@alyssagb I think the higher training progression is not working properly for players above skill level 110, the progression is less than 20% of a skill level for my teams which are all above 110 after about 30 rounds in the English and Italian league.
Happy Birthday OSM
@boulidinho hey you should be happy having 3 events on one day we also saw this but maybe they did a little mistake whike announcing as Transfer deadline day never had the option of adding 6 players on transfer list
This weekend's event: Golden Legends
Starts: September 30, 10:00am CEST - Ends: October 2, 09:00am CESTThis Event is especially for the older players, because only they will get more training progression this weekend. So take this opportunity to boost the ratings of your old players now!
Old top footballers will also appear on the Transfer List daily this weekend. Be quick and buy your Legend before your opponent buys him!
FYI: to buy a Legend on the Transfer List, you pay the normal Club Funds amount + 100 Boss Coins.
Why are the timers for the oldies event 8 hours?
Shouldnt they be shorter like with the training talents and training madness?
I know the extreme progression event is also 8 hours long, but now that you have made the weekend event a day shorter, shouldnt it be fair the you make the timers shorter too?
I mean, with these kind of events, starting each Friday 10:00AM, how many people can you realistically train till Sunday 09;00AM? Like about 5 times you can train a player from each position.
Not that many. So I/we can't really benefit thát much with this event because of the 8 hour timers.
So maybe thats something to consider? You could make the event a little longer, like for instance the full Sunday so you can have another event on Monday. Or just make the timers 4 hours. That makes the most sense and benefits everyone. -
@jkwadraat_nl It's not Golden Oldies as event it's Golden Legends I guess that's why
nothing here yet
hope that tomorrow's event is not the stadium one
@caiu_77 Yes, the usual thing for Monday promotions. They often forget to post in the weekend.
@caiu_77 yeah the routine is back
Alexandar Blumenshtilreplied to KoningCo on 3 Oct 2022, 05:44 last edited by Alexandar Blumenshtil 3 Oct 2022, 05:46
@jetont same here.. I think we need to wait longer.
@ygtcancn bro, its been almost 1h. How long we should wait for this employers of GB to do their job? This things are happening every week, this is not 1st or 2nd time. Honestly they have dream job. Making so many mistakes and they're still getting paid...
@feelstrikex Yeah that's why I stopped improving my stadium, I know it helps but this is shit when OSM does this
Welkome to osm… this is normal here -
Tks for reporting and sorry for the trouble.
It was fixed already some time ago. There was a problem with the event scheduling!
KoningCo English Usersreplied to SpecialOne on 3 Oct 2022, 09:32 last edited by KoningCo 3 Oct 2022, 09:37
@specialone said in Promotions/Campaigns:
Tks for reporting and sorry for the trouble.
It was fixed already some time ago. There was a problem with the event scheduling!
So there is no event today? I don't see any announcement or orange marking in the menu.
Anyway, if you still want to do an event: it's better to move it to tomorrow because most users have started their timers now is 8,5 hours before the match.
@specialone what about all the managers who did their stadium after 7 am of even after 8 am and don’t have the event?
@rísingstar_nl I didn't even see the announcement before. It just showed up at 11:41.