Champions league 16/17
My prediction:
Bayern vs Real Madrid
Atletico Madrid vs Leicester
Juventus vs Barcelona
Dortmund vs Monaco
For me:
Bayern - Real Madrid
Atletico - Leicester
Juventus - Barça
Dortmund - Monaco -
@Dovco_HandF Yes! Leicester go
@Dovco_HandF There is no justice in the futbol, the last order in the English league :thinking: But I want it to be between the last 4 teams/Semi Final. I expect great things from Riyad Mahrez in these 2 games
If you think win Leicester with you? Road to Final
@Dovco_HandF Ahaha, then go Münich
Let's go to Borussia Dortmund
@Levi-Rios @Dovco_HandF Me and you are the people who put Leicester. Anybody more put it! Haha
@King-Noel said in Champions league 16/17:
Arsenal all the way! I would love for us to win our first CL this year but it seems highly unlikely.
Yeah and you were raped
Leicester showed us that with great teamplay, everything is possible, Barca showed us that money can achieve this to
I hope Leicester goes through the quart finals, but I guess that they'll be eliminated. Real - Bayern will be exiting till the end. Guess that Dortmund will score a lot of goals at home. Furthermore, I hope Juventus will make it to the semi-finals as well. -
@Geert-van-h._NL I agree to you. I'm hoping Leicester will go to the semis
As you said, Bayern are doing well, I think they will go to the semis
Ahaha, then go Münich:flag_tr:
Champion Is Real Madrid