OSM WC 2017 Edition
Congratulations boys at all
ROUND 21/22
http://it.onlinesoccermanager.com/League/Standings/29268682I'm very happy to report that in 99,99 percent an Italian manager will be the OSM World Champion 2017!!!
In last round mr oronzocanà will face away RuiSilenoz, a win will give him championship (RuiSilenoz should win with a 9 goal gap to go beyond him), while Silvio Cobra will play home against Arken06, ready to take advantage of every misstep of the opponent,
There is a very slight chance that they will finish with same points, same goal difference and same goals made...in this case Silvio Cobra would win for alphabetical order!!! -
Tonight, last matches will be played and WC will reach the end for this edition... I will close the topic now due to some matches that are under investigation and as soon as possible i have a final stadings and take a decision about those matches, i will post here to let you all know what happen and why we must alter the final stading or why not!
Don't forget that i'm not the Event Manager because i don't have the avatar but i'm the one who is organizing this WC edition and i don't have nothing against an user or i want to give advatange to other one, i only want that all managers make the same that i do when i play OSM, play a sport match, etc... I only want fair play and respect for all others.
Best Regards,
Manuel M. - General Manager & WC 2017 organizer -
Hi all! WC has reach the end of this edition and after all matches have been played, the "provisional standing" is the following one:
Like i said yesterday, some matches were under investigation and, after take a look 2-3 times per day to all matches that have been played during all league (Yes! 6 matches from each week, 132 matches have been analyzed to find if anyone don't follow fair play!) and try to speak and find a solution with Gamebasics and ask those managers that we found that they could try to trick us... We decided to punish the following managers discounting them points, i never want to suspend/lock a manager and i won't suggest it.
Mr oronzocanà -4 points
Silvio cobra -4 points
Bombe1374 -12 points
Brunello Montalcino -12 pointsAfter make it, the official final standing is:
I don't want to make a war here, you can contact with me by PM if you are one of the managers that received a punishment in the league. If the forum become a fight i will close the topic of course, please keep clean the topic and respect all others. I'm not happy to make this kind of things during an official tournament but we can't reward the not fair play in OSM, it's not neccesary to make those things.
Congratulations to @RuiSilenoz to win this WC edition and thanks to all managers that make possible this final league, @mr-oronzocanà @Hestera @German-Chester @Silvio-cobra @хуан-гаридо @Arken06 @FGORDO @richeartselcuk_sen @bombe1374 @DarylDixon31 and @Brunello-Montalcino and fight until the end to reach the best position in this WC!
Special thanks to my mate @Daniele-Benjiamin to update the topic and post how competition was evolved and to all managers that are interested to make this kind of tournaments possible and to make the game a great one! I will post something in 2-3 days about the competition in general and my viewpoint, keep in contact and thanks for your time reading it
Congrats, Rui!
Congratulations @RuiSilenoz !!! Good Game bro !!!
@RuiSilenoz Congrats mate!
You're best!
....................................................................................................................................................@Hestera Come on bro, very nice day!
Congratulations great Rui, I think this was the last trophy missing in your tribune.?
I'm really happy for this conquest and certainly all the community PT/BR.
Not neglecting the other players whose value is unquestionable, this victory is the recognisation for all the dedication, work and entrepreneurship that you provides to this game.
Once again,
Congratulations -
I would like to congratulate all players who have qualified for this competition. you were all wonderful. of course, every honor for the players at the top, you are extraordinary.
WC champion with negative goal difference. You can't see often that someone is winning the league with that.
Congrats Rui. -
Congratlations, Rui!
Congratulations, @RuiSilenoz !!!
Totally deserved! What a great job!
All the PT/BR community is proud of you, Rui! :clap_tone2:
:flag_pt: :flag_pt: :flag_pt:
Congratulations @RuiSilenoz
Congratulations @Hestera -
Congrats Rui!
Another year and another circus (scandal) on the OSM WC.
I think you should leave this tournament and organize something for crews.
Noone on earth can prove someone cheated. This ''analysis'' are a joke and pure improvisation. What is the evidence? Players from same crew? Maybe the all know the same tactics coz they know each other and they tried something new but it sucks. In the court your ''case'' would fail very easy....But you know, this is OSM
I won't say it didn't happened in this case. Just facts.
Rui your win is totally deserved! You played a great tournament!
Enjoy your title!
Congrats Rui. well done mate
@menagerbl totally agree!!
Congratulation rui