TV Shows
@Van-der-fier Thank you so much Oguz!
Hey that was a hot trick indeed ! Ahahaha. Awesome ! :thumbsup_tone2:
For me it was only this tv series that has absolutely enchanted me.
Not Vikings , not Game of Thrones either.
"Sassenach" became my new fave word I tell ya! Felt in love with this series and its characters.
We love you Jamie & Claire :heart_exclamation:
My favourite tv series are:
Breaking Bad - the best ever!!
House of Cards
Sons of Anarchy
SuitsThere are no new series because I don't watch anything recently. I need to fix this and find some great new show!
my favorites series actually are :
Game of Thrones
Young Pope
Finished both seasons of Rick and Morty and eagerly waiting for the 3rd which should be out in March. Second season is pure brilliance.. fantastic characters, epic humor .. this is easilly the greatest ever animated series I have watched.
Best animated series ever.
Other really good is Bojack Horseman from Netflix.
btw, Doctor Who Christmas Special was... mehh. So cheesy, forced too much the superman theme. Kinda the worst episode iin the last 2/3 years. However, the humor was, once again, at the point
I agree, it was trully mediocre, but didnt expect much from it anyway, Xmas specials are mostly always CheesyBut first real trailer for season 10 was a blast, Bill made great first impression for herself
Exactly. The best thing about this last Special was the trailer for season 10(and the mention of River, course
) .Btw, i'll see, again, the "silence in the library" episodes.
Feel so expectant about the new companion.:slight_smile:
Hey there:3
What about ..
Sons of anarchy
How I met your mother - my favorite one -
Lost .. do you remember it?
Camera Cafรจ .. an italian one,you should watch it.
Cobra 11
Romanzo criminale
House of cards
DexterWhat else?
Are there any fans of How I met uour mother? I am looking for them ..
Black Mirror
I have forgotten Fringe :3
Do you know it?
John Noble is just amazing -
Black Mirror and WestworldMasterpieces.
@Pasquale-Losito HIMYM rocks! I had all 9 seasons in my laptop for a long time and used to keep rewatching the seasons again and again.
@Exter98 yesss .. me too,me too
My mobile is full of pics of HIMYM ahah
The best of all time,I think .. I can't find something better than it .. -
Great return of Sherlock. If it's not one of the best series ever, sincerely, i don't know which it is.
Gomorrah - The Series
Recently it has been inserted in the famous ranking "The Best TV Shows" by New York Times. Anyone watched this saga?
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Anyone watched Taboo pilot? Very interesting series premier. Looking forward to the upcoming episodes. Tom Hardy is a great actor. I bet it will be one of the best shows of 2017
@zefilipe96 I watched the first episode Interesting story and legendary performance from Tom Hardy