@specialone December events,please
@SpecialOne Hi.When tomorrow's event and December Events will be announced?
Hi.What is today's event?Please announce it.
Can someone responsible announce all the events right now;including today's event?I will do adjustments for my team according to today's event and I don't want to get the news after I made them(improving stadiums,train players or scouting).
@drillful1365 For today is already toooooooo late, so I assume there will be no event today.
-December 2021: Weekend events schedule
December 3 - December 7: Club Clash Mission
December 7 - December 9: Extreme Progression
December 10 - December 13: Golden Legends
December 17 - December 20: Intense Friendlies
December 23 - December 27: Extreme Training (4 day Holiday event)
December 30 - January 3: Transfer Madness (4 day Holiday event)IMPORTANT
Note 1: This schedule is subject to change
Note 2: We may randomly add flash (4h and 24h) events in the middle of the week -
Sorry guys, but it's not always possible to do things at the best times for everyone
Temporary event: Top Facilities
Starts: December 1, 7pm CET - Ends: December 1, 11 pm CETTake advantage of this event today between 19:00 and 23:00 CET!
During this event there are shorter timers for Training and Stadium! This means that it will take much less time to train players and to expand a part of your Stadium.
Expand your Stadium for advantages during a match at home, more progression during Training and more income from gate receipts.
Train your players and build the biggest Stadium out there! -
Now that a lot of people have started the stadium to evolve, they announce an event for 5 hours from now -.-"
@specialone So great to announce an event just 5h before the start
@specialone please inform us earlier
@vundezz_nl and now u assume
@alyssagb *january 3rd i suppose..?
@specialone Lucky that I anticipated on it this time, but next time please announce stadium events at least 19 hours before they start (and training events at least 9 hours before they start).
@wenger-wise Yes correct! I adjusted it, sorry my mistake
Can't reset timers when starting event?
Hmmmm, ok sometimes things went unlucky and we have to spend more boss coins. What about a Nikolaus Special double or 3rd boss coins for 1 day as compensation. Happy Advent
I think we missed the first 30-60 minutes of this promotion. I couldn't do anything during this time. Can the promotion be extended with 30 or 60 minutes?
It was downtime I meant. I even couldn't finish training and adjust line-up for my Liverpool match.
It is unethical to put the transfer event at Christmas or New Year -.-"