Football Master Series (FMS)
Crew name: KOKA Crew Romania
Creation date: .09.09.2009
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition: @vlad-i
Could be your manager league moderator? > YESI accept rules and we promise to follow it 100% both as a group and our manager who will participate in our name.
SIGNS UP post have been updated will all new entries.
We already are 28 crews but the minimum is 36, we still have today and 3 more days to accept signs up. Talk with your OSM friends and crews which can be interested to play it, I really appreciate that!
أحمد عبدالحميد9replied to Markez17 on 6 Feb 2020, 10:58 last edited by أحمد عبدالحميد9 6 Feb 2020, 11:01
Crew name: Black stars 10
Creation date: 22/12/2017
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition: @01114405310
Could be your manager league moderator? YesI accept rules and we promise to follow it 100% both as a crew and our manager who will participate in our name.
Crew name: Zeitgeist
Creation date: 03/12/2011
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition: @kimireijonen
Could be your manager league moderator? YESI accept rules and we promise to follow it 100% both as a group and our manager who will participate in our name.
Crew name: Husarya PL
Creation date: 03.09.2013
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition: @mihau1878
Could be your manager league moderator? NOI accept rules and we promise to follow it 100% both as a group and our manager who will participate in our name.
Crew name: Platinum Warriors
Creation date: 04.07.2016
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition: @florida5
Could be your manager league moderator? NOI accept rules and we promise to follow it 100% both as a group and our manager who will participate in our name.
Crew name: Idios Assassins
Creation date: 28.12.13
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition: @reaperBR
Could be your manager league moderator? YesI accept rules and we promise to follow it 100% both as a group and our manager who will participate in our name.
Crew name: Total ReBorn
Creation date: 2014
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition: Sztephanosz
Could be your manager league moderator? NOI accept rules and we promise to follow it 100% both as a group and our manager who will participate in our name.
Crew name: Polish Eagles
Creation date: 28.12.2013
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition: @Damiś27
Could be your manager league moderator? NOI accept rules and we promise to follow it 100% both as a group and our manager who will participate in our name.
Crew name: Los Renacidos
Creation date: 11/11/2017
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition: @Lionel-Solari
Could be your manager league moderator? YesI accept rules and we promise to follow it 100% both as a group and our manager who will participate in our name.
Crew name: BnM 2014
Creation date: 03)1/01/2014
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition: @evan27efrialin
Could be your manager league moderator? YESI accept rules and we promise to follow it 100% both as a group and our manager who will participate in our name.
Crew name: Romanian Lions
Creation date: 04.05.2012
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition: @cRs1923
Could be your manager league moderator? NOI accept rules and we promise to follow it 100% both as a group and our manager who will participate in our name.
Crew name: Good Looking Imperium
Creation date: 2017
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition: Woopertje
Could be your manager league moderator? > YESI accept rules and we promise to follow it 100% both as a group and our manager who will participate in our name.
Crew name: Champions Maroc
Creation date: 25/08/2017
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition: @messi-chaweni
Could be your manager league moderator? NoI accept rules and we promise to follow it 100% both as a group and our manager who will participate in our name.
SIGNS UP post have been updated will all new entries.
We are 40 crews!! It means that we have FMS, crews still have time to sign up during today and tomorrow. Let's see if we complete 4 leagues but I understand that begginings are not easy and I'm happy to reach the minimum
Crew name: DYNAMIS
Creation date: 25.10.2015
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition: @Dr-Bird
Could be your manager league moderator? > NOI accept rules and we promise to follow it 100% both as a group and our manager who will participate in our name.
Creation date: 12-10-2015
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition: @Paco_67
Could be your manager league moderator? YesI accept rules and we promise to follow it 100% both as a group and our manager who will participate in our name
Crew name: RED SKULLS
Creation date: 11/10/2014
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition: @dida666
Could be your manager league moderator? NOI accept rules and we promise to follow it 100% both as a group and our manager who will participate in our name.
SIGNS UP post have been updated will all new entries.
Last day to sign up! Actually, we have 43 crews and my idea is:
- If we reach at least 44 crews, we are going to have 4 leagues.
- Less than 44 crews, just 3 leagues and some reserves.
Why 44 crews? This is the 1st edition and I want that all of you can play... But i don't want to have CPU teams in our leagues and make it unbalanced. I can make for once the exception to have 1 CPU team as maximum per league, in order to let you all play and be part of the beggining.
Crew name: Hungarian Fighters
Creation date: 13/04/2013
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition: @chypy20
Could be your manager league moderator? NOI accept rules and we promise to follow it 100% both as a group and our manager who will participate in our name.