turning the miracle of life from a beautiful dream into a living nightmare ?
I think there is a long way to go.
Not just - like you already said - racism, hate and people fighting each other. Also speciesism and the violence of the humans against animals. :slight_frown: A thing I could cry about
But your "Amen - Song" reminds me of this one, I like:
The love is in the air hahahahahaha
Maybe this song is better?
@Marinus99 Oh my gosh...I just love the Italian language :heart_exclamation: What a wonderful uplifting song !
Thank you so much Marinus ! :hugging: I needed that mate ( cried enough for 2 Saturdays cause of the sad song challenge of yours buddy . L
L No more sad songs for this girl ... for a few days at least .
( plus , just between you and me, I don't enjoy scaring people like our mate Mitch away ...)
Song Challenge Day 11: A song that reminds you of summer
A summer song of an austrian band:
A classic, everybody should know:
While listening to the following one, I always think of a beautiful summer eving ^^
And what would summer be without the Beach Boys
What does this daily challange mean?!
Can I participate also? :S
Ohhh, this is the best day of the challenge, for me! SUMMER
Song Challenge Day 11: A song that reminds you of summer
@xMitch1612_NL said in Listen to the music:
Maybe this song is better?
Emm...:thinking: Let me think now... Well.. ( BINGO !
) Yeah :heart_exclamation: Way better for my liking. :rofl:
@xMitch1612_NL said in Listen to the music:
What does this daily challange mean?!
Can I participate also? :S
Take a look here if you are interested Mitch.
It's a kind of music game that our friend Marinus has brought to us for fun, and of course you can join if you want to. Why not? But you missed 10 days of it. Now it's up to you to decide .
Well, I see now what we need to do! :3 I'm just gonna join
Song Challenge Day 11: A song that reminds you of summer
Summer! I'm missing it. The warm, the birds making sounds in the tree in the morning (I don't hear anything of it when I sleep trough afternoon) and the nice blue sea's with beaches! What do you want more?!
Of course! You want some music!
A summer without music? Thats uhmm. Yeah. Boring?
There we go, I'll do it my way and mix it with some nice old hits and new hits! :3
1. The Jacksons - Blame it on the Boogie:
O My God! The Jackson 5! The people who forget them, need to shame! This song Blame it on the boogie is a swinging song from 1978 and was a hit! Dont blame it on the Sunshine? Dont blame it on the moonlight?
No! Blame it on the Boogie! :3
2. Pitbull - Fireball
This song, I heard for the first time on the radio from my 84 years old grand dad last summer when I played some tabletennis.
I need to think about summer because it was summer time around august! This song from 2014 is in my list of summer songs also! Oh yeah! Shake that booty3. Shawn Mendes & Camila Cabello - I know what you did last summer
Well yeah. What did you do last summer? I was sleeping at my grand dad haha! Well, if you think about someone last summer, you are thinking about summer right?!
This 2 years old hit from Shawn is also in my list. Besides it is a song to remember te summer, it is also a nice song to just chill! :34. Ratatouille: What's Cooking? - Banana Split for My Baby
Well, ohwyeah a jazzy song from???? Whut! Ratatouille?
Yeah! This song from their film is also one of my favorites!
But why summer?! Well. Banana's are growing in the summer haha! And I don't make a banana split in the winter!Sitting on the side of the water with a yummy bananasplit! Awesome!
But who is my baby? :S
5. Omi - Hula Hoop
Well, the german friend got already Chearleader from Omi, I'll go and put Hula Hoop in here!
Which boy( sorry @SUPERNOVA-8 nothing for you
) don't want some girls around him in the nice sun playing with those Hula Hoops!
My dream!
Im living in The Netherlands tho, want a date this summer? ! XD Hahahah! Just joking
Well, this was my Summer fun for this time! Can't wait for this nice sun and jumping in a pool!
@xMitch1612_NL said in Listen to the music:
Which boy( sorry @SUPERNOVA-8 nothing for you ) don't want some girls around him in the nice sun playing with those Hula Hoops! My dream! Supernova Im living in The Netherlands tho, want a date this summer? ! Hahahah! Just joking
Ahahahaha. :rofl: Oh Mitch. No offense taken mate. I'm a huge tease myself.
About your " funny " offer ... Well, sorry to dissappoint you love but your date offer came with a 30 years delay!
And even if I dare to Hula Hoop at the beach with you this summer I'd be the laugh of the century, when people will start to listen to my back bones cracking one by one ! :face_palm_tone1:
Old one, but still good
and some stuff from Confession, Tchami label
@SUPERNOVA-8 Bwhahahahah!
I said it I am born in the wrong year!!! XD Now I see that I born 30 years too late hahahahaha! XD
But yeah, When I writed it I thought about you because i read on your profile that you are a girl
! XD haha! And thanks for moving my youtube link in the post
I hope I did a good job on this day challenge! :3
Let's goooo!
Ooh this is a nice song that remember me to my brother.
I get a guitar when I was 9 years old from my brother, and he tought e those simple accords and then, Mitch can play whole this song together with his brother!Time from 8 years ago. Awesome time!
But I think its still day 10, isn't it?
But yeh! Nice to kick this one off haha!
@Marinus99 said in Listen to the music:
**Song Challenge Day 11: A song that reminds you of summer**
Ok people, oldies and goldies from me . After all many of you already know and love summer hits brought to us after 2000.
- For you guys around the world !- that's for you Marinus !
Care to rock n' roll ? :dancer_tone1: - Soundtrack from the Coctail movie with Tom Cruise - Madonna in her first steps on the music scene. - Just love love love Will Smith and he was super cute in his youth at a tv comedy series, with his role as the Fresh Prince of Bel' Air :heart_exclamation: - A couple of special songs that I cherish for years and smell like summer and love to dance with it summertimes !
- Brilliant summer rock hit :heart_exclamation:
@SUPERNOVA-8 Wowow! That first song, In the summertime, reminds me of an old farm where 4 guys from the 70's are jamming in the sun! XD
So funny haha! I didn't knew this song, but it is actually a funny song with a nice flow in it! :3 LovelyOhyeah! That the Beach Boys!
Well yeah. Being in the summer at the moment and going to the disco in the evening and dance! Yeh, Dance on this song!
People from this time will say whut? Dancing on this song? Yes!!! It can
And no... I'm not dancing as those people in the video HAHAHAHAHA! And no! I won't film my dance skillsHaha
Kokomo! Just going to make a world trip trough Jamaica, Aruba?! Im going into your bagage in the plane! :3
Madonna with Holiday !
I need it to be honest! Those working days makes me so tired
I can use a nice holiday!
You guys makes my mouth slime with this theme today!XD Well okay. Need to wait some 4 months more ! :3
Music will make those 4 months going fasterDJ Jazzy Jeff!
That name is saying a lot of things! But is this jazz?
Well! Now I am listening and hear a mix of Jazz, Rap and some funky Soul! XD
But yeah. As I said. My mouth is sliming more and more hahahah!And than! A hit I know and reconize!
Kids on the street, nice nights (I don't have a night yet with a girl but ok).
I think this song is still on air on radio's?Last but not the worst!
Rock and Roll in 1969! The year that we don't know a lot from that I know!
Uhm... My mother was 1 year old that year? XD Yeah. I dont know what to say hahahahah! XDWell. Nice complication of Summer Hits!