Football Master Series (FMS)
Congratulations DIDA666. DIDA666 is one of my favorite Galician friends.
I am very happy for my friend and for the RED SKULLS, who as always are at the top.
Also congratulate @Kimireijonen and the semifinalists: @Nelsonm91 / @Boskovice
They have all been great rivals with whom I have competed very happily.
Regarding the tournament, I think it was well organized and I congratulate @ markez17 for his great work. Certainly he has tools that greatly facilitate organization. I am envious and I would like to have them too. In any case, he has managed it seeking organizational excellence and for this I congratulate him.
Very interesting, too, the winner betting system. And thanks for the COINS that have corresponded to me.
Sportingly, the long league came out much better as always. Better than KO tournaments. But hey, everything has to be played.
Grateful to THE BULLS for letting me represent them in the first edition of the FMS.
Congratulations, @dida666 . Hope you will get a lot of tournaments
Well done @kimireijonen! You make us proud. You are an example for all of us. Congratulations from Zeitgeist.
@Markez17 Are you going to create a global crew classification for the 4 rounds, in order to have a final winner?
And also, thank you for your hard work.Regards.
@Lafuens hello!
I already have the sheet "Historical" where I save all achievements for each crew in FMS editions.
At the moment, I'm trying to define how to set the 2nd Round in order to give some extra points to the historical or just use it to define which crew is above other one with same 1st Round points.As soon as I decide it (I accept suggestions), I will show it for you all
Thanks for your words and interest!
Congratutions @mihau1878 for this tournament. He is very young and nice guy and of course my right hand in the Polish Team from a few years
All prizes have been given!
Enjoy it and congratulations again to you all
@Mihau1878 - @ReaperBR - @Carlosastiz - @Vlad-I - @BÉCIBÁ - @Canadelo - @Messi-Chaweni - @Dragoslucky - @Dida666 - @Kimireijonen - @Nelsonm91 - @Boskovice - @MMBatista - @King_Jamiu_10 - @chypy20
It's time to focus on 2nd edition with the following schedule:
From 06/04 to 12/04 - Sign up.
From 13/04 to 15/04 - Prepare leagues and contact managers.
16/04 - 1st round starts.
15/05 - 2nd round starts. (Maybe we need to change it to Monday 18/05)It means that tomorrow, Monday 6th April, you can sign up your crew in this topic after read rules and format.
Here is a summary:
1 - Requirements to join
- Free for all, your crew just need to have at least 2 years or more before day FMS edition starts.
- Only moderator or submoderator can sign up a crew + member.
- A manager can't play more than once edition in the same year, doesn't matter if he/she goes to another crew.
Complete the following template to sign up: (If you don't follow the template, your sign up won't be valid)
Crew name:
Creation date: DD/MM/YYYY (If you played last edition, don't need to complete again the date)
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition:
Could be your manager league moderator? YES / NOI accept rules and we promise to follow it 100% both as a group and our manager who will participate in our name.
2 - Event rules
- All OSM Rules must be followed.
- Managers who have been punished in game between 01/2019 and day that FMS edition begins can't take part!
- Break rules can be punished with lost of league points, be disqualified from competition or be suspended/locked, depends on the seriousness of the matter.
- After you sign up your crew and manager, you only can change once your manager if you need it but your crew will receive -10 league points. Make a 2nd change in a same edition is reason to disqualify your crew.
- Set a player in a different position gives you a -3 points per player the 1st time. Next time, punishment will be major.
3 - Event format
- 1st round: X leagues of 12 managers each one. (Min. 36 crews - Max. 72)
- 2nd round: Champions league where 32 managers with more league points compete for be the FMS Winner.
Leagues chosen for 1st round will be one didn't played before in FMS and recently updated if posible. (No BCs compensation neither Cup. Remaining features like friendlies, STs and TCs are up to each manager to decide how many use)
For 2nd round, teams will be assigned to managers based in order to "More league points = Better Champions team value". (No BCs compensation, TCs neither STs. Remaining features like friendlies are up to each manager to decide how many they do per round)
More information
This is just a summary, read the complete infoabout this event in the following post.
@language-AR @language-DE @language-EN @language-ES @language-FR @language-HU @language-ID @language-IT @language-PL @language-PT @language-RO @language-RU @language-TR
Crew name: Zeitgeist
Creation date: 03/12/2011
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition: @jason_brody
Could be your manager league moderator? YESI accept rules and we promise to follow it 100% both as a group and our manager who will participate in our name.
Crew name: Dracula RO Land
Creation date: 21/10/2010
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition: @camilwolf
Could be your manager league moderator? NOI accept rules and we promise to follow it 100% both as a group and our manager who will participate in our name.
Crew name: Titans
Creation date: 01/08/2010
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition: @costyy_1
Could be your manager league moderator > NOI accept the rules and we promise to follow them 100% both as a team and as our Manager who will participate on our behalf.
Crew name: A good looking imperium
Creation date: 2017
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition: Silvester J
Could be your manager league moderator? NO -
As we all can see, some crews already made their sign up for the 2nd edition and... YES, you all can do it too
I know during 1st edition some managers were waiting my message and here is this time! -
Crew name: KOKA Crew Romania
Creation date: 09.09.2009
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition: @TorresM9
Could be your manager league moderator? > NO -
Crew name: Polish Legends
Creation date: 03.06.2013
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition: @pb1984
Could be your manager league moderator? > NO -
Crew name: "THE 1ST"
Creation date: 08.05.2014
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition: @laudrup1111
Could be your manager league moderator? YESI accept rules and we promise to follow it 100% both as a group and our manager who will participate in our name.
Crew name: Idios Assassins
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition: @jeffro-davies
Could be your manager league moderator? YESI accept rules and we promise to follow it 100% both as a group and our manager who will participate in our name.
Crew name: Sballomix KRotone
Creation date: 12/26/2017
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition: @MarioDG10
Could be your manager league moderator? NoI accept rules and we promise to follow it 100% both as a crew and our manager who will participate in our name.