@Majstor-Matt said in Promotions/Campaigns:
declaring this event "worst ever".
no event is worst ever, some of them just need to be improved, but again there will be managers who will declare about events with the words "worst ever".
My opinion this event is the worst, no others (even Legends) promotion can ruin a competitive league where all managers are around or trying to be every transfer sim. 2 things that I think would be easy to do would make this promotion one of the best if not the best. Making GB more Boss Coin spend in the process.
@jeffro-davies On that I agree, speedy scout would surelly be great combo with this.
@jeffro-davies said in Promotions/Campaigns:
My opinion this event is the worst, no others (even Legends) promotion can ruin a competitive league where all managers are around or trying to be every transfer sim. 2 things that I think would be easy to do would make this promotion one of the best if not the best. Making GB more Boss Coin spend in the process.
Legends is the worst promotion in my opinion. Beginners buy those legends with their free BC and your league is screwed for the rest of the season.
With the current transfer promotion at least everyone has the same chance. But you have to be online more often to compete and that's exactly the idea of a promotion --> encourage activity on OSM.
This event is better then the earlier transfer events. Now every manager dont sell 6 players every transfer window. I even had 0 sell one time so probs for gb to make this transfer event better. Oh and the tl isn't empty now also a good thing
@Master-Guido_NL I agree after playing it all weekend. Definitely improved from last time. Well done GB
Oh man, so hard to get use to normal rate of transfers after this event
Havent sell almost anyone since it ended... only these low rated players up to 10M max.. Oh well, gotta get use to be broke again
what is the difference in values with and without an event?
@xXSpeedKill I think it's just a lower price for the player (money), not less boss coins for a scouted player.
@KoningCo said in Promotions/Campaigns:
I think it's just a lower price for the player (money), not less boss coins for a scouted player.
I bought Donnarumma before the event for 7 million for one league and now in another league with the active event the same Donnarumma cost 7 million equal ... basically the difference in the event is time? What a weak event
@xXSpeedKill said in Promotions/Campaigns:
I bought Donnarumma before the event for 7 million for one league and now in another league with the active event the same Donnarumma cost 7 million equal ... basically the difference in the event is time? What a weak event
i see that you bought Donnarumma 3 times last days:
- with Isloch Minsk Raion you bought at 145% by scout on 17/08
- with Ararat-Armenia you bought at 125% today
- with Nice you bought him at 125% on 18/08
i think it's strange the third one, maybe there was some kind of promo on 18/08 (or maybe you have been rewarded as fidelity customer by Raiola)
@xXSpeedKill said in Promotions/Campaigns:
I bought Donnarumma before the event for 7 million for one league and now in another league with the active event the same Donnarumma cost 7 million equal ... basically the difference in the event is time? What a weak event
i was jokink of course.
The reality is that "normal" scout doesn't bring players always at same percentage of value, it is less than 150% for sure but not a fixed percentage. in your exemples normal scout was 145% but 125% too.
During the event the percentage is lower then average percentage but it doesn't mean that it coudn't be the same of normal days (125% in your case) -
@Majstor-Matt said in Promotions/Campaigns:
@jeffro-davies I am playing in crew cup and its fine. All you need to do is have mobile app that sends you info when there are transfers. Even though you already know it after first window. If you cant be active at least around three transfer windows during the day, well tough luck then, then you might have problems. Just as I can have when I run into guys that are able to spend 50 coins every day to buy all players from their scout as well.
Anyway, my point is, every event has its problems, ots positives and its negatives, but saying stuff in absolutes is wrong imo. Im pretty sure there are guys around here that cannot wait for legends event as well. There is always someone who likes something. And as from what I see GB is trying to include all promotions equally recently and keep them in fair rotation. And for me that is the most important thing.
Bro the moment you get the notification the players are already gone.
But to put this in perspective if you play the leagues i play and managers like Jeffro this event is absoluty destroying the competition.For example the worker is 17:03. This is what happens, the moment te clock strikes 17:03 almost everybody in the league is banging on his F5 button. when the worker give you new players it is not even sure you will get 1 player.
I can even tell you this nobody and i repeat myself nobody with a mobile phone can get a player.
I our leagues only the PC players can get the players otherwise you dont even have to try it haha.For the managers that know what i am talking about how many times during this even you see this message
"this player is no longer available"
"You cannot list this player because you bought him from another manager"But just leave it as it is my friend, lets just put it this way.
If you play with the fanatic managers of the game they will all agree that this is by far the worst event.
But if they add speedy scout (2 hours) then it would be more fair for the competition -
What about september schedule for Promotions/Campaigns, any suggestions in pipeline ?
Would like to see a special youngster program beside the oldie but goldie one.Greetings from Berlin, Peter.
Hopefully no Legends anymore in September. I hope they finally learnt that this screws smaller leagues.
Golden Oldies is good, but not when it's combined with Legends.
I would like to see raising stadium event that expanding is 3x faster than usual,and this event also can help to complete stadium achievement.This event has been announced many years ago and for my opinion,it is really nice event and you don't need to use boss coins too much,and that saves lots of real money for us.
@SpecialOne When will the weekend offer be announced?
@محمد-اشرف-نادي It was announced before: August 28 - August 31: Training Madness