Wow I don't have that either, would love to spend some BC on that and by the way @SpecialOne why was I banned from the OSM server on discord for saying the truth which is "OSM changed over the years and is now more pay2win"
I don't think there is anything wrong in saying the truth about OSM, so can you unban me please
@Majstor-Matt I am Special One that I have fhag option
@Majstor-Matt I don't have either that's why I watch those boring 10 videos to claim it🥱
, may be @jasiuk88 may hv any special access or a paid osm user
@hariharan__14 I play in that game so many years already that they should pay me that I accept ale their "improvments" of the game
@SpecialOne I see it now. From December 9 to December 22 there will be a period of no good events, while from that point there will be only great events.
Small change on the events:
- 22 December: Transfer Deadline Day
- 23 December: Golden Oldies
@SpecialOne Thanks
We want to offer double the coins
@SpecialOne Good afternoon. I have a question regarding the all-out event: is this something you are planning to do at the end of every month from now on?
@تابفففففففففففففففففففففف said in Monthly weekend events schedule:
We want to offer double the coins
me to
Why 22december is golden oldies? Its bug or what
@SpecialOne i think there is a bug or mistake done on the event configuration for today, it was anounced that it would be a Transfer Deadline but we got the Golden Oldies event.
I think @SpecialOne tried to communicate that 22 and 23 december would be switched in the 'small change on the events' communication of 2 weeks ago, but it was communicated wrongly.
@JBruinink_NL I don't think so because this event is set to last till tomorrow evening/night. They just f*cked things up again. I don't think they realise a transferday can make or break your whole season....
Hey everyone, firstly thanks for reporting this. A couple of things on this:
The Golden Oldies Event is correct today.
We removed the Transfer Deadline Day Event from the planning based on input from the community mentioning we had too many transfer Events during the holidays.
We mis-communicated this change earlier on December 7.
To summarise: December 22 & 23: Golden Oldies, December 25 & 26: All Out Event, December 28 & 29: Training Talents, December 31: Extreme Training.
We understand that this can mess up your preparations and sincerely apologise for that. Hope you will still enjoy the Event and of course the holidays ahead!
Hi there, I'm really new on this game. What "All Out Event" means? Can anyone kindly explain it to me? Thanks!
@damnielfarias Evento total significa que todos los eventos que hay en OSM lo colocaran en 1/2 días dependiendo de la planificación