@AlyssaGB Can you explain how this event works? I have higher chance to sell, e.g. Ronaldo at full price?
@AlyssaGB Best event. We need it more often! Let's GO!!
Can you also add players faster to the transfer list, please. Thanks. -
@Suvven said in Promotions/Campaigns:
Can you also add players faster to the transfer list, please. Thanks.Yah... That Will be great
Hello there. This event is very popular I see, but it definitely makes a big chaos. That’s right. We have a whatsapp group with 18 people and we are in the league with 18 teams all together. We all know each others. One of our friends who is the most expensive team who is about 100M more valuable from the closest opponent just sold 4 players at the same time with 157M value!! When you examine the list, players, transfer list/value rate or transfer list - value amount, he is doing nothing different than all others. This same friend of ours sells so much every league for some reason, do you have any explanation why this might be? ANOTHER very strange thing is we are on 22nd week in the league and he says and proves with pics that the game has offered him “Special Transfer Deal” 3 times. The game offered 0 transfer deals for other “17” teams.
We really love this game and play in quarantine days and always. We don’t want to loose it, but it seems like it is ready to loose us. Is your IT department so naive to not determine those kind of simple math mistakes, do they not know that it is nonsense when a team sells 4 players at once, and others, lets say 10 teams, sell 0 players when they have even cheaper players in the list? Or it is all about making non-purchasing players get more successful while others will already make more purchases to catch them up? Because I know that this guy made only 4 liras(about 0,5€) purchase in this league. Can you please answer is simulation really treats to the teams equally?
@Striker__1 At least your getting transfers done, Not many have sold in my league still lol
I have 1 slot with a tonne of players selling in this event, the other is just dead
@Striker__1 From what I can see plenty of you in the league are using decent amount of coins anyway and all have good teams. So hr wont get some unreasonable advantage.
@AlyssaGB said in Promotions/Campaigns:
Temporary event: Transfer Deadline Day!
Starts: April 29, 10 AM CEST | Ends: May 1, 8 AM CESTThat means a faster Scout & higher selling chance!
Good morning the next time you hold this type of event, make sure that the game server has support to support the event.
If you do not have, better or perform, if it is for the game to stop the simulations of sales and matches.
@AlyssaGB Can we have the event extended by 1 day due to the postponement of the previous matchday
@Suleman____f I agree with you
Daniele Benjiamin Community Managerreplied to Би Кевин Кристиан on 30 Apr 2020, 12:31 last edited by
@Би-Кевин-Кристиан said in Promotions/Campaigns:
Good morning the next time you hold this type of event, make sure that the game server has support to support the event.
If you do not have, better or perform, if it is for the game to stop the simulations of sales and would you prefer if there won't be any promo because of a possible server issue? I wouldn't
@Daniele-Benjiamin said in Promotions/Campaigns:
@Би-Кевин-Кристиан said in Promotions/Campaigns:
Good morning the next time you hold this type of event, make sure that the game server has support to support the event.
If you do not have, better or perform, if it is for the game to stop the simulations of sales and would you prefer if there won't be any promo because of a possible server issue? I wouldn't
Just to test your server to see if they support it.
Because in 2 competitions that I am, I sold 4 simulations, and it's been over 24 hours since nothing was sold, we lost more than 8 simulations.
Just now, the sales returned, hallelujah.
Are you going to prolong the event one more day because of the problems you caused or will it end tomorrow?
Hi. There were leagues in which the sales passes started very late, a lot of ground has been lost in that regard. Can you extend the event a few more days?
@Daniele-Benjiamin I don't think you understood. We're talking about the "Higher Selling Chance" event
I've been stressing for some time that GB is inefficient -
@Striker__1 It's true! Let's stop playing
There will be weekend's event?