Comedy Club
Don't try to be alike...
Just be U... Unique and wonderful !
EdgarEAM Spanish Usersreplied to SUPERNOVA 8 on 25 May 2019, 00:12 last edited by EdgarEAM 25 May 2019, 00:13
True story
911 what's your emergency ?
I hear shots !
What kind of shots ?
Imagine if that happened to you
@ianthebean-byrne You've got a weird sense of humor.
Someone is under attack and ends up in his own blood.Please keep this topic fun with good humor instead with that kind of harsh video's.
SUPERNOVA 8replied to ianthebean byrne on 19 Jun 2019, 19:13 last edited by SUPERNOVA 8 19 Jun 2019, 19:14
@ianthebean-byrne I was never a fan of GoT but I gotta admit that Jack Black looks pretty cool to me! Hahaha...
@supernova-8 I grew up watching Jack... he is one of my all time fav actors
such a great talent so he is haha
@ianthebean-byrne Ahahahaha!!!
Brilliant video Ian ! Somehow it reminded me of the comedy movie :Look who's talking !
glad you like it! gotta say its a very good voice over
I haven't actually seen that movie, might check it out
@ianthebean-byrne Hihihi... Here's a little taste for ya...
@supernova-8 hahahaha
@ianthebean-byrne Wanna try some more?
There you go !
I love GAGS. Who else more? or Im the only crazy one? lol