Under-21 EURO
England:flag_gb: is definitely the best in the Polish group. It is a pity that we did not manage to leave the Poles, but with such a game there is nothing to be surprised.
Lobotka is very similar to Verrati, something I feel that after these championships can change the club very quickly. -
Poland played very bad, but it's sure they would play much much better with Milik and Zielinski.
It's really stupid that Napoli didn't allowed them to play. Lazio too didn't allowed S. Milinkovic-Savic to play for Serbia. But on the other side, for Italy are playing all the best players from top clubs who played almost every game in the season...WTF
Really stupid... -
You are right, they did not let go, but we also have to put ourselves in their position because they see how important the players are in their club teams. At least they will rest and they will be able to prepare themselves for the new season, especially that some players will not have one year for these holidays, because there will be World Championships in Russia :flag_ru:.
Serbia 0-1 Spain :muscle_tone2:
Sorry for Portugal, the next championship will be!!
@alvarorr_98 Who next
It is very interesting to look at the fight for promotion in the last of the groups, where on the line before the end of promotion there are as many as
teams. They are Germany:flag_de:, Italy:flag_it: and the Czech Republic:flag_cz:.
@mihau1878 Italy vs Germany is a great games of future legends!!
We must win with 3 goals. Go Czech Republic!
Come on :flag_it:
First half has been well played
Let's hope for second half too -
However, the Italian :flag_it: team advanced to the semi-finals by winning the group, and the Germans :flag_de: went to the round-robin as the best team from the second place. It is a pity that the Czech Republic :flag_cz: did not win their match, it could have been interesting.
Spain :flag_es:
:flag_it: Italy
Germany :flag_de:
:flag_gb: England
Spain will win this Euro. That's my prediction!
Good luck to all the teams!