Personally, if this is a way of saying sorry for the legends weekend event, this is not enough, and once again, this doesn't really help people with low amounts of BC that don't want to create a league. I think these last two events are just for people that want to create a league or want to buy legends, and if they were trying to make up for this event, they should have had an extreme training progression or golden oldies event, training is something that is an everyday function for people in OSM and that practically everyone has to use in OSM. Even a transfer frenzy would be nice, even though it has to involve BC, many people love it. Plus, creating a league is something that people will probably only use once or at most twice in one day, so it isn't that useful in my opinion. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and I know others will disagree with me, but this is just what I think. At least this a good job by OSM for thinking of some sort of event to apologize for the legends event, even though I don't think it is that effective and there were other events that could have happened to apologize for the weekend event (if it is supposed to be an apology, I can't read Gambasics mind). I guess at least it is something, but something that a decent amount of people won't think is very useful
OSM is evil and they think that kicking people out such as iloveguppys is funny
What is this weekend event ?
@mazlumaltuntas Just wait bro, we're not even on Thursday afternoon yet
@DMFArranhado98 I was curious because it was announced every Wednesday. Ddd
Unless you're far East on the map, Wednesday isn't finished yet, so...
I have posted some time ago and also send an e-mail to the league manager (blob59) a few months ago but I never received a reply on my question about new leagues. Can anyone adress this?
Is it possible to rebuild the league of Ghana in OSM? This league was previously available on OSM and there is player information on (the most important source for OSM) now. There are also some other countries on which are not included in OSM yet: Andorra, Fiji, Gibraltar, Kosovo, Myanmar and Philippines. Would be wonderful if you can add these leagues to OSM. Canada is also available, but might be difficult to rebuild (league with 7 teams).
Wrong thread, fam.
Post this here. I'm still unsure this is the right place to suggest new championships though, but it'd be definitely better to post there instead of here on the Promotions/Campaigns thread- -
where is event?
what is the event of this weekend,please tell us
Guys, I have a feeling that since the last 2 out of 3 events were bad, they might just have another
bad one so the might not even give it at all -
Training event is so good
@AlyssaGB What is weekly event for this week?
@AlyssaGB is the price still 100 boss coins per player for these?