OSM WC 2019 Edition
Sosyokrat (Slot 1)
16.05.2019 - TB Tvöroyri - 5855 manager points
23.04.2019 - ÍF Fuglafjördur - 6995 manager points
31.03.2019 - Krsko - 4235 manager points
08.03.2019 - AB Argir - 6375 manager points
13.02.2019 - Kerala Blasters - 6615 manager points
21.01.2019 - AB Argir - 7175 manager points
29.12.2018 - Real Sociedad - 7475 manager pointsTotal between 14/12/2018 and 31/05/2019: 44.725 manager points!
3AFOUNA (Slot 2)
Preston North End - 5880 Manager Points -30/12/2018
Ohod - 5660 Manager Points - 6/2/2019
Daegu FC - 2770 Manager Points - 5/3/2019
Pattaya United - 4293 Manager Points - 14/4/2019
Dinamo Tnadrev - 1070 Manager Points - 18/4/2019
St. Godi - 365 Manager Points - 26/4/2019
Hong Kong Pegasus - 3499 Manger Points - 19/5/2019Total between 14/12/2018 and 31/05/2019: 23.537 manager points!
hakanşentürkk (slot 1)
Rigga84 slot1
22/12/2018 Sioni bolnisi 7200 points manager
17/01/2019 AB Argir 6260 points manager
12/02/2019 KF Laci 5020 points manager
10/03/2019 Bray Wanderers 6440 points manager
05/04/2019 Krsko 6980 points manager
05/05/2019 Fk Senika 6140 points manager
31/05/2019 Krsko 6740 points managerTotal between 14/12/18 and 31/05/2019: 44780 points
11.01.2019 - San José Earthquakes: 5.984
09.02.2019 - Grbalj: 2.720
13.03.2019 - CS Hammam-Lif: 3.652
11.05.2019 - Curicó Unido: 6.400
Total: 18. 756 -
Hi everyone,
I made this pic a while ago and I forgot to post it, so that's probably too late now... But no problem, it was a modest suggestion.
Team : Heroes & Vilains
Non exhaustive-list. Many changes are possible. -
@moukha-nakre Good idea. But Maximus was Spanish
I researched some characters but not him because I was sure he was Italian... But no, indeed, you are right, Sabit. Very interesting story, happy to have learned something even if thanks to you I start to feel like an idiot before all OSM community! ha ha
Hey bosses, OSM World Championship is back with it's 2019 edition!
- What is OSM World Championship?
OSM World Championship is an official event organized by the OSM staff for the outstanding managers in this game, based on the total number of manager points they earned during a set period. No cheaters or managers with forum bans will be allowed to join the competition and play in it, whether they were found guilty during the qualification period, after it, or during the World Championship itself.
OSM World Championship format
156 managers (including 4 best of last edition that won't need to qualify for it)
3 rounds
- Round 1: 13 leagues of 12 managers each » Top 3 managers from 12 leagues and the other 12 managers already qualified go through to Round 2
- Round 2: 4 leagues of 12 managers each » Top 3 managers from each league go through to Round 3
- Round 3: 1 league of 12 managers » The winner of the league is the OSM World Champion 2019.
Special Leagues for each round (No BCs compensation, No training camps, No Secret trainings neither transfers. Remaining features like friendlies are up to each manager to decide how many they do per round)
- How to get a place in OSM World Championship?
- Only leagues with a minimum of 14 matches played on it will be taken into account.
- Qualification period will be between 1st December 2018 and 31st May 2019, but only leagues that finish from 14th December onwards will be taken into account.
- How to know if I have a place in OSM World Championship?
- You will receive by PM your invitation to accept or decline it. This edition, from Wednesday 12th to Wednesday 19th June you will receive your invitation and you'll have until next Thursday, 27th June, to accept or decline it.
- You can receive an invitation to get a sub place, we all know that every year some users decide to decline their place or simply they don't say nothing about. If you are a subs, as soon as you can fill a free place we will let you know.
- I get a place in OSM World Championship, what must I know?
- OSM WC is an individual competition, you must play for yourself and respect all OSM rules. We must have always fair play and don't let win someone only because is your crewmate, your friend, etc.
- 1st round, if we don't have any problem, will begin Wednesday, 3rd July, and you must have a free slot at least one day before league have been created.
- We need league moderators to send invitations, if you get a place and are able to do it just let us know by PM to take it into consideration.
- I think that i deserve a place this edition, what can I do?
- If you didn't receive an invitation but you are sure that you get enough points, you can ask me ( @Markez17 ) by PM about it. Be sure that you recolect more than 35.000 manager points, didn't receive a ban or suspension and you follow all OSM rules. We will see again your case and say why you don't get a place.
- If you ask about it but you know perfectly why you don't get and only want to make troubles... Think about it two times before do that, you can be punished for it!
And for finish, think that:
- Don't read rules don't justify that you don't follow them.
- OSM WC organization will take the best solution if something not expected happens in OSM, keep calm and ask before be pesimistic!
Regards and have fun,
OSM WC organization -
Newcastle United Jets - 18/12/2018 - 3887 pts
Yuen Long - 13/01/2019 - 5840 pts
TB-FC Suduroy-Royn - 08/02/2019 - 6320 pts
Eastern Suburbs - 06/03/2019 - 6020 pts
Finn Harps - 01/04/2019 - 5720 pts
Finn Harps - 27/04/2019 - 5232 pts
Goa - 23/05/2019 - 6980 ptsTotal: 40.001 pts
@moukha-nakre You are a real funster
OSM WC 2019 1st round format
Some managers already asked me about it, so i'm going to clarify it now:
- Best 4 managers from WC 2018 final are already qualified to 2nd round.
- Best 8 managers from WC 2019 points list are already qualified to 2nd round.
They are going to play the "1st Round league 13" and this league is going to help me to determine in which 2nd round league must go anyone of them.
- The others 144 qualified managers in 1st round are going to play like previous editions: Just 12 leagues with 12 teams each one - Best 3 go to 2nd round.
3 x 12 + 12 = 48 managers in WC 2nd Round - Best 3 go to the final round.
This is why we have 13 leagues instead 12 for this edition 1st round, everything is fine
@markez17 good job. my friend
In my opinion, basing the participants only on acquired manager points is a bit outrageous. We all know that with the current BC situation, this means that you can practically "buy" your way into this tournament. For the future, I would like to see an improved system so that we can have more participants who can make the tournaments based on other achievements, such as winning a tournament like WCC/WNT.
@thebestmanagernl the one and only OSM offcial competition is WC and recollecting manager points during a period have been always the system for this competition.
Everyone is free to try to get a place or not, you only need to follow OSM rules.
I don't organize WCC/WNT but i think these competitions are not individual one... But I suppose your crew won or have got a good achievements in WCC/WNT and this is why you are trying to get a place without recollect manager points.Thank you for your proposal but you want something completely different to WC system.
I understand it's not possible to make changes for this edition, however, I do still feel that it's maybe an interesting option to re-evaluate the situation after this edition of the WC. I feel that in general, the system can use some changes, in order to get a better experience out of it.
Even though WNT and WCC are not individual events, you can make policies around it with relation to the WC. For instance, the winning WCC crew gets 3 slots for the WC, meaning that the crew can send 3 representatives. This is just a quick example how you can implement this. The same you can do with the winners of the WNT. I mention these two events, as in my opinion, these events should become official too. They have been around for years with many managers participating in it, and therefore I feel it should get a lot more recognition from Gamebasics.