Community Survey
Dear managers, as you know your opinion is very important to us.
Because we need it to keep improving, we ask you to fill in this survey. It will take about 5 minutes of your time. The survey is available from June 16 to June 21.
Thanks in advance!For English speaking managers:
For Turkish speaking managers:
For Arabic speaking managers:
For Italian speaking managers:
For Dutch speaking managers:
For Persian speaking managers:
For Spanish speaking managers:
For Portuguese speaking managers:
For French speaking managers:
For German speaking managers:
NOTE: We're sorry, but unfortunately we can't provide it on ALL available languages, so we picked the ones that cover the big majority of OSM users. If your language is not present, please feel free to pick the one in which you're the most comfortable with.
If you have any questions, please ask.
Vincent Ado Kompanyreplied to SpecialOne on 16 Jun 2020, 12:34 last edited by Vincent Ado Kompany 16 Jun 2020, 12:38
@SpecialOne For Serbian, Bosnian, Croatian, Greek .. Managers nothing ??
For the Portuguese language (Brazilians and Portuguese), nothing?
Ah, I remembered, we are insignificant to you.
I think you can select the English version. I'm Romanian so that's what I did.
If your language is not present, just pick the one you feel more comfortable.
@Би-Кевин-Кристиан said in Community Survey:
For the Portuguese language (Brazilians and Portuguese), nothing?
Ah, I remembered, we are insignificant to you.
Don't get your point here.... Don't you understand Portuguese? Last time I check the language spoken in Brazil is the Portuguese
Maybe we should have added something in more detail on the post... I'll edit it to make it more understandable to all
@SpecialOne said in Community Survey:
If your language is not present, just pick the one you feel more comfortable.
@Би-Кевин-Кристиан said in Community Survey:
For the Portuguese language (Brazilians and Portuguese), nothing?
Ah, I remembered, we are insignificant to you.
Don't get your point here.... Don't you understand Portuguese? Last time I check the language spoken in Brazil is the Portuguese
Maybe we should have added something in more detail on the post... I'll edit it to make it more understandable to all
Correct, that's right, but at the time I wrote the post, it wasn't in the Portuguese language. But anyway, let's go to research.
@raul_alessio I used the German version because i speak better german than english. I asked the question because it is written for English MANAGERS, German, Spanish etc.
@Би-Кевин-Кристиан It's there from the start
You got distracted and went to fast complaining without taking a second look
@Би-Кевин-Кристиан There was in fact Portuguese, perhaps you didn't read correctly
@Ado-Hackovic You're right. Corrected it to make it easier to understand
@SpecialOne said in Community Survey:
@Би-Кевин-Кристиан It's there from the start
You got distracted and went to fast complaining without taking a second look
Okay, as I said, it could have been a distraction. So come on, answer the surveys, and hope you really read it.
@Би-Кевин-Кристиан said in Community Survey:
... and hope you really read it.
@Би-Кевин-Кристиан said in Community Survey:
Okay, as I said, it could have been a distraction. ..... -
I have to praise @SpecialOne. After all the criticism that was directed after the "famous" poll on the crew battle, where most managers did not receive notification about it, he posted this poll publicly on the forum and on social networks.
Well done
@Ado-Hackovic said in Community Survey:
I have to praise @SpecialOne. After all the criticism that was directed after the "famous" poll on the crew battle, where most managers did not receive notification about it, he posted this poll publicly on the forum and on social networks.
Well done
This is really great. They showed that their users 'comments are important to them. I hope they still respect their users' comments.
This is a great success in the hope of achieving it#Democracy
@SpecialOne Nice to see that our requests got appreciated, big up for this, Albino!
Yes, I have to say as well. IT is nice to see that forum users opinion matters too. Its nice that we have a way to express our views oficially in a survey as well
Thanks @SpecialOne
I think this survey is the best way to get an opinion from the community. Thanks a lot
-Community Survey | Status update
Thanks again everyone for filling in the Community Survey. We wanted to give you all a status update since we are working on this.
As promised, 5 managers are randomly selected for the Boss Coin prize (500 Boss Coins). The lucky managers are:
- German Chester
- Nandão13
- JAzevedo
- TimoBauer
- Chucky111 (Netherlands region)
About the survey itself: we're analysing all the data. It's a lot since so many of you helped us out by filling it in. We will let you know when we have the results.
Thanks again!
Majstor Mattreplied to SpecialOne on 2 Jul 2020, 12:56 last edited by Majstor Matt 2 Jul 2020, 12:56
@SpecialOne Great. Thank you for the feedback and status report.
-Community Survey | Results/Actions
Wow, thanks again for the massive feedback from the community, more than 1300 reactions!
Since our last update - we told you we were still reading and analyzing all reactions - we've been doing even more reading and analyzing.
Now, we wanted to share the results and of course the things we are going to do with the results.
Analyzing all those reactions, answering the question What would you improve about OSM?, this was the top 3:
- Change something about the current advanced tools in Battles (25%)
- Return of Classic Battles (6%)
- Possibility to choose an opponent for a Friendly Battle (5%)
What are we going to do about this?
- We will turn off the advanced tool for Instantly finishing timers in the upcoming Battle update. We will keep rotating the different tools in the future, based on feedback and data. You can expect this change within a month.
- We're working on a concept for a league where Battle rules are allowed. We're not certain about anything but we will update you all when we know more.
- We already got this suggestion from earlier feedback in a Battle survey. The solution is so time consuming and complex to create that this isn't an option for now.
Thanks again everyone for participating and making OSM better!