Temporary event: Super Staff
Starts: March 2, 7pm CET - Ends: March 2, 11pm CETBecause of your loyalty towards your staff members, they've decided to work harder for you - and of course the club - this Wednesday between 19:00 and 23:00 CET.
During this event, your entire staff will do their work faster than usual. This includes your Scout, Trainers, Doctor, Lawyer and Data Analyst.
This will get you new, better and fitter players in your possession even faster!
It was so good the time without the transfer event... Hope that one day this event for addicted people is definitely removed from the game.
Is this transfer madness this weekend also with faster scout?
This weekend's event: Transfer Madness
Starts: March 4, 10am CET | Ends: March 7, 9am CETDuring this event the chance of selling players on the Transfer List will be much higher!
You can now also add 6 instead of 4 players to the Transfer List at the same time.
The Transfer List should be the core of a successful manager, because selling players is a great way to make Club Funds. And with those new Club Funds you can buy other players to improve your Squad.
This is the worst event in osm with no doubt. First of all I blame myself how I missed events schedule because avoiding this event is the best unless you want to get sick. If you're gonna give us transfer event, atleast give us 2 hours scout and it will be much easier + it benefits you because you win more money from scouts.
What made transfer madness:
Obj 1 vs Obj 9
@jetont said in Promotions/Campaigns:
This is the worst event in osm with no doubt. First of all I blame myself how I missed events schedule because avoiding this event is the best unless you want to get sick. If you're gonna give us transfer event, atleast give us 2 hours scout and it will be much easier + it benefits you because you win more money from scouts.
I always avoid to participate in battles with this event. One more time the communication with the schedule of events was so late, and obviously the event came in the middle of the battle.
Here we go again... Terrible communication.
I always avoid to participate in battles with this event. One more time the communication with the schedule of events was so late, and obviously the event came in the middle of the battle.
Temporary event: Bargain Scout
Starts: March 9, 7pm CET - Ends: March 9, 11pm CETDuring this temporay event the Scout is on a bargain hunt. This means that you can buy players for less Club Funds. Send your Scout on a trip and he'll be back with the best bargains in 2 hours!
And there's more: players from your Scout now only cost 10 Boss Coins instead of 15 Boss Coins!
Pay the Scout a visit right now and bolster your Squad in all the right places!
keep sleeping dear moderators
sweet dreams
This weekend's event: Training Madness
Starts: March 11, 10am CET | Ends: March 14, 9am CETMore training progression with every Training! This event is all about really pushing your players to the limit. They will train harder and better. So make sure your training schedule is real tight during this event. Visit your coaches right now!
Perfect time for me, my team is training right now
What's the event for tomorrow?
Temporary event: Superfast Trainer
Starts: March 16, 7pm CET - Ends: March 16, 11pm CETWe have temporarily hired new trainers for this Wednesday between 19:00 and 23:00 CET. Your players are highly motivated!
Due to this motivation, they complete a training within two hours!
@specialone why don't you guys make upcoming events kind of thing in game that would be easier for us players
@specialone What is taking so long? the event was supposed to start 45 mins ago. If there is a technical issue, at least inform us.
@abrar-muhtasim... Not today, tomorrow 19Uhr
Chiellini's View Event
Chiellini just can't get enough from OSM and that's why we're presenting a new Chiellini Event in the series.You get to manage Chiellini and Juventus in tonight's decisive match against Villareal. Can you win it to get them to the quarter-finals?
If you can score with Chiellini and lead Juventus to victory, you have a chance of winning a jersey signed by Chiellini or 1.000 Boss Coins.*Good luck!
*Unfortunately, it's impossible for us to ship materials to some parts of the world due to delivery problems. Managers in the MENA region will therefore win Boss Coins instead.