The Eagles Cup
Congratulations to the Pejabat Teras! Great Crew.
See you next time! -
@giouzzz said in The Eagles Cup 2016:
Thank you guyz for you wishes and following us here. Thank to Dovco for this interesting Event!
Some time ago i thought that it will be not interesting to play battles without TC's, but during this Event, battle after battle, i loved this kind of battles! Yes, it's a something other than our classical battles with TC's, but here we have more unexpected results than before and it's interesting too! So, i hope it will be a good tradition to have similar kind of Crew Events, not only to save coins, but for other kind of battle interest
About the Final. Both crews have come a long way to the present side. I think nobody's here didn't think that the finalists will be Pejabat Teras and The Alliance Who they were? But now all know who they are ... Sometimes with mistakes, sometimes with just luck, but i hope it was deserved at all!
I want to pay homage to all crews, that were played against us during this Event, Thank you guyz for your game, you all played with honour and fair play and fight until the end no matter of the result! Me and my team respect you all! All Star Crew, Polish Legends, Master Coach, Argentinos al mango and of course Tugas - my applause to you for the great battles!
I want to thank to my unchangeable team! To tell the truth i joined this Event just to learn some crew newbies, we haven't even thought to pass so far... No one leave us from our team of 1st battle. The same five from the beginning till the end! We are like D'Artagnan and four musketeers: One for all and all for one!I will continue my speech which was made month ago before Final
First of all, i want to bring Sincere Greetings to Pejabat Teras for Winning in this excellent Tournament! The Final Battle was very hard and we were waited for it. Our crew did not know defeats for almost year before this moment, and i'm not sorry that it happened right now and from Pejabat Teras in the Final! They are deserved it in all aspects of the crew battles. They are very organized, prohibitively active, tactically equipped! Every member in their team is the strongest manager, nobody falls behind. That's why i compared them with robots during the battle
To be honesty, it was very difficult team i ever seen before! The only way to beat them is to have excellent tactics or to be a "robots" too
Now i understand on practice how PE were beaten by them
Thank you Pejabat Teras for this Great Final and Glory Glory Glory PT!!!
Big Thanks to organizers for such interesting Tournament and we'll wait for next edition impatiently!
@Aldy-Brahmantyo My sincere congrats to Pejabat Teras not only for being victorious and winning the tournament, but also for all the humility they show; it's so rare and incredible !
The new indonesian generation is very strong and has still a lot to show !!!
Congrats again and success in the future my friends !@Dovco_HandF Thanks to Polish Eagles for the nice and proper organization of the tournament: a second edition next year ?
@giouzzz Thank you to all of you. like a dream win against the crew of my favorites that alliance, I've said to a friend, before this tournament started I liked the alliance because the first crew of my old ever in defeat alliance, namely the exodus of the eagle that at that time I did not join combat opponents alliance but in the crew PT finally I get to meet my idol alliance crew
Congratulations to the winners hope to participate in a tournament like these greetings
Congratulations to the winners
Fantastic Pejabat Teras!!!
Congrulations Pejabat
And and and @Dovco_HandF really great and big tournament, good work dearrr Dovco! -
Thank you all of you for your kind words. We are just rival inside the battlefield but on the outside, we can keep a good friendship and keep the respect each others. The other competitions are still running, let's fight with our best and reach the glory. Good luck, all.
@Dovco_HandF I hope the next edition of The Eagle Cup will be more successful than before.
@Restimat The Eagles Cup 2017 will be in this year, buddy
@Dovco_HandF Thanks for the good news Dovco!!!
We will be waiting for it!!!
@Batyr-Myadysoyunov For me it is a pleasure, buddy
@Dovco_HandF very good tournament Dovco, we will waiting for the next edition
and This is the one and Only @Aldy-Brahmantyo, congratulation for your crew
@Aldy-Brahmantyo Congratulations PeTe
Good start for Indonesian Manager :thumbsup_tone2:
Thank you all for this tournament and congratulations to Pejabat!
@Dovco_HandF you did a great job!!! :slight_smile:
The Eagles Cup 3.0 2016 Round 1
Countr of Leaque: Austria 2nd Division
End Date: 13/07/2016-08/08/2016Tugas 1000:0 TURAN ORDUSU
Spartacus Legends 420:1710 BROKER INOSMIA
MerahPutih 1000:0 Gilani Fighters (DSQ)
The Best of Turkey 1791:551 Vingadores Brasil Crew
Pichichis de Leyenda 1969:480 Ganbatte Kudasai
Master Coach 1918:297 CONTUGAL
ŁǾЯЊ (DSQ) 0:1000 Exodus Of The Eagle
Polish Legends 1277:1168 Dynamis
Husarya_PL 1463:950 Men Of Honour
All Star Crew 967:1385 The Alliance
The Special Forces 982:1271 Born in the USSR
Argentinos al mango 1140:1200 Karadeniz İmparatorluğu
Polish Eagles 1805:615 Managers Academy Group
IDIOS ASSASSINS (Team "A") 2008:425 Arab Crew
IDIOS ASSASSINS (Team "B") 679:1553 OSM Striker Ultras
REVENGE 1654:877 Fats Lords
The Dillon Panthers 1276:728 Indonesia Glory
Domination 1699:722 Master Coach Junior
PEJABAT TERAS 1177:1290 Le Crabe Crewstillant
TRABZONSPOR 1461 1357:735 Polish Slavic Group
RED SKULLS 1110:1268 Força GaláticaThe Eagles Cup 2016 3.0 Round 2
Country of Leaque: Paraguay
End Date: 13/08/2016-08/09/2016Tugas 1350 - 972 BROKER INOSMIA
MerahPutih 989:1403 SEVDAMIZ FUTBOL
The Best of Turkey 1884:573 Exodus Of The Eagle
Pichichis de Leyenda 872:1557 Dynamis
Master Coach 1290:1155 Men Of Honour
Polish Legends 522:1882 The Alliance
Husarya_PL 569:1793 Born in the USSR
All Star Crew 1210:1194 Karadeniz İmparatorluğu
The Special Forces 1431:1018 vs OSM Striker Ultras
Argentinos al mango 1984:440 Fat Lords (previously:Big Boy Team)
Polish Eagles 1755:700 Indonesia Glory
IDIOS ASSASSINS 1064:857 Le Crabe Crewstillant
REVENGE 2010:394 Polish Slavic Group
The Dillon Panthers 632:1776 Força Galática
Domination 777:1673 RED SKULLS
PEJABAT TERAS 1861:576 TRABZONSPOR 1461The Eagles Cup 3.0 2016 Round 3
Country of League: Singapore
Date: 13.09.2016 - 08.10.2016Tugas 1840:557 SEVDAMIZ FUTBOL
The Best of Turkey 1020: 1415 Dy
Master Coach 752: 1636 The Alliance
All Star Crew 712 :1708 Born in the USSR
The Special Forces 830:1570 Força Galática
Argentinos al mango 1509:928 RED SKULLS
Polish Eagles 535:1946 PEJABAT TERAS
IDIOS ASSASSINS 1086:1296 REVENGEThe Eagles Cup 3.0 2016 Round 4 (quarterfinal)
Country of League: Faroe Islands
Date: 13.10.2016 - 08.11.2016Tugas 1499:821 Dynamis
Argentinos al mango 879:1542 The Alliance
PEJABAT TERAS 1557:742 Força Galática
REVENGE 1311:1135 Born in the USSRThe Eagles Cup 3.0 Round 5 (semifinal)
Country of League: Albania
Date: 13.11.2016 - 08.12.2016Tugas: 1074:1223 The Alliance
REVENGE 792:1662 Pejabat TerasThe Eagles Cup 3.0 Round 6 (Grand final)
Country of League: Honduras
Date: 13.12.2016 - 07.01.2017Pejabat Teras 1482:930 The Alliance
Place/Crew name/Points of GC
1.Pejabat Teras-10
2.The Alliance-83.REVENGE-6
3.Tugas-65.Born in the USSR-5
7.Argentinos al mango-5
8.Força Galática-59.IDIOS ASSASSINS-4
10.The Best of Turkey-4
12.The Special Forces-4
13.Master Coach-4
14.All Star Crew-4
16.Polish Eagles-417.Karadeniz İmparatorluğu-3
18.Men Of Honour-3
19.Le Crabe Crewstillant-3
21.OSM Striker Ultras-3
23.Pichichis de Leyenda-3
25.Indonesia Glory-3
26.The Dillon Panthers-3
29.Exodus Of The Eagle-3
30.Polish Legends-3
31.Fat Lords (previously:Big Boy Team) -3
32.Polish Wariors (previously:Polish Slavic Group)-333.Master Coach Junior -1
34.Managers Academy Group-1
35.Vingadores Brasil Crew-1
36.Spartacus Legends-1
37.Ganbatte Kudasai-1
38.Arab Crew-1
40-43.ARAB EAGLES -0
40-43.Gilani Fighters -0
40-43.ŁǾЯЊ -0General classification (GC) after 1 edition:
Disqualification / walkover at any time=0 points
Participant of round 1- place 33-39=1 point
Participant of round 2 - place 17-32=3 points
Participant of round 3 - place 9-16=4 points
Participant of round 4(quarterfinal)- place 5-8=5 points
Participant of round 5(semifinal) - place 3-4=6 poitns
Participant of round 6 (grand final)- place 2=8 points
Participant of round 6 (grand final) - place 1=10 pointsSoon will be the table with these results :thumbsup_tone1: