Football Master Series (FMS)
4 rounds already played and here is the actual standings!
- FMS 3rd Edition - Pristina
- FMS 3rd Edition - Prizren
- FMS 3rd Edition - Gnjilane
- FMS 3rd Edition - Mitrovica
- FMS 3rd Edition - Urosevac
Remember 32 first manager at the end of the league (By league points) go to the next one, which will be played in Champions league format and... Better position = Better team value
Don't take in count the Manager points column, it's just an add for a private system i'm tested while you are playing the competition!
You still have time to send your matches prediction until 25/07 before simulation, here is the link: FMS Matches Prediction - Week 6
@Markez17 said in Football Master Series (FMS):
TOP 3 Prediction form
Oh noo.. i missed the TOP 3 Prediction form
FMS Matches Predicion - Week 6 Result
Pristina: [NuDauAutografe] 1-0 [ToomAnyWays]
Prizren: [Kolonyagücü] 1-2 [Fadeli Anas]
Gnjilane: [ArAsh77_7] 1-3 [Didier Deuteronomio]
Mitrovica: [Marinel Lemnaru] 2-2 [siervojorge]
Urosevac: [Vladimir Granat] 1-1 [abang becak]
Hello bosses!
6th round have already been played so...
It's time to start with a new "Matches Prediction" formsThis time, match chosen is Trepca '89 vs Drenica!
FMS Matches Prediction - Week 12
- 1 point if you guess a team goals.
- 1 point if you guess the winner. (Or draw if you choose same goals scored for both teams)
- 4 points if you guess the exact result.
Everyone can send their votes, you and your crew don't need to play FMS to participate!
You have until 31st July, 18:00 UTC Time.Thank you for your time!
@language-AR @language-DE @language-EN @language-ES @language-FR @language-HU @language-ID @language-IT @language-PL @language-PT @language-RO @language-RU @language-TR
8 rounds already played and here is the actual standings!
- FMS 3rd Edition - Pristina
- FMS 3rd Edition - Prizren
- FMS 3rd Edition - Gnjilane
- FMS 3rd Edition - Mitrovica
- FMS 3rd Edition - Urosevac
Remember 32 first manager at the end of the league (By league points) go to the next one, which will be played in Champions league format and... Better position = Better team value
Don't take in count the Manager points column, it's just an add for a private system i'm tested while you are playing the competition!
You still have time to send your matches prediction until 31/07 before simulation, here is the link: FMS Matches Prediction - Week 12
@Markez17 said in Football Master Series (FMS):
Fot the moment:
5 players from group 1
7 players from group 2
7 players from group 3
7 players from group 4
6 players from group 5
It seems that grup 3 is the hardest one. Do you agree?
@Lafuens said in Football Master Series (FMS):
Fot the moment:
5 players from group 1
7 players from group 2
7 players from group 3
7 players from group 4
6 players from group 5
It seems that grup 3 is the hardest one. Do you agree?
Seems Group 3 (Gnjilane) and Group 5 (Urosevac) are the most equality, while other groups has two parts in the league. We are near to the middle of the league and I'm sure we are going to have some surprises as usual.
At the moment, it's fine to see that everyone is giving their best and respecting FMS rules. As organizer, this edition isn't giving me so much troubles and it's a pleasure.
Hello all!
As you can remember, our 3rd edition schedule is:
FMS 3rd edition - Schedule
- From 06/07 to 12/07 - Sign up.
- From 13/07 to 15/07 - Prepare leagues and contact managers.
- 16/07 - 1st round starts.
- 14/08 - 2nd round starts. (Maybe we need to change it to Monday 17/08)
I just want to inform you that we are going to change the 2nd round to Monday 17/08. Reasons are:
- Main: Friday 14/08 I have an important english exam and maybe I need to be out during the whole day.
- Extra: During the 14th-16th August weekend, we are going to have in OSM a "Transfer madness" event. I understand that this event for 32 active managers in the same league can be hard but this change doesn't mean that always that we have this event, we are going to change the date until it ends.
Thank you for your time!
FMS Matches Predicion - Week 12 Result
Pristina: [Eka Rahim11] 1-0 [jk medo]
Prizren: [kromo ochoa] 0-0 [atarom]
Gnjilane: [Marynaia] 2-0 [adnan shehadh]
Mitrovica: [Real B1] 0-0 [Zakaria1454]
Urosevac: [sniki26] 0-1 [Dhrubo II]
Hello bosses!
12th round have already been played so...
It's time to start with a new "Matches Prediction" formsThis time, match chosen is Feronikeli vs Gjilani!
FMS Matches Prediction - Week 18
- 1 point if you guess a team goals.
- 1 point if you guess the winner. (Or draw if you choose same goals scored for both teams)
- 4 points if you guess the exact result.
Everyone can send their votes, you and your crew don't need to play FMS to participate!
You have until 6th August, 18:00 UTC Time.Thank you for your time!
@language-AR @language-DE @language-EN @language-ES @language-FR @language-HU @language-ID @language-IT @language-PL @language-PT @language-RO @language-RU @language-TR
Good luck
14 rounds already played and here is the actual standings!
- FMS 3rd Edition - Pristina
- FMS 3rd Edition - Prizren
- FMS 3rd Edition - Gnjilane
- FMS 3rd Edition - Mitrovica
- FMS 3rd Edition - Urosevac
Remember 32 first manager at the end of the league (By league points) go to the next one, which will be played in Champions league format and... Better position = Better team value
Don't take in count the Manager points column, it's just an add for a private system i'm tested while you are playing the competition!
You still have time to send your matches prediction until 06/08 before simulation, here is the link: FMS Matches Prediction - Week 18
Seems that @MAX-Aurelio11 and @atarom resigned from their respective teams and we have no time to replace them.
Of course, they are not welcome to play any OSM Official tournament if they don't follow rules and understand what compromise means and respect for other managers and the organizer.
To the other 58 FMS managers: Sorry for the inconvenience and keep fighting until the end to qualify for the 2nd round, thank you for compete and don't resign just because you are not winning all matches.
FMS Matches Predicion - Week 18 Result
Pristina: [frk038] 0-0 [Nicolás31]
Prizren: [moony.] 1-1 [Rafa Cunha]
Gnjilane: [Dino Diego] 0-2 [Daxidoo]
Mitrovica: [Ginpierlu] 3-0 [el sabritas]
Urosevac: [zezo_treakaa] 5-0 [Robfer15]
Matches predictions is over and here is the actual standings:
@MMBatista is leading the table but we have a lot of users with chances to get 1st place and of course get some prizes at the end of the edition.
Now is time to wait some days until 1st round is over! 46 users sent his TOP 3 predictions, which you can see in the following image:
Remember that you can't win prizes if you just send the TOP 3 or/and TOP 4 predictions!
19 rounds already played and here is the actual standings!
- FMS 3rd Edition - Pristina
- FMS 3rd Edition - Prizren
- FMS 3rd Edition - Gnjilane
- FMS 3rd Edition - Mitrovica
- FMS 3rd Edition - Urosevac
Remember 32 first manager at the end of the league (By league points) go to the next one, which will be played in Champions league format and... Better position = Better team value
Don't take in count the Manager points column, it's just an add for a private system i'm tested while you are playing the competition!
FMS 3rd edition - Schedule
- From 06/07 to 12/07 - Sign up.
- From 13/07 to 15/07 - Prepare leagues and contact managers.
- 16/07 - 1st round starts.
- 17/08 - 2nd round starts.
Remember next Monday (17/08) we start the FMS 2nd Round.
Tonight we have last 1st Round matches, maybe I bring you the final standing tonight or maybe tomorrow due to a football match.I'm looking of course for a league moderator who send invitations to the other 31 managers. Let me know by private message if you can do it and want to help the competition.
During Tuesday or Wednesday (I need the league moderator first of all) I will send you all a PM if you are qualified for 2nd Round and of course I will post here the main information about date, teams assigned to each manager, etc.You all have a week to share your experience during 1st Round or say something to your crewmate/friend who is playing. All activity related to FMS and good vibes are welcome
1st Round leagues are already ended and here is the final standings!
Remember 32 first manager at the end of the league (By league points) go to the next one, which will be played in Asian Champions format and... Better position = Better team value
Don't take in count the Manager points column, it's just an add for a private system i'm tested while you are playing the competition!
(If I made some minor mistakes, just let me know and i will fix it. I'm human too.)
Tomorrow, all information about 2nd Round will be provided in this topic and by private message to all 32 managers involved. During the week, i will post information about TOP 3 prediction results too.
Anyway, managers qualified and team assigned for 2nd Round are the following:
Congrats for all the 32 managers qualified for the final round! But, especially for my colleg @gheorghe-ionut-miki from DRL! Very good result, mate. Good luck and don't forget that all my money's on you!
Also, thanks to @Markez17 for making this competition to grow very fast and famous!
wow for goal difference and 32nd place! ihihi
FMS 1st Round Prediction - TOP 3
Standings (Black space = Manager didn't send form)
At the moment, while we wait for 2nd Round to determine TOP 4, @Kolonyagücü and @MMBatista are leading the table but after them, we have some managers with minimum difference between them like @Jhonger-PG @Alex-Demartin @John-Huaman @Kings-Dutza @Lirind or @Bodea-Tudor.
Nice job from you all and participation in general, thank you!