Game Updates
Good day moderators.
I feel VIP Tournaments should have their separate Hall of Fame like the VIP League Hall of Fame.
Since rankings are based on squad value, tournament teams wouldn't be able to match that of league teams. Thank You!
Just realized there is a new tournament called "Ramadan Cup". Will it be a temporal or permanent competition?
@ekene-onnuora This is a temporary league! This Tournament is available until May 11!
Majstor Mattreplied to Ekene Onnuora on 21 Apr 2021, 07:42 last edited by Majstor Matt 21 Apr 2021, 07:43
Why wouldnt they have a chance? Boss coins are anyway primary way to enter the Hall of Fame, with using normal transfer tactics you cannot get close to hall of fame with club as well. So If someone wants to spends 50k boss coins on a team he can do it on national team same way as he does in "normal" vip league
@ekene-onnuora said in Game Updates:
Good day moderators.
I feel VIP Tournaments should have their separate Hall of Fame like the VIP League Hall of Fame.
Since rankings are based on squad value, tournament teams wouldn't be able to match that of league teams. Thank You!
BCs are the only way to enter the Hall of Fame -
@majstor-matt Actually, even with that, he/she can't attain Hall of Fame status, not with transfers being disabled.
@alyssagb said in Game Updates:
Something new incoming...
A new feature is coming to OSM next week! Are you ready for a new challenge? Not only does it involve more managers than you are used to in OSM, but you also get a chance to win great prizes!
So make sure you've a manager slot available!
Sounds promising, do we have a date when it goes live and when will there be more information please @AlyssaGB ?
Damian_Skinekreplied to jeffro davies on 22 Apr 2021, 10:30 last edited by Damian_Skinek 22 Apr 2021, 10:30
@jeffro-davies via Instagram OSM
So this event is for those on social media. I'm not on social media. Sad
@alyssagb Knockout Royale!
@vinayak-singh-mehra said in Game Updates:
So this event is for those on social media. I'm not on social media. Sad
With more than 100 teams 🤯 you will surely have a place
Is this something new from OSM or something old that is now coming back
And does anyone know how exactly this works and what it is?
@bembelmän a couple months ago was beta testing of something like this. 128 teams, 7 gamedays, a lots of fun (probably
@alyssagb In my opinion people should not be encouraged to keep an slot free or resign for a promotion. In my case: all my 4 slots are early or in the middle of a big league, so I won't have an account available. Can OSM create a different solution, like a temporary 5th slot during the promotion?
@wenger-wise 128 teams and I doubt there will be more than 32 managers per league lol
We'll see though, looks good If the leagues will be full
@majstor-matt i think for this reason they made it "temporary". In general, it would be great if GB seriously tackled the problem of league fullness. For example, take 10 bosscoins for resign
@wenger-wise said in Game Updates:
@majstor-matt i think for this reason they made it "temporary". In general, it would be great if GB seriously tackled the problem of league fullness.
Limit resignations is far more complex than that. We can't just force users to play the whole season in same league, because mistakes happen, a friend that invites you to join a league, a competition that is going to start and you would love to take part, etc....
Also if we just deny the option to resign, users will just stop logging or delete accounts and create new ones.....For example, take 10 bosscoins for resign
We're the greedy ones, because game is pay to play, all we want is money, players have to pay for everything, and every suggestion I see is: 'Pay to change name'; 'Pay to resign'....
@specialone i really think its win-win decision: gb earns a little more money and the game can get better