[Międzynarodowy Turniej][Grupy]The Eagles Cup 2016
Polska grupa Polish Eagles jest organizatorem międzynarodowego turnieju dla grup pn. The Eagles Cup 3.0 wg poniższej formuły:
Nowy turniej dla Crews bez obozów treningowych!
Tylko z tajnymi treningami!
Lucky losers!
Zapisy trwały do 30.06.2016.
Pierwsza mecze: 13. 07.2016 i każdego następnego miesiąca start w dniu 13-go.
Szczegółowy terminarz gier: po zakończeniu zapisów.
Format rozgrywek: 5x5
System rozgrywek: pucharowy.
Miejsce bitwy: jak w WNT 2016/2017.
Składy (zawierające kapitana i potencjalnego moderatora ligi) podajemy zawsze najpóźniej 2 dni przed terminem rozpoczęcia bitwy. Brak składów w terminie: - 100 punktów. Brak składów do ostatniego dnia przygotowawczego: walkower.
Organizator: Polish Eagles
Prowadzący: Dovco_HandF
Ilość drużyn: 44 ekipy z 43 Grup wg zapisów.
Zasady rozstawienia grup: od najstarszej do najmłodszej - decyduje dzień założenia grupy.
Regulamin: Na podstawie ogólnych zasad w Battlepedia, CCL, CC.
Zasady założenia ligi według wzoru:
Użycie szpiega, lekarza i prawnika - bez ograniczeń.
Klasyfikacja: jak standard dla bitew w formacie 5x5
W przypadku remisu w bitwie: awans dla starszej stażem Grupy.
Mecze towarzyskie: do czterech w kolejce tylko pomiędzy kolegami z grupy (zawodnicy nie muszą grać na swoich nominalnych pozycjach - zasada tylko dla meczów towarzyskich). Za każde wyzwanie przeciwnika do meczu towarzyskiego: - 100 punktów karnych.
Szczegółowy harmonogram gier:
1 runda: 44 drużyn
Start: 13 lipca 2016
Promocja: 22 + 10 zwycięzców szczęście przegrani * = 32 drużyny- 10 szczęśliwych przegranych: zespoły, które osiągnęły najlepszy wynik wśród przegranych.
1 vs 44, 2 vs 43, 3 vs 42, 4 vs 41, 5 vs 40, 6 vs 39, 7 vs 38, 8 vs 37, 9 vs 36, 10 vs 35, 11 vs 34, 12 vs 33, 13 vs 32, 14, 15 vs 31 vs 30, 16 vs 29, 17 vs 28, 18 vs 27, 19 vs 26, 20 vs 25, 21 vs 24, 22 vs 23
2 runda: 32 drużyny
Start: 13 sierpnia 2016 roku w
Promocja: 16 zwycięzców
1 vs 32, 2 vs 31, 3 vs 30, 4 vs 29, 5 vs 28, 6 vs 27, 7 vs 26, 8 vs 25, 9 vs 24, 10 vs 23, 11 vs 22, 12 vs 21, 13 vs 20, 14 vs 19, 15 vs 18, 16 vs 173 runda: 16 drużyn
Start: 13 września 2016 roku w
Promocja: 8 zwycięzców
1 vs 16, 15 vs 2, 3 vs 14 vs 13 4, 5 vs 12 vs 11 6, 7 vs 10 vs 8 94 Runda: 8 drużyn
Start: 13 października 2016
Promocja: 4 zwycięzców
1 vs 8, 2 vs 7, 3 vs 6, 4 vs 55 runda: 4 zespoły
Start: 13 listopada 2016 na
Promocja: 2 zwycięzców
1 vs 4, 2 vs 36 runda: 2 zespoły
Start: na 13 grudnia 2016
FinałPunkty do klasyfikacji generalnej Turnieju:
Dyskwalifikacja / walkower w każdej chwili = 0 punktów
1 runda = 1 punkt
1 runda / szczęśliwy przegrany = 2 punkty
2 runda = 3 punkty
3 kolejka = 4 punkty
4 rundzie = 5 punktów
5 rundzie = 6 punktów
6 rundzie / wicemistrz = 8 punktów
6 rundzie / Mistrz = 10 punktów
Uwaga: jeśli ekipa wystawiła dwa zespoły w turnieju tylko jeden wynik liczy się do klasyfikacji generalnej: lepszy.Założyciel turnieju zastrzega sobie prawo do wprowadzania zmian i mieć decydujący głos w sytuacjach spornych.
Oficjalny język turnieju: angielski. - 10 szczęśliwych przegranych: zespoły, które osiągnęły najlepszy wynik wśród przegranych.
Uczestnicy turnieju: 44 drużyny z 43 Grup
Crew Name: Tugas
Founded on: 13-12-2010Crew name: ARAB EAGLES
Link: http://pl.onlinesoccermanager.com/Crews/Profile/3129
Founded on: 02-07-2011Crew name: Spartacus Legends
Link: http://pl.onlinesoccermanager.com/Crews/Profile/3492
Founded on: 21-01-2012Crew name: Merah
Link: http://pl.onlinesoccermanager.com/Crews/Profile/3616
Founded on: 19-03-2012Crew name : The Best of Turkey
Link : http://pl.onlinesoccermanager.com/Crews/Profile/4225
Founded on : 13-11-2012Crew name: Pichichis de Leyenda
Link: http://pl.onlinesoccermanager.com/Crews/Profile/4296
Founded on: 15/12/2012Crew name: Master Coach
Link: http://pl.onlinesoccermanager.com/Crews/Profile/4337
Founded on: 31-12-2012Crew name: ŁǾЯЊ
Link: http://pl.onlinesoccermanager.com/Crews/Profile/4420
Founded on: 03-02-2013Crew name: Polish Legends
Link: http://pl.onlinesoccermanager.com/Crews/Profile/4759
Founded on: 05-06-2013Crew Name: Husarya_PL
Link: http://pl.onlinesoccermanager.com/Crews/Profile/5024
Founded on: 03-09-2013Crew name: All Star Crew
Link http://pl.onlinesoccermanager.com/Crews/Profile/5137
founded on: 19.10.2013Crew name: The Special Forces
Link : http://pl.onlinesoccermanager.com/Crews/Profile/5170
Founded on: 07-11-2013Crew name: Argentinos al mango
Link: http://pl.onlinesoccermanager.com/Crews/Profile/5272
Founded on: 17/12/2013Crew name: Polish Eagles
Link: http://pl.onlinesoccermanager.com/Crews/Profile/5297
Founded on: 28-12-2013Crew name: IDIOS ASSASSINS (Team "A")
Founded on: 28-12-2013Crew name: IDIOS ASSASSINS (Team "B")
Founded on: 28-12-2013Crew name: REVENGE
Founded on: 09-01-2014Crew name: The Dillon Panthers
Link: http://pl.onlinesoccermanager.com/Crews/Profile/5413
Founded on: 04-02-2014Crew Name: Domination
Founded on: 04-09-2014Crew name: PEJABAT TERAS
Link : http://pl.onlinesoccermanager.com/Crews/Profile/6360
Founded on : 12-09-2014Crew name: TRABZONSPOR 1461
Link: http://pl.onlinesoccermanager.com/Crews/Profile/6365
Founded on: 13.09.2014Crew name: RED SKULLS
Founded on: 12-10-2014Crew name: Força Galática
Founded on: 09/11/2014Crew name : Polish Slavic Group
Link: http://pl.onlinesoccermanager.com/Crews/Profile/6796
Founded on : 26-12-2014Crew name: Le Crabe Crewstillant
Founded on: 16.01.2015Crew name : Master Coach Junior
Link: http://pl.onlinesoccermanager.com/Crews/Profile/7062
Founded on : 23-02-2015Crew name: Indonesia Glory
Link: http://pl.onlinesoccermanager.com/Crews/Profile/7138
Founded on: 11-03-2015Crew Name: Big Boy Team
Founded on : 11-03-2015Crew name: OSM Striker Ultras
Link: http://pl.onlinesoccermanager.com/Crews/Profile/772
Founded on: 31-03-2015Crew name: Arab Crew
Link: http://pl.onlinesoccermanager.com/Crews/Profile/7326
Founded on: 24-04-2015Crew name: Managers Academy Group
Link: http://pl.onlinesoccermanager.com/Crews/Profile/7399
Founded on: 17-05-2015Crew name: Karadeniz İmparatorluğu
Link: http://pl.onlinesoccermanager.com/Crews/Profile/7467
Founded on: 30.05.2015Crew Name: Born in the USSR
Founded On:07-06-2015Crew name: The Alliance
Link: http://pl.onlinesoccermanager.com/Crews/Profile/8056
Founded on: 22-09-2015Crew name: Men Of Honour
Link: http://pl.onlinesoccermanager.com/Crews/Profile/8132
Founded on: 15-10-2015Crew name: Dynamis
Founded on: 24/10/2015Crew name: Exodus Of The Eagle
Link: http://pl.onlinesoccermanager.com/Crews/Profile/8361
Founded on: 08-01-2016Crew name: CONTUGAL
Link: http://pl.onlinesoccermanager.com/Crews/Profile/8395
Founded on: 23-01-2016Crew name: Ganbatte Kudasai
Link: http://pl.onlinesoccermanager.com/Crews/Profile/8835
Founded: 05-03-2016Crew name: Vingadores Brasil Crew
Link: http://pl.onlinesoccermanager.com/Crews/Profile/8909
Founded on: 11-03-2016Crew name: Gilani Fighters
Link: http://pl.onlinesoccermanager.com/Crews/Profile/9552
Founded on: 01-05-2016Crew Name : BROKER INOSMIA
Link : http://pl.onlinesoccermanager.com/Crews/Profile/9589
Founded On : 03-05 2016Crew Name: SEVDAMIZ FUTBOL
Founded On:24.04.2016Crew Name: TURAN ORDUSU
Link: http://pl.onlinesoccermanager.com/Crews/Profile/11196
Founded on: 20.06.2016 -
The Eagles Cup 3.0 1st round
Countr of Leaque: Austria 2nd Division
End Date: 08/08/2016-09/08/2016Finale scores:
Tugas 1000:0 TURAN ORDUSU
Spartacus Legends 420:1710 BROKER INOSMIA
MerahPutih 1000:0 41. Gilani Fighters (DSQ)
The Best of Turkey 1791:551 Vingadores Brasil Crew
Pichichis de Leyenda 1969:480 Ganbatte Kudasai
Master Coach 1918:297 CONTUGAL
ŁǾЯЊ (DSQ) 0:1000 Exodus Of The Eagle
Polish Legends 1277:1168 Dynamis
Husarya_PL 1463:950 Men Of Honour
All Star Crew 967:1385 The Alliance
The Special Forces 982:1271 Born in the USSR
Argentinos al mango 1140:1200 Karadeniz İmparatorluğu
Polish Eagles 1805:615 Managers Academy Group
IDIOS ASSASSINS (Team "A") 2008:425 Arab Crew
IDIOS ASSASSINS (Team "B") 679:1553 OSM Striker Ultras
REVENGE 1654:877 Fats Lords
The Dillon Panthers 1276:728 Indonesia Glory
Domination 1699:722 Master Coach Junior
PEJABAT TERAS 1177:1290 Le Crabe Crewstillant
TRABZONSPOR 1461 1357:735 Polish Slavic Group
RED SKULLS 1110:1268 Força Galática -
The Eagles Cup 3.0 2nd round
Country of Leaque: Paraguay
End Date: 08/09/2016Finale scores:
1.Tugas 1350 - 972 BROKER INOSMIA
2. MerahPutih 989:1403 SEVDAMIZ FUTBOL
3.The Best of Turkey 1884:573 Exodus Of The Eagle
4. Pichichis de Leyenda 872:1557 Dynamis
5. Master Coach 1290:1155 Men Of Honour
6. Polish Legends 522:1882 The Alliance
7. Husarya_PL 569:1793 Born in the USSR
8. All Star Crew 1210:1194 Karadeniz İmparatorluğu
9. The Special Forces 1431:1018 vs OSM Striker Ultras
10. Argentinos al mango 1984:440 Fat Lords (previously:Big Boy Team)
11. Polish Eagles 1755:700 Indonesia Glory
12. IDIOS ASSASSINS 1064:857 Le Crabe Crewstillant
13. REVENGE 2010:394 Polish Slavic Group
14. The Dillon Panthers 632:1776 Força Galática
15. Domination 777:1673 RED SKULLS
The Eagles Cup 3.0 Round 3
Country of League: Singapore
Date: 13.09.2016 - 08.10.2016Finale scores:
1.Tugas 1840:557 SEVDAMIZ FUTBOL
2.The Best of Turkey 1020: 1415 Dynamis
3. Master Coach 752: 1636 The Alliance
4. All Star Crew 712 :1708 Born in the USSR
5. The Special Forces 830:1570 Força Galática
6. Argentinos al mango 1509:928 RED SKULLS
7. Polish Eagles 535:1946 PEJABAT TERAS
The Eagles Cup 3.0 Round 4 (quarterfinal)
Country of League: Faroe Islands
Date: 13.10.2016 - 08.11.2016Finale scores:
Tugas 1499:821 Dynamis
Argentinos al mango 879:1542 The Alliance
PEJABAT TERAS 1557:742 Força Galática
REVENGE 1311:1135 Born in the USSR -
The Eagles Cup 3.0 Round 5 (semifinal)
Country of League: Albania
Date: 13.11.2016 - 08.12.2016Tugas: 1074:1223 The Alliance
REVENGE 792:1662 Pejabat Teras -
Wielki finał: The Eagle Cup 2016
Founded on : 12-09-2014
The Alliance
Founded on: 22-09-2015Miejsce bitwy Honduras.
Start: at 13-go grudnia 2016 r.Bitwa w toku!
Podsumowanie turnieju przez zwycięzcę
@Aldy-Brahmantyo said in The Eagles Cup 2016:The Eagles Cup 3.0 - 2016 (Grand Final)
Final Score :
Pejabat Teras : 1482
The Alliance : 930Last standings of the grand final :
@giouzzz My great respect for The Alliance who gave us really hard challenge and really difficult fight since the first match. You already gave us about the real of struggle and gave a lot of pressures that made us become stress and nervous to finish this final battle. Thank you very much for this great experience, hope someday we'll meet again on the other tournament. May the success will always follow your crew.
I also would like to say thank you very much to @Dovco_HandF and his crew, Polish Eagles who created this great competition and great organization. This is the first time of our experience how to know battle without training camp. As we know, finally the rules itself didn't reduce the tension of the battle and didn't reduce the quality of the competition itself. Thank you for your hard work and your responsibility to organize this competition since from the first round until the last battle. Hope this competition will continue and will be more interesting for the next edition. My apologize if me or my crew did some mistakes that we didn't realize during follow your competition and maybe it harmed the other crew / other people.
Special thanks to our opponents from the first round, second round, until the final round : Le Crabe Crewstillant (LCC), TRABZONSPOR 1461, Polish Eagles, Forca Galatica (sorry I can't write the correct name), REVENGE and of course our final opponent, The Alliance. To have a battle with all of you is an honor for an underdog crew like Pejabat Teras.
Especially thanks to LCC ( @yann2312 , @Restimat , @Ikki07 , @vincep , and @Raloufiño ) who gave us sad defeat at the 1st round. It was really hurt so bad but it also strengthened us to rise and learned about the previous mistakes until we reach at this phase. Your support after beat us was help us to become better than before.
I won't forget this result :
The Eagles Cup 3.0 Round 6 (Grand final)
Country of League: Honduras
Date: 13.12.2016 - 07.01.2017Pejabat Teras 1482:930 The Alliance
The Eagles Cup 3.0 2016 Round 1
Countr of Leaque: Austria 2nd Division
End Date: 13/07/2016-08/08/2016Tugas 1000:0 TURAN ORDUSU
Spartacus Legends 420:1710 BROKER INOSMIA
MerahPutih 1000:0 Gilani Fighters (DSQ)
The Best of Turkey 1791:551 Vingadores Brasil Crew
Pichichis de Leyenda 1969:480 Ganbatte Kudasai
Master Coach 1918:297 CONTUGAL
ŁǾЯЊ (DSQ) 0:1000 Exodus Of The Eagle
Polish Legends 1277:1168 Dynamis
Husarya_PL 1463:950 Men Of Honour
All Star Crew 967:1385 The Alliance
The Special Forces 982:1271 Born in the USSR
Argentinos al mango 1140:1200 Karadeniz İmparatorluğu
Polish Eagles 1805:615 Managers Academy Group
IDIOS ASSASSINS (Team "A") 2008:425 Arab Crew
IDIOS ASSASSINS (Team "B") 679:1553 OSM Striker Ultras
REVENGE 1654:877 Fats Lords
The Dillon Panthers 1276:728 Indonesia Glory
Domination 1699:722 Master Coach Junior
PEJABAT TERAS 1177:1290 Le Crabe Crewstillant
TRABZONSPOR 1461 1357:735 Polish Slavic Group
RED SKULLS 1110:1268 Força GaláticaThe Eagles Cup 2016 3.0 Round 2
Country of Leaque: Paraguay
End Date: 13/08/2016-08/09/2016Tugas 1350 - 972 BROKER INOSMIA
MerahPutih 989:1403 SEVDAMIZ FUTBOL
The Best of Turkey 1884:573 Exodus Of The Eagle
Pichichis de Leyenda 872:1557 Dynamis
Master Coach 1290:1155 Men Of Honour
Polish Legends 522:1882 The Alliance
Husarya_PL 569:1793 Born in the USSR
All Star Crew 1210:1194 Karadeniz İmparatorluğu
The Special Forces 1431:1018 vs OSM Striker Ultras
Argentinos al mango 1984:440 Fat Lords (previously:Big Boy Team)
Polish Eagles 1755:700 Indonesia Glory
IDIOS ASSASSINS 1064:857 Le Crabe Crewstillant
REVENGE 2010:394 Polish Slavic Group
The Dillon Panthers 632:1776 Força Galática
Domination 777:1673 RED SKULLS
PEJABAT TERAS 1861:576 TRABZONSPOR 1461The Eagles Cup 3.0 2016 Round 3
Country of League: Singapore
Date: 13.09.2016 - 08.10.2016Tugas 1840:557 SEVDAMIZ FUTBOL
The Best of Turkey 1020: 1415 Dy
Master Coach 752: 1636 The Alliance
All Star Crew 712 :1708 Born in the USSR
The Special Forces 830:1570 Força Galática
Argentinos al mango 1509:928 RED SKULLS
Polish Eagles 535:1946 PEJABAT TERAS
IDIOS ASSASSINS 1086:1296 REVENGEThe Eagles Cup 3.0 2016 Round 4 (quarterfinal)
Country of League: Faroe Islands
Date: 13.10.2016 - 08.11.2016Tugas 1499:821 Dynamis
Argentinos al mango 879:1542 The Alliance
PEJABAT TERAS 1557:742 Força Galática
REVENGE 1311:1135 Born in the USSRThe Eagles Cup 3.0 Round 5 (semifinal)
Country of League: Albania
Date: 13.11.2016 - 08.12.2016Tugas: 1074:1223 The Alliance
REVENGE 792:1662 Pejabat TerasThe Eagles Cup 3.0 Round 6 (Grand final)
Country of League: Honduras
Date: 13.12.2016 - 07.01.2017Pejabat Teras 1482:930 The Alliance
Place/Crew name/Points of GC
1.Pejabat Teras-10
2.The Alliance-83.REVENGE-6
3.Tugas-65.Born in the USSR-5
7.Argentinos al mango-5
8.Força Galática-59.IDIOS ASSASSINS-4
10.The Best of Turkey-4
12.The Special Forces-4
13.Master Coach-4
14.All Star Crew-4
16.Polish Eagles-417.Karadeniz İmparatorluğu-3
18.Men Of Honour-3
19.Le Crabe Crewstillant-3
21.OSM Striker Ultras-3
23.Pichichis de Leyenda-3
25.Indonesia Glory-3
26.The Dillon Panthers-3
29.Exodus Of The Eagle-3
30.Polish Legends-3
31.Fat Lords (previously:Big Boy Team) -3
32.Polish Wariors (previously:Polish Slavic Group)-333.Master Coach Junior -1
34.Managers Academy Group-1
35.Vingadores Brasil Crew-1
36.Spartacus Legends-1
37.Ganbatte Kudasai-1
38.Arab Crew-1
40-43.ARAB EAGLES -0
40-43.Gilani Fighters -0
40-43.ŁǾЯЊ -0General classification (GC) after 1 edition:
Disqualification / walkover at any time=0 poSoon will be the table with these results
Participant of round 1- place 33-39=1 point
Participant of round 2 - place 17-32=3 points
Participant of round 3 - place 9-16=4 points
Participant of round 4(quarterfinal)- place 5-8=5 points
Participant of round 5(semifinal) - place 3-4=6 poitns
Participant of round 6 (grand final)- place 2=8 points
Participant of round 6 (grand final) - place 1=10 pointsWkrótce będzie tabela z tymi rezultatami :thumbsup_tone1:
The Eagles Cup 2017
Without training camps!
Only with secret trainings!
Registration: 01-31 May 2017.
Max: 128 crews.
First battles: 13th June 2017. -
Zapraszam polskie grupy do 2 edycji tego międzynarodowego turnieju organizowanego przez moją grupę: Polish Eagles :thumbsup_tone1:. -
@Dovco_HandF said in The Eagles Cup 2016:
International tournament for Crews!
Without training camps!
Only with secret trainings!
Lucky losers!We hope that the fun go hand in hand with the fair play.
Registration: till 31.05.2016.
First battles: 13.06.2016
The competition format: 5x5.
The competition system: knock-out.
Battle place: will be always given a few days before the battle.
Line-up (including captain and potencial moderator): Always give at least two days before the start of the battle. No line-up before dead line: - 100 points. No line-up till last preparation day - walkover.
Number of teams: max 128.
Rules of deployment Crews: Every round from oldest to youngest - Crew Foundation day will decide.
General rules: Based on the general rules in Battlepedia, CCL, CC.
No transfers in the 1st preparation day! Every transfer: -50 points.
No transfers between crewmates! For Every transfer you will get penalty like Battlepedia said.
Using a spy, a doctor and a lawyer - without restrictions.
Classification: standard for battles in the format 5x5
In case of a draw in the battle: promotion for older seniority Group.Friendlies: till four for the round only between colleagues from the Crew (Players do not have to play on their original positions - the rule only for friendlies). For challenge an opponent to a friendly match - 100 penalty points
Instructions to create the league:
The tournament founder reserves the right to make changes and to have a decisive voice in contentious situations.
:atom: Tournament founder: Dovco_HandF.
:atom: Tournament support: Damiś27.
@Dovco_HandF said in The Eagles Cup 2016:
Registration of The Eagles Cup 3.0 2017 is closed! Welcome all. In this weekend will be all details about 1st round. Thank you for your participation and good luck
1.Polish Eagles
3.Legion Crusher
5.Irmãos Metralhas
6.Quei Bravi Ragazzi
7.Giovani bravi ragazzi
8.The Best of Turkey
9.Spartacus Legends
11.Polish Warriors
12.OSM Striker Ultras
13.Galatasaray SK
14.The Dillon Panthers
15.Polish Legends
19.Vinsmoke Family
21.Die Trophäensammler
22.Nusantara United
23.Karadeniz İmparatorluğu
24.The Last Warriors
26.The Managers
27.Klewes Street Elite
28.The Alliance
30.Arab Crew
31.The Special Forces
32.The Gunners
33.Stars Crew
35.The Skulls
37.Arab Eagles
38.Exodus Of The Eagle
39.Born in the USSR
41.A Good Looking Imperium
42.Master Coach
43.The Phoenix
44.الأبطال 7
45 Idios Assassins
46.Made in Egypt
47.New Command
48.Men Of Honour
51.Monstruos del Fútbol
53.Lion Kong
54.Força Galática
55.THE 1ST
56.Black Star
57.Mafia Brasil
59.Platinum Warriors
60.New Age
62.All Star Crew
63.Draco's Crew
64.Union of the Supremes
65.Fat Lords
67.Trabzonspor Akademi
68.Hungarian Fighters
69.Nação Brasil
71.Hooligans BR
72.Paranoic Managers
74.The Avengers Crew
75.The Rebels' Yell
76.Phantoms of the Cannibals
77.Dynamis Academy
78.Eye of the Tiger
79.Phantoms ACADEMY
80.Potrero de AAM
82.Merah Putih
83.ISM 3.0
84.cOSMos wild italian
86.Brasil United
87.Red Skulls Academy
88.Zeitgeist -
Participants of the tournament: 88 teams from 88 Crews.- 13.12.2010 - Tugas
- 16.04.2011 - Scorpions
- 02.07.2011 - Arab Eagles
- 17.08.2011 - AKINCILAR
- 03.12.2011 - Zeitgeist
- 21.01.2012 - Spartacus Legends
- 19.03.2012 - Merah - Putih
- 18.04.2012 - Monstruos Del Futbol
- 07.06.2012 - Nusantara United
- 13.11.2012 - The Best of Turkey
- 31.12.2012 - Master Coach
- 13.04.2013 - Hungarian Fighters
- 30.05.2013 - Die Trophäensammler
- 05.06.2013 - Polish Legends
- 15.07.2013 - Lion Kong
- 30.07.2013 - The Rebels' Yell
- 03.09.2013 - Husarya_PL
- 19.10.2013 - All Star Crew
- 07.11.2013 - The Special Forces
- 28.12.2013 - Polish Eagles
- 28.12.2013 - Idios Assassins
- 07.01.2014 - Phantoms of the Cannibals
- 09.01.2014 - REVENGE
- 04.02.2014 - The Dillon Panthers
- 28.02.2014 - Nação Brasil
- 09.03.2014 - Union of the Supremes
- 15.04.2014 - Galatasaray SK
- 08.05.2014 - THE 1ST
- 26.06.2014 - Galácticos
- 11.07.2014 - Highlander
- 12.08.2014 - Draco's Crew
- 13.09.2014 - Trabzonspor
- 18.09.2014 - Portvcale
- 09.11.2014 - Força Master Brasileira
- 29.11.2014 - Eye Of The Tiger
- 26.12.2014 - Polish Warriors
- 27.01.2015 - Legion Crusher
- 11.03.2015 - Glory of Indonesia
- 11.03.2015 - Fat Lords
- 21.03.2015 - Musketeers
- 31.03.2015 - OSM Striker Ultras
- 24.04.2015 - Arab Crew
- 17.05.2015 - THE MANAGERS
- 30.05.2015 - Karadeniz İmparatorluğu
- 05.06.2015 - The Avengers Crew
- 07.06.2015 - Born in the USSR
- 22.09.2015 - The Alliance
- 12.10.2015 - RED SKULLS ACADEMY
- 15.10.2015 - Men Of Honour
- 24.10.2015 - Dynamis
- 17.11.2015 - LUSITANOS
- 26.11.2015 - Phantoms ACADEMY
- 30.11.2015 - Quei Bravi Ragazzi
- 23.12.2015 - The Phoenix
- 08.01.2016 - Exodus Of The Eagle
- 09.01.2016 - Black Star
- 23.01.2016 - LOTUS
- 11.03.2016 - New Age
- 03.05.2016 - BROKER INOSMIA
- 30.05.2016 - Maron
- 05.07.2016 - Platinum Warriors
- 07.07.2016 - New Command
- 23.07.2016 - Giovani Bravi Ragazzi
- 09.09.2016 - The Last Warriors
- 03.11.2016 - Paranoic Managers
- 14.11.2016 - PïrätëĊʀἔᾧ
- 19.11.2016 - Máfia Brasil
- 30.11.2016 - Vinsmoke Family
- 15.12.2016 - Brasil United
- 19.12.2016 - The Skulls
- 20.12.2016 - Klewes Street Elite
- 23.12.2016 - ALEJA GWIAZD
- 01.01.2017 - Made in Egypt
- 19.01.2017 - AutoKimia2000
- 27.01.2017 - Irmãos Metralhas
- 15.02.2017 - Potrero de AAM
- 07.03.2017 - الأبطال 7
- 07.03.2017 - HOOLIGANS BR
- 07.03.2017 - ωσℓνєѕ
- 16.03.2017 - cOSMos wild italian
- 28.03.2017 - The Gunners
- 29.03.2017 - MYSTERY
- 20.04.2017 - Dynamis Academy
- 21.04.2017 - Skulls Crew
- 30.04.2017 - A Good Looking Imperium
- 08.05.2017 - ISM 3.0
- 18.05.2017 - Trabzonspor Akademi
I applied a method that the group has an earlier number
- 28.12.2013 - 5297 - Polish Eagles
28.12.2013 - 5298 - Idios Assassins - 11.03.2015 - 7138 - Glory of Indonesia
11.03.2015 - 7141 - Fat Lords - 07.03.2017 - 14752 - الأبطال 7
07.03.2017 - 14755 - HOOLIGANS BR
07.03.2017 - 14758 - ωσℓνєѕ
Deployment of Crews:
The created year of the crew is first taken into account, then the month and the date. If these three dates are the same, then the smaller crew id number is taken into account. -
International tournament for Crews! Without training camps! Only with secret trainings! 20 lucky losers!
We hope that the fun go hand in hand with the fair play.
Registration: till 31.05.2017.
First battles: 13.06.2017
The competition format: 5x5.
The competition system: knock-out.
Battle place: GEORGIA, in the 1st round.
Line-ups should be posted by 11/06 (midnight server), with captain and moderator! No line-up before dea line: - 100 points. No line-up till last preparation day - walkover.
Number of teams: max 128.
Rules of deployment Crews: Every round from oldest to youngest - Crew Foundation day will decide.
General rules: Based on the general rules in Battlepedia, CCL, WCC, CC.
No transfers in the 1st preparation day! Every transfer: -50 points.
No transfers between crewmates! For Every transfer you will get penalty like Battlepedia said.
Friendlies: till four for the round only between colleagues from the Crew (Players do not have to play on their original positions - the rule only for friendlies). For challenge an opponent to a friendly match - 100 penalty points
**Instructions to create the league:
Using a spy, a doctor and a lawyer - without restrictions.
Classification: standard for battles in the format 5x5
In case of a draw in the battle: promotion for older seniority Group.
The tournament founder reserves the right to make changes and to have a decisive voice in contentious situations.
:atom: Tournament founder: Dovco_HandF.
:atom: Tournament support: Damiś27.
Participants of the tournament: 88 teams from 88 Crews.Detailed schedule:
1st round: 88 teams
Start: at 13th June 2017
Promotion: 44 winners + 20 lucky losers* = 64 teams
*20 lucky losers: teams that achieved the best score among the losers.
1 vs 88, 2 vs 87, 3 vs 86, 4 vs 85, 5 vs 84, 6 vs 83, 7 vs 82, 8 vs 81, 9 vs 80, 10 vs 79, 11 vs 78, 12 vs 77, 13 vs 76, 14 vs 75, 15 vs 74, 16 vs 73, 17 vs 72, 18 vs 71, 19 vs 70, 20 vs 69, 21 vs 68, 22 vs 67, 23 vs 66, 24 vs 65, 25 vs 64, 26 vs 63, 27 vs 62, 28 vs 61, 29 vs 60, 30 vs 59, 31 vs 58, 32 vs 57, 33 vs 56, 34 vs 55, 35 vs 54, 36 vs 53, 37 vs 52, 38 vs 51, 39 vs 50, 40 vs 49, 41 vs 48, 42 vs 47, 43 vs 46, 44 vs 45.2nd round: 64 teams
Start: at 13th July 2017
Promotion: 32 winners
1 vs 64, 2 vs 63, 3 vs 62, 4 vs 61, 5 vs 60, 6 vs 59, 7 vs 58, 8 vs 57, 9 vs 56, 10 vs 55, 11 vs 54, 12 vs 53, 13 vs 52, 14 vs 51, 15 vs 50, 16 vs 49, 17 vs 48, 18 vs 47, 19 vs 46, 20 vs 45, 21 vs 44, 22 vs 43, 23 vs 42, 24 vs 41, 25 vs 40, 26 vs 39, 27 vs 38, 28 vs 37, 29 vs 36, 30 vs 35, 31 vs 34, 32 vs 33.3rd round: 32 teams
Start: at 13th August 2017
Promotion: 16 winners
1 vs 32, 2 vs 31, 3 vs 30, 4 vs 29, 5 vs 28, 6 vs 27, 7 vs 26, 8 vs 25, 9 vs 24, 10 vs 23, 11 vs 22, 12 vs 21, 13 vs 20, 14 vs 19, 15 vs 18, 16 vs 174th round: 16 teams
Start: at 13th September 2017
Promotion: 8 winners
1 vs 16, 2 vs 15, 3 vs 14, 4 vs 13, 5 vs 12, 6 vs 11, 7 vs 10, 8 vs 95th round: 8 teams
Start: at 13th October 2017
Promotion: 4 winners
1 vs 8, 2 vs 7, 3 vs 6, 4 vs 56th round: 4 teams
Start: at 13th November 2017
Promotion: 2 winners
1 vs 4, 2 vs 37th round: 2 teams
Start: at 13th December 2017
The grand finalPoints for the general classification of the Tournament:
Disqualification / walkover at any time=0 points
1st round=1 point
2nd round=2 points
3rd round=3 points
4th round=4 points
5th round=5 points
6th round/Runner up=6 points
7th round/Runner up=8 points
7th round/Winner=10 pointsThe tournament founder reserves the right to make changes and to have a decisive voice in contentious situations.
1 vs 88, Tugas vs Trabzonspor Akademi
2 vs 87, Scorpions vs ISM 3.0
3 vs 86, Arab Eagles vs A Good Looking Imperium
4 vs 85, AKINCILAR vs Skulls Crew
5 vs 84, Zeitgeist vs Dynamis Academy
6 vs 83, Spartacus Legends vs MYSTERY
7 vs 82, Merah - Putih vs The Gunners
8 vs 81, Monstruos Del Futbol vs cOSMos wild italian
9 vs 80, Nusantara United vs ωσℓνєѕ
10 vs 79, The Best of Turkey vs HOOLIGANS BR
11 vs 78, Master Coach vs الأبطال 7
12 vs 77, Hungarian Fighters vs Potrero de AAM
13 vs 76, Die Trophäensammler vs Irmãos Metralhas
14 vs 75, Polish Legends vs AutoKimia2000
15 vs 74, Lion Kong vs Made in Egypt
16 vs 73, The Rebels' Yell vs ALEJA GWIAZD
17 vs 72, Husarya_PL vs Klewes Street Elite
18 vs 71, All Star Crew vs The Skulls
19 vs 70, The Special Forces vs Brasil United
20 vs 69, Polish Eagles vs Vinsmoke Family
21 vs 68, Idios Assassins vs Máfia Brasil
22 vs 67, Phantoms of the Cannibals vs PïrätëĊʀἔᾧ
23 vs 66, REVENGE vs Paranoic Managers
24 vs 65, The Dillon Panthers vs The Last Warriors
25 vs 64, Nação Brasil vs Giovani Bravi Ragazzi
26 vs 63, Union of the Supremes vs New Command
27 vs 62, Galatasaray SK vs Platinum Warriors
28 vs 61, THE 1ST vs Maron
29 vs 60, Galácticos vs BROKER INOSMIA
30 vs 59, Highlander vs FUTBOLEROS AMERICANOS VIP
31 vs 58, Draco's Crew vs New Age
32 vs 57, Trabzonspor vs LOTUS
33 vs 56, Portvcale vs Black Star
34 vs 55, Força Master Brasileira vs Exodus Of The Eagle
35 vs 54, Eye Of The Tiger vs The Phoenix
36 vs 53, Polish Warriors vs Quei Bravi Ragazzi
37 vs 52, Legion Crusher vs Phantoms ACADEMY
38 vs 51, Glory of Indonesia vs LUSITANOS
39 vs 50, Fat Lords vs Dynamis
40 vs 49, Musketeers vs Men Of Honour
41 vs 48, OSM Striker Ultras vs RED SKULLS ACADEMY
42 vs 47, Arab Crew vs The Alliance
43 vs 46, THE MANAGERS vs Born in the USSR
44 vs 45, Karadeniz İmparatorluğu vs The Avengers CrewRound 1: GEORGIA
Line-ups from now till 11.06.2017!