I am not complaining about training events. These kind of events are better than useless Legends that encourage beginners to screw up lower leagues by spending their free coins on a few top players.
But the main problem is that OSM doensn't work well anymore due to a lower sales chances I experience for a few months now. I can almost never sell players with player value of 15M and higher anymore outside transfer events. I have to wait a long time for these events to be able to sell them. I am not sure if this is intended or a bug that they can't find after the implementation of the new random transfer times. But it's annoying that I can't do much besides training in the second half of the league when my players are worth 15M or more.
somehow @specialone told me, though inappropriate, but clearly ironicallyWe're the greedy ones, because game is pay to play, all we want is money, players have to pay for everything
maybe he was serious
looking forward to the introduction of casino-like elements -
@specialone can we get full August events list?
@muntasir192 +++
@mehmetcetintd respect boss , u said every word that all managers want to see .
thank you very much -
-August 2021: Weekend events schedule
August 6 - August 9: Transfer Madness
August 13 - August 16: Training Madness
August 20 - August 23: Extreme Progression
August 27 - August 30: Golden LegendsIMPORTANT
Note 1: This schedule is subject to change
Note 2: We may randomly add flash (4h and 24h) events in the middle of the week -
Kudos to the OSM Staff for the rigorous work you all do. I know myself and other managers give critique, some constructive, others destructive.
But praise has to go to you guys for trying your best to keep the game up and running. Well done!!
Hi Mehmet,Firstly, thanks for sharing your comments about the upcoming Events with us! And thanks for sharing your frustrations.
We use a lot of Training Events because it's a very popular feature and a lot of managers enjoy these Events.
I very much understand your concern about rotating too many training Events because we all enjoy a little bit of variation.
We try our best to variate with Events. Do you have any ideas for new Events we might try?
I'm also glad to hear you are excited about the upcoming Battle change on August 11, I hope you enjoy it.
Thanks in advance!
@harry-poon I have one opinion about weekend event,which is bargain scout event.The scout returns in every 2 hours and brings players cheaper than usual.The event were presented as weekday event before but if you make it on weekends it would be great.
@harry-poon welcome back mate. Maybe if you were here before few months you would listen to us and communicate with us much more than other staff members did. Instead the community was ignored and now official battles are dying.
@harry-poon Will there be a weekday promotion tomorrow? If it's a stadium promotion: please announce this today (or change it to a training event), because a stadium promotion needs to be announced more than 18 hours before it starts. Stadium timers take 18 hours to complete and many users start these timers early in the morning.
I can't believe what I'm hearing. A game admin wrote a response text that neither bullied nor threatened to close our account. Maybe there is someone among us who should take a part in this.
Anyway, thank you for your kind reply. First of all, of course I'm excited for the update coming on August 11 because we've been wanting it for months. The real question is: The settings that will change every 4 months how will change after 4 months. Again, someone will make changes according to his head. We'll see that in December.
I would like to make suggestions about the events, but since I know very well that this will not be taken into account, I do not want to tire myself about it.
@koningco Yes there is, sorry for the late reply. You can expect us to communicate Events on the forum, we had a minor hickup yesterday, that's why we didn't post it. Tonight is the Extraordinary Scout Event.
@taul10 Thanks mate! The rest of the staff is going out of their way to listen to all managers and more specifically the hardcore ones on the forums. It's just we can't process all the feedback into bite-sized OSM features.
But I agree we at Gamebasics can do better in communicating those kinds of decisions better and we are always trying to improve that. So same goes here: if you have any ideas how, please let us know.
@keitomurasaki Nice, thanks! The Event is running tonight so that's a first step.
We feel it might be a lot for a weekend Event since not all managers can take part since the Scout has a Boss Coin barrier.
@mehmetcetintd As long as we'll treat each other with respect, we should be fine.
Battle settings will keep rotating in the future. We have recently collected a lot of feedback about Battles from the community and decided to translate it into an update. But the community, although a very important one, isn't the only group of managers. Earlier, we collected from all managers that played Battles and they preferred some settings on. That's why we will keep rotating depending on feedback and Battle data. Let's see how it goes from August 11 on, if it's a huge success we might keep it on longer.
That's too bad but your decision of course. If you want, there's always room for ideas. I can't promise they will be reality but I can promise we'll take them seriously and we'll give feedback on them.
So looks like 11 August its only a bait for some managers who are willing to start playing again battles with battle tools equivalent for everyone? Mehmet was right.
@jeffro-davies you should rethink again if you want to play again battles because looks like in the future the odds are very high about turning on coins as compensation or finishing timers.
Personally Ive started spending little bit more than used to spent (not like arabs ofcourse who boost their players up to 200 level and their teams in 2 billion squad value) and Im sorry for that but Im getting boring from this battles which haven't change anything for good since were introduced to this game. Im really thinking to quit too.