@bembelmän oh yeah sorry I also didn't see it
Day Event: Transfer Madness
Starts: October 19, 07:00am CEST - Ends: October 19, 11:59pm CESTDuring this Event the chance of selling players on the Transfer List will be much higher!
You can also add 6 instead of 4 players to the Transfer List at the same time.
The Transfer List should be the core of a successful manager, because selling players is a great way to make Club Funds. And with those new Club Funds you can buy other players to improve your Squad!
@alyssagb hate this
@üsküdarboy I love it
Too bad I didnt know this before so I dont have a slot to start knockout royale. Now those coin spenders that spend fortune on training events wouldnt stand a chance against me
I won't say again that the transfer event is bad because there are managers that like it, and I respect them. But please, at least while this event is active PUT FASTER SCOUT OR JUST INCREASE THE NUMBER OF PLAYERS IN THE TRANSFER LIST TO ALL THE MANAGERS BE ABLE TO BUY!!!!!!!
@majstor-matt it makes osm more difficult for me because of my phone's and internet's speed
i dont have chance if the league members are really online managers, and of course theyre all online
@majstor-matt Why do you love it so much? In my opionon it ruins the whole competition because you won't get any connection with your players. Star players from the top teams are being sold like cattle...
@acaciadelft_nl i think he's joking
Majstor Mattreplied to acaciadelft_NL on 20 Oct 2022, 09:53 last edited by Majstor Matt 20 Oct 2022, 09:54
@acaciadelft_nl Nope, not joking. Transfer madness is my favourite event as I like to upgrade my team with transfers and transfers are the most fun part of the game for me. Tactical stuff anyway becomes less and less important as the years pass in this game and in big and important leagues luck is most important decider between managers.
Thats why transfers give me fun while palying as I like to work on nationality and all things related to squad strength.
Also, on top of all, transfer events are equal for all and coins do not help with them, while on all other friendlies and training related events coin users who spend fortune boost their teams too much, specially in Winners Cup and stuff like that.
@majstor-matt Thank you for your opinion. It's funny to hear some things from your point of view while I think the opposite. In my opionion the training events are far more fun because they give equal chances to everybody. Even with transfer madness there is still a point of luck involved because the computer needs to buy your players. Also you have to be "on guard" all day to react when a new round of transfer is completed because otherwise there are no players left on the transferlist for you to buy.
I agree that transfers are a big fun in the game but with transfer madness it's just to much. I'm really happy it has been reduced to one day. Before, you can create a team for the full competition in just one weekend.
@majstor-matt I love it as well. During transfer madness you can see who is good in building of squad value and who is playing occasionally. It makes that you need to be "stand by " all time but this is why usually I play 2 league with transfer and 2 league without transfer. You can focus on 2 slots only and it makes your life easier
This weekend's event: Training Madness
Starts: October 21, 10:00am CEST - Ends: October 23, 09:00am CESTMore training progression with every Training!
This Event is all about really pushing your players to the limit. They will train harder and better. So make sure your training schedule is real tight during this Event.
@acaciadelft_nl Try playing knockout royale or winners cup when there is training madness or friendly event active. You will see how "fun" they are then
@majstor-matt Not interested, only World domination for me. But tell me, what's the "problem" in knockout royale or winners cup?
@acaciadelft_nl Some people use too much coins in those event and in 2 days boost their team value for 300+ milions. And you cant keep up with that if there is no gigher transfer rate chance.
Day Event: Extraordinary Scout
Starts: October 24, 07:00am CEST - Ends: October 24, 11:59pm CESTThe Extraordinary Scout is back! During this Event, your Scout will be back from his trip in 2 hours instead of 12.
Not only is he faster, but he will also be back with better deals. Your chance to bolster your Squad in all the right places.
@majstor-matt said in Promotions/Campaigns:
@acaciadelft_nl Try playing knockout royale or winners cup when there is training madness or friendly event active. You will see how "fun" they are then
Yes I agree with this, Winners Cups have teams with 4M or een over 5M team value due to the huge amount of BC they spend. It's impossible to beat them for a casual player with a 2 - 2,5M team. But this is what OSM has become, pay-more-win-more. If an older OSM version with season tickers is relaunched I will move on to that version and leave the current game.
@majstor-matt I forget to mention how the transfer list mechanism helps big spenders in Winners Cups. At a certain point all players on the transfer list in the winners cup are above 60M asking price. Those are not useful for trading, so only big spenders who spend money on scouting trade players can keep trading (scouting is much more expensive than buying on the transferlist) .
Day Event: Extreme Training
Starts: October 26, 07:00am CEST - Ends: October 26, 11:59pm CESTAre you tired of waiting 8 hours until your player is done Training? Then the Extreme Training Event is for you!
Your players finish Training in 4 hours and get extra training progression!
Make sure you claim your training progression before the Event ends! Any Training claimed after the Event ends is without extra progression.