Frits van Turenhout_NL Dutch Usersreplied to Frits van Turenhout_NL on 1 Apr 2022, 13:18 last edited by
@frits-van-turenhout_nl said in Promotions/Campaigns:
I hope they will change the by many hated far too long lasting Transfer Madness into a Transfer Deadline 1 Day event ; the last Sunday of each month, sun 09.00 - mon 09.00hrs.
That way everybody will be happy.
The current 4 day Madness destroys a lot of leagues each time. Just make it a 1 day event. That way everybody has the chance to improve their teams (a bit) quickly without the risk of a totally outbalanced league of teams.
Yeah, good idea mate!
@specialone Great plan!
What a joke no transfer madness! It’s part of the game. It’s not hated by that many managers, just the ones who react here
@twannes_fc_nl Agreed... sad schedule.. we can only hope for a 24h flash event now
@majstor-matt it's will be in some middle of the week for sure.. Must be.
@twannes_fc_nl stop complaining
Just be happy with the events, they are free you know.
@specialon We wanted transfer madness but we didn't get what we wanted.
Be patient and you will get what you want. Maybe next month who knows!!!!!!
@manchester-united-afc Lets hope for a double TM next month!
I am seeing that a lot of managers love to stay the weekend glued to the phone, waiting for the transfer simulations, and with the transfer list cleaned in few seconds.
Not for me...
@warriorfcp those managers definitely are playing in low ranked crews or easy leagues and Im sure every manager in top 20 ranked crews or managers playing in high competitive leagues don't want this transfer madness event ever.
@jetont So? We who do not play in top 20 crews does not deserve to have a vote? We are not managers as well playing and paying for this game? Dont be so elitistic. Different people like different things. And once in a while there has to be event for everyone.
@majstor-matt well said!!! my vote is for you sir
@majstor-matt I completely agree. But for pleasing everyone I suggest two things.
Give us speedy scout with 2 or 4 hours together with that event.
Giving us correct schedule of events for entire months so whoever doesn't like this event to not start a battle or a competitive league before that event.
Thats all. Sometimes we get caught with this event and we end up using the phone all the day waiting for sale simulations so we can grab any player in first 2 secs. This just ruins your weekend or your league.
@jetont On that I agree, I dont see why dont they imppement speedy scout with madness. Its win win situation for GB, as Im sure usage of coins would surge up with that.
Temporary event: Champions Scout
Starts: April 6, 7pm CEST - Ends: April 6, 11pm CEST
Cheap champions quality players during the Champions Scout Event!Your Scout will return from his trip within 2 hours instead of 16 hours. In addition, scouted players will cost less Boss Coins and Club Funds. Only 10 Boss Coins for a scouted player!
Tomorrow night is the night to profit from this special Event. Tip: choose a club in the Champions Cup for the full Champions experience!
@alyssagb The event will only serve players from clubs that participate in the Champions League? Or does it apply to any player, from all the teams in the game?
I sent my scout at 19.03 and even though he comes back after 16 hours?! What is this for a joke?!
A lot of players are having the same problems. I hope they can fix it. @SpecialOne @AlyssaGB
I think GB could give us exactly how much less in % the players would cost in this event...