Comedy Club
@ianthebean-byrne Wait a minute !! Where... Wt ...? How on earth did you get this one Ian ? That's a personal dance video of mine there !!!
Maybe it's time to introduce myself properly ? Meet Super Granny !!
@supernova-8 hihihi Sophie please give me dancing lessons
@ianthebean-byrne Sure thing Ian ! Jump in my classroom ! Bring your brand new dancing shoes too !
@supernova-8 Supergranny
Say whaaaaaat ??? Yikes !!!
Aliens - They live among us !!!
@ianthebean-byrne said in Comedy Club:
@supernova-8 Supergranny
Aye ! That's me ... An that's ma story mate ...
[link text](link
url )hahaha -
@supernova-8 what this
Strange reaction to famous salt bae Nusret's video
Warning!!! Vegans and vegetarians strongly recommended not to watch it
@sabit-mamedov Damn !!! I am drooling here!! Ahahahahaha!! Awesome video Saby ! Super cute Coco & crazy skilled butcher !
Say whaaaaaat ???
and that's how you end up 47 and single !
Serves my luck.... Arghhhh.. -
@supernova-8 Haha this is extremely funny!