League Recruits
Leauge : Portugal
4 days later game starts
Empty team 10 -
Leauge: Poland
1 day later leauge start
Free team 15 -
League: Turkey
6 teams free
League starts in 3 day -
Name: World Domination
Country: Netherlands
Server: Cesc
Day: 1st Preparation Day
13/18 Teams Available!Join and give your best to stop the amazing Ajax kids!
League name : It's on Roachclip 2019
Season: 61
Country: Japan
Server: Clarence
League no: 1136775
Link to competition: https://www.onlinesoccermanager.nl/League/Standings/1136775 -
@roachclip_nl Hello and welcome here.
I need to inform you that the World' version's users are not able to join the Dutch version and its leagues. Therefore, make sure you publish your post on the Dutch forum as well .
Best of luck and good games ! -
@supernova-8 Thanks for the heads up!
League Malaysia
three days to start
seven Teams Available
League name:Ausztria
Moderator: osm
league start for: 2d 2m
no of teams available: 7/12
League- Honduras
4prep days, created last night.
6 teams left out of 10, everyone welcome -
Hi everybody:
League- Albânia
Name- Sluggish19 League
Moderator- @Sluggish19
Cup- Yes
Free Teams - 02/ 10
Round - 01/ 22
Main SlotCome on!!
@karaoglusamed league name please
@rubenmota7 said in League Recruits:
@karaoglusamed league name please
Are you sure you want to join this league? It was advertised 30 days ago or more. Maybe there are no free clubs anymore or it's too late for you to join it.
Welcome to Ukrainian 1st league!
League - Ukraine 2nd division
Name - Ukrainian first league
Moderator - Аllenatore
Cup - Yes
Free Teams - 13/14
League start for 3d 02h
Main Slot -
Any league with experienced managers ? interested in teams with low objectives
@valdrinmiftari Welcome to us.
League - Ukraine 2nd division
Name - Ukrainian first league
Moderator - Аllenatore
Cup - Yes
Free Teams - 3/14 (objectives 7, 10,12 are free)
League start tommorow
Main Slotp.s. sorry for re-advertising of my league