What are your fears and phobias?
I have a f3ar of numb3r5.
I have a fear of repetition
I also have a fear of open space. .
I am scared of starting something I cannot fini
I have a fear of repetition.
I have a fear of lying.
I have a unbearable, horrible fear of adjectives.
I have a fear of telling the truth.
I am sacred of spelling mistakes
@SauzeeWasAHero Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia - Fear of Long Words
@SauzeeWasAHero That is a long list but....
My fears is snakes and untrustworthy people (eg. people who is all act (being nice) and it's not what they really are.
But I don't exactly fear untrustworthy people I just don't care about them. haha
@King-Noel I dont like people who keep up a pretence. Being nice is good but not to the point it comes across as artificial. But I agree it's not a fear, they're just not worth my time
@SauzeeWasAHero Agreed bro. Yeah we know people like that but they are not worth our awesome time. haha
My only real fear is snake, other than that I am fine. I know many people with fear of spiders but spiders are cool to me so I am cool to them. hehe Snakes are slimy and scary.