Crew battle league
Can i know when the next crew battle league will be coming..for now it's stil spain right
The current Crew Battle League is in Romania. But where will the next one be?
Hello Osm Admins/Managers,
Just a little question, why is the battle league not changing every 2 weeks like before, I played battle last time and I played in Romanian league and when I joined again yesterday, I am playing in Romanian league again, I don't know if others feels the same way but it's boring playing in the same battle league 2 times in a row, can you please look in this matter, I believe The Romanian league has been here for more than 2 weeks, thanks
@Ruben-Amorim-FC Tks for reporting it. It should have been changed last week and it did on NL version, but it didn't changed on World --- Forwarded to be fixed!
Solved! New leagues are being created on Argentina too... not possible to change the ones already created of course
@SpecialOne Thanks, I am happy to see such a quick response
On 2 January the Crew League started in Argentina. After that we have started
several Battles in Argentina, but today we also started a Battle, and now it is Romania again? How is this possible, since we play on the Dutch Server? Our crew team expected Argentina, now they are disappointed. -
On 9 January we started another Battle and it is Romania Again.
Sorry, My colleague misunderstood the issue and corrected it the wrong way... set NL back to Romania instead of World to Argentina. Both fixed now and set to Argentina
Thanks. Do we get a new Crew Battle Country today?
It seems to be England.