@fc-eddie_nl Every business needs to grow, but also every business should think about its product. I am not against you guys trying to expand and grow. Go for it. But for the love of game give us OPTION! Give us option to block this in our leagues.
If someone wants to pay his way to win and buy goals with coins, or repeat the game by paying 1000 coins.. give him that option, I dont care... but give me an option to avoid that style, give people option to remove this nonsense in private league..
With that pack, during the training event ( 2 hours training ) ... with that pack purchase it goes to 1 hour trainings ????
Another trash idea.
Your greed has no limits. Ofc you have to pay your own bills and you need to make some money too, but you have no limits. Each week you come up with new ideas how to force people to spend more and more money. Even if you spend money it doesen't help you. Let's say someone has 50,000 coins in his account right now, he spent few hundreds of âŹ, it's still not enough, he has to buy this new pack to have shorter training or other players will have advantage over him. Next week it will be another pack...and it's an endless game.
DON'T TOUCH THE GAMEPLAY AND DON'T MAKE THIS GAME PAY2WIN. Add some packs where you can win signed shirts, boss coins and stuff like that, people will still buy them and it's fine, but it's ridiculous that people can buy their results. What will be next time? ''Buy this pack and you will have faster scout'' or maybe ''your team will have a 25% boost for 5 days'' etc. ?
99,99% leagues in OSM are open. It's millions or hundreds of millions leagues, but you must destroy also the 0,01% of leagues??? (official battles and community tournaments).
The ''gaming community'' is few hundreds or few thousand of managers, 0,000000001% of the game and you can't live without us??? If we want closed leagues we don't wanna see this trash in them. And you must understand closed leagues are not free, we also pay coins to create them so it's our right to decide how we wanna play them. The best thing would be to have the option to TURN OFF all events, packs and other trash. Only scout and tactics. Thanks. -
totally agree.
@menagerbl Super well said
@menagerbl You're absolutely right !! This is already the first stage of "pay to win".
@star-wars-67 first stage? Seriously? this has been going on for over a year, step by step
this community is for gb just a hobo screaming loudly under the window at 3 am, which specialone must calm down
do you remember the unity that was here when it was about the introduction of a new ranking system? and where are we now?
competitive OSM for them is like the lice they are trying to get rid of
and i feel sorry for the people who spend so much time and effort on a project that only in the past was a platform that brings groups of people together
here just to find out how they will add a casino element to the game and when this forum will die out as something meaningless and useless -
@menagerbl What they don't understand at gamebasics is this: every measure that makes the game even more pay-to-win gives them more money from big spenders, but they also loose more and more managers that play this game for a long time. So in total they won't gain more, because they also loose managers that are fed up after make the game more pay-to-win every time.
And don't forget beginners earn a lot of coins with achievements. But when they have spent all those coins quickly: most of them leave the game because they can't play competitive anymore with only free coins and a small real money investment. They loose against those who play with big real money investment.
@koningco Hey by the way do we need to pay money or boss coins to get this freaking offer?
@forever-fc ??
@menagerbl Yeah this is just a ridiculous idea. Are they being serious?
They are greedy for money that they can even put a pack that if you buy it you win all your matches. They are turning this game from play to win into pay to win. Please put an option of denying this pack in privates league and in Battle.
Please listen to all these managers who requesting and arguing over this Freaking pack. Please put an option of removing this in private leagues and battle don't be so greedy about money.
This cannot continue at all if this continues i guess in 1 year only OSM admins will be playing OSM. This is not a proper way to earn money. Keep this play to win not pay to win.
Some managers have been playing for years and they love to play OSM. Don't make lose their love for OSM
We all will be waiting for your answers.
Hoping to get positive answers,
Forever FC -
Where's the next event booyzzz ????
Day Event: Booming Stadium
Starts: July 20, 07:00am CEST - Ends: July 20, 11:59pm CESTToday there's a shorter timer and increased advantages for Pitch, Training & Capacity expansions!
That means only 4 hours to expand a part of your Stadium and get more in return. More advantage during a match at home, more progression during Training and more income from gate receipts.
Make sure you build the biggest and baddest Stadium out there!
there used to be events for older playerz where they got more progression but this is cool too i guess thx
This weekend's event: Training Madness
Starts: July 22, 10:00am CEST | Ends: July 24, 09:00am CESTMore training progression with every Training!
This Event is all about really pushing your players to the limit. They will train harder and better. So make sure your training schedule is real tight during this Event.
Visit your coaches this weekend!
@specialone Two, four or eight hours trainingtime?
Day Event: Extreme Training
Starts: July 25, 07:00am CEST - Ends: July 25, 11:59pm CESTAre you tired of waiting 8 hours until your player is done Training? Then the Extreme Training Event is for you!
Your players finish Training in 4 hours and get extra training progression!
Make sure you claim your training progression before the Event ends! Any Training claimed after the Event ends is without extra progression.
Ok, thank you
Where is the "win every game" package?
Or when is it coming...for testing...Would be the most honest way instead of going the indirect "P2W" way.
Why is it so hard for the Company to have a REAL competitive and a casual Part?