Hi Guys!!!!
I play fortnite all day every day
whats up from Idaho. I want to put emojis on here but the stupid game wont let me :(. I hate minecraft even though I play it with my dog Rashford. I want to have 100 Million dollars so i can stop working and play fortnite all day every day and so i can become a cashg worrior on games like minecraft and Fifa. I like playing fifa... But I also like playing fortnite so i am a really good fortniter but my apartment manager says im using too much internet
and so now he kicked me out so i have to live with my mom in Chicago but we live in the hood and im Korean soooooo i cant seem to make friends with people who live in the hood... they always run away from me
I think its because of my puppy FGidsh... thats all from www.creedthoughts.gov/www.creedthoughts
No specific answer...closed...