@AlyssaGB said in Promotions/Campaigns:
@jasiuk88 Do you have a screenshot of the 2h Training during Monday's Event? According to our information the training sessions during this Event are set at 4 hours.
Did not take SS but I can also confirm that they were 2h for me on all slots.
Thanks for the info about avatars.
@Majstor-Matt Me too it was 2 hours and it was great but some managers who don't enter every 2 hours had a disadvantage
This weekend's event: Training Talents
Starts: November 25, 10:00am CET - Ends: November 27, 09:00am CETYoung players will get even more progression during the Training Talents Event.
So talented and yet so much still to learn, a struggle for a lot of managers. During Training Talents, they are all eager to learn.
To optimally use this Event, be sure to take your youngsters to Training as much as you can.
How hard can it be to communicate the right text?
This didn't mention the 2 hours, but this morning and after I already sent my players for 8 hours I'm reading in the news:
"*Young players will train faster and get even more progression during the Training Talents Event.
So talented and yet so much still to learn, a struggle for a lot of managers. During Training Talents, they are all eager to learn.
To optimally use this Event, make sure you let your youngsters train every two hours!*"
Day Event: Training Madness
Starts: November 28, 07:00am CET - Ends: November 28, 11:59pm CETMore training progression with every Training!
This Event is all about really pushing your players to the limit. They will train harder and better. So make sure your training schedule is real tight during this Event.
@AlyssaGB how many hours training will take?
@ÜsküdarBoy As usual: 8 hours.
@acaciadelft_NL when is the next Transfer Madness?
@ElBrabu hopefully not so fast
@AlyssaGB Can you post the schedule for December?
Day Event: Golden Oldies
Starts: November 30, 07:00am CET - Ends: November 30, 11:59pm CETTraining your olders players will pay off during this Event!
Never write them off, those oldies. They will really step up their game during this Event by finish a Training in 4 hours and train even better than the youngsters. Take your chance!
@AlyssaGB when is the next Transfer Madness?
when transfer madness?
@CarlosMiguelGxFerreira interested
@ElBrabu Why are you guys asking for the next Transfer Madness?
I agree it is a very good event for some managers and very bad event for some managers, but if I am correct, we just got Transfer Madness this month itself more precisely sixth November
so cool down and be patient, it will come soon -
hey @SpecialOne when will you post the december weekend events schedule?
@Caiu_77 This w.e.: Intense Friendlies
Wake up, december has started!