TV Shows
@Majstor-Matt Doctor WHO!!!!!
So excited!!
I miss Doctor
i miss Amy, Rose and Clara
@zefilipe96 Yeah, this "year off" is really killing me... As for this Xmas special.. I dont have big expectations as those Specials are always kinda predictable (though last one was great cause it had River
). My main hope is that we will finally get a season 10 trailer at least at end of Xmas Special.
Xmas specials are always good
But, i agree, the last one was very...sweat. Peter Capaldi has more chemistry with River Song than any other Doctor. I truely beleive in their feellings in the last ep. Btw, Capaldi´s sense of humor is simply the best. I love the Matt Smith and Tennant performance, but Capaldi it's a genius.
@zefilipe96 Yea I like Capaldi as well in his acting performances, he really knows how to deliver a speech and stuff like that. That speech against War in Zygon invasion for instance, fantastic stuff. And yeah he has nice chemistry with River, partiually due to the fact that in his era we came to the point where he knows everything about River, while River knows a little about him
But oh well, we'll see, I certainly am looking forward to Xmas special, dont get me wrong, but Im more looking forward to finally see what will series 10 be about and how will new companion work with Peter. SO thats why I cant wait to see the trailer
I think that Peter Capaldi is up there with the best Doctors. He brought back the edge to the role that was lost when Matt Smith took it over. The Doctor is quite a dangerous person. He is undoubtedly powerful, but because of this there's a risk to him, an edge, and I think Capaldi portrays that very well.
A new TV series that I would like everyone to watch is called "Westworld". I don't wanna spoil a lot about it, but it's basically a world within a world. You guys will love this.
@Joe-McNorthMan Brilliant stuff so far, cant wait to see final 2 episodes of season 1
Orphan Black
This is gonna blow your headSame girl diffrent characters as a theatre player i can say this is very very veeerry difficult
Who else is waiting for the new Vikings episodes coming out this wednesday??
I'm not really a fan of TV shows, rather watch movies whenever I want not waiting for exact hour to watch half hour TV and waiting for another day to watch next episode.
But, I did watch some TV shows previously, like "The X Files", "Friends" and "Prison Break", although "Prison Break" had only 1st season good, 2nd wasn't that good and ruined it. -
Childhood's End
only 3 episodes and you will never forget
90 minutes long season finale of Westworld = PURE EPICNESS! That 9.9 on IMDB should be 0.1 higher
Magnificient show, best in 2016, with great actors, music, script... The season finale was... i dont know, perfect. Now just in 2018 -
@zefilipe96 Perfect is the word indeed... one of the best season finales of any TV Show I have ever watched.
@zefilipe96 I love Community:3
Paintball ahah
What about How I met your mother?
In my personal opinion,one of the best of all time.