@alyssagb Hi first of all what is this event "Transfer Deadline Weekend" and secondly why has the duration decrease from two days to one day
@alyssagb said in Monthly weekend events schedule:
-June 2022: Weekend events schedule
June 03 - June 04: Training Madness
June 10 - June 11: Superfast Trainer
June 17 - June 18: Extreme Progression
June 24 - June 25: Golden LegendsIMPORTANT
Note 1: This schedule is subject to change
Note 2: We may randomly add flash (4h and 24h) events in the middle of the week
Note 3: If you looked close you'll see that weekend Events duration changed, changes will also happen on temporary Events... keep an eye on announcements.Please note that the Event that starts on June 10 is changed from Transfer Deadline Weekend to Superfast Trainer. Transfer Deadline Weekend will be scheduled next month.
This weekend's event: Training Madness
Starts: June 3, 10am CEST | Ends: June 5, 9am CESTMore training progression with every Training!
This Event is all about really pushing your players to the limit. They will train harder and better. So make sure your training schedule is real tight during this Event.
@alyssagb Good to see it starts on Friday. I know GB has less staff available to fix bugs if the promotion starts on Saturday (and there were several bugs around promotions recently).
@alyssagb: is this really only till Sunday 5th?
Day Event: Training Talents
Starts: June 6, 07:00am CEST - Ends: June 6, 11:59pm CESTYoung players will train faster (2h) and get even more progression during the Training Talents Event.
So talented and yet so much still to learn, a struggle for a lot of managers. During Training Talents, they are all eager to learn.
To optimally use this Event, make sure you let your youngsters train every two hours!
MichelAngelo66_NL Dutch Usersreplied to AlyssaGB on 5 Jun 2022, 07:13 last edited by MichelAngelo66_NL 5 Jun 2022, 07:17
Edit... the campaign was ending this Sunday 09.00. What a bs. Sorry.
And what about training talents? That doesn’t work. Talents do nothing more on this moment. My god, just stop these campaigns if you never get it right.
@michelangelo66_nl Sorry but you must be blind for sure.
The young talents event will start tomorrow, wasnt supposed to start today......
@michelangelo66_nl Try reading first.....talent training is as of tomorrow
@alyssagb Hi will all the events in the future end on Sunday??
Day Event: Golden Oldies
Starts: June 8, 07:00am CEST - Ends: June 8, 11:59pm CEST
Training your olders players will pay off during this Event!Never write them off, those oldies. They will really step up their game during this Event by finish a Training in 4 hours and train even better than the youngsters. Take your chance!
Tip: Make sure you claim your training progression before the Event ends! Any Training claimed after the Event ends is without extra progression.
This weekend's event: Superfast Trainer
Starts: June 10, 10am CEST | Ends: June 12, 9am CESTWe've hired some special trainers during this Event. Your players are highly motivated!
Due to this motivation, they complete a training within 4 hours.
So don't wait any longer and profit of this Event by sending your players to the Training field this Friday!
KoningCo English Usersreplied to AlyssaGB on 9 Jun 2022, 21:43 last edited by KoningCo 9 Jun 2022, 21:45
@alyssagb So another change in plans, why no Transfer Deadline Weekend this weekend?
@koningco To be fair: they allready announced this change earlier this month. Besides that: this event ends Sunday morning, who knows what will happen in the 24 hours after that?
Day Event: Transfer Madness
Starts: June 13, 07:00am CEST - Ends: June 13, 11:59pm CESTDuring this event the chance of selling players on the Transfer List will be much higher!
You can now also add 6 instead of 4 players to the Transfer List at the same time. The Transfer List should be the core of a successful manager, because selling players is a great way to make Club Funds. And with those new Club Funds you can buy other players to improve your Squad.
J Joe McNorthMan referenced this topic on 10 Jun 2022, 20:54
Zlatan Ibrah1movic English Usersreplied to AlyssaGB on 12 Jun 2022, 08:06 last edited by Zlatan Ibrah1movic 12 Jun 2022, 08:07
Ask this on OSM facebook and you will see everybody wants more of this transfermadness.
Not 1 day.
You gamebasic take away the fun part.
More and more this game is getting shit.
Play this since 2004.Many changed, many good and many bad.
But put back the days of transfermadness is like tease the most active players who wait for this.
Very bad decision and hope they bring just the normal transfermadness back
Most people who playing this are thinking the same
KoningCo English Usersreplied to Zlatan Ibrah1movic on 12 Jun 2022, 19:22 last edited by KoningCo 12 Jun 2022, 19:23
@zlatan-ibrah1movic I also play this game since 2004 and I agree with you. I always wanted more balance on the transfer market over the season, mainly because leagues fell dead after some time. But now there is only a huge increase in selling chance for players that we were already able to sell. No balancing, but just more, more more... Teams end up with squads that are worth 4 million. It looks like transfer madness every day.
The game became even more pay-more-win-more because of this change. You have to spend much more coins to keep up with other managers who are prepared to do this. But on the other side I expect many managers to leave OSM, because it's not possible to win leagues anymore while playing for free with watching ads for coins.
I am going to take a break from OSM when my 4 leagues end next week around June 18. Hopefully GB will see that it doesn't work as intended and they will fix the game.
Fully agree with the opinions of @Zlatan-Ibrah1movic and @KoningCo
The solution to this in my opinion is quite simple: allow managers to disable promotions for their competition during the creation of a league. It really is that simple! Hope you are taking notes Gamebasics