Game Updates
At the moment it mainly depends on winning and who (his medal level) you beat
as with us in the competition, Appieee gets +19k medals even though he is 'only' 2 places above his target. I am 2nd +10 from my target and only get +2kThat's just because he's level 5 and I'm level 8
Goal makes much less important, that was part of the 'old' manager points system
@OSM Bojan for example is at 8, but +4 against target and gets -9k, because he is level 9
Or @OSM jandejaper with the same objective as Appiiee even one place higher, but almost -3k medalsbvgrave even though, is 5th, +7 to his target, -5k medals (is at level 9)
it's a copy paste in google translate from a whatsapp message from me, srr for the faults if there are any, i' wasn't double checking
@jeffro-davies That won't be possible.
Android update
At OSM we always want the best for our managers and to guarantee this we continue to update the app with improvements.To keep the quality of the app high, we've decided that as of June 29 we'll no longer support Android version 4.4 (KitKat). When a forced update has to be made you're no longer able to play OSM from that moment on.
So it's important to update Android to version 5.0 (Lollipop) before June 29 to continue playing OSM!
@alyssagb said in Game Updates:
Android update
At OSM we always want the best for our managers and to guarantee this we continue to update the app with improvements.To keep the quality of the app high, we've decided that as of June 29 we'll no longer support Android version 4.4 (KitKat). When a forced update has to be made you're no longer able to play OSM from that moment on.
So it's important to update Android to version 5.0 (Lollipop) before June 29 to continue playing OSM!
At OSM we always want the best for our managers....
So bring back the managerpoints!
At OSM we always want the best for our managers and to guarantee this we continue to update the app with improvements... He he, it was just a joke. The reality is that at GB we only care about money and we'll do anything to earn more and more. Every update we launch is to make sure of that.
@frk038 thats what I was trying to say thats just the total as per games won and games lost plus goal difference from my understanding , win a game get 300 loose a game loose -2K
So for example win 10 games thats , +3000
loose 4 games thats. -8Ktotal = -5K
But at the end theres the goal difference part I guess
@koningco said in Game Updates:
I noticed that one of my players (Busquets) has just been sold only 10-15 minutes before my match is simulated, transfer worker at 21:38; match simulation around 21:50. This happened on server Mauro. He was sold from my team Coventry City (English Championship) to Barcelona, so this happened via a transfer worker. I don't want transfer workers to happen in the last hour before the match simulation because the player can be in my starting 11. @alyssagb can you ask GB to prevent this in the future? I also noticed the same thing on server Paolo earlier this week (my team Rotherdam United).
Other managers: please upvote this post if you don't want transfers to occur just before the matches are simulated.
The same thing happened with my team Rotherdam United yesterday. At 20:40 Brabec was sold via a transfer worker and 12 minutes later my match was simulated. Can you please inform me if this bug is already under investigation? I suppose this is something that changed unintended during a game update.
Divisions and Manager Medals
Last week we announced that Divisions and Manager Medals replaced the old Manager Point system. Since then we've received a lot of valuable feedback to improve Divisions and Manager Medals. Thanks for that, this well help us improve the game!We also received many questions about how Manager Medals are calculated. To get a better understanding of how it works, please go to the Division overview page where you can find more information in the help section. Keep in mind that the higher you rise in Divisions, the harder it will be to earn Medals and the easier it will be to lose them.
We'll continue to keep working to make OSM as good and fun as possible for our managers.
The medal system cannot replace what the points system used to be, as medals cannot demonstrate who is better than who is not, since it counts the 4 slots for the ranking, whoever is in a group where at least 1 slot for APP Battles and competitions and if you have another one to play with friends you will never be able to go to the top 100 ranking even if you try hard in the other 2 slots, ie this ranking system is totally unfair to players.
Of course it also benefits anyone with all 4 slots playing alone against bots in private leagues
It's clear to us that a certain 'class' of our users don't like this new system, neither the removal of the old Manager points system.
I believe that this is because they're just looking at this Manager Medals 'scoring' system the same way as you look to Manager Points. They are completely different systems, so you can never compare them. Also, you're looking at it as a way to 'qualify' users. Who's the best and who's better. Again, this is not correct. This is just a system where we divide users per divisions and they can earn those medals on every match/league they play, according to their division and performance!
Is this system perfect? No, it's not. No system will please everyone, so this system is good for some, bad for others, perfect for others and awful to others, etc, etc....
Can it be improved? Sure it can and as stated several times, OSM is on constant evolution and adjustments based on the feedback we get!
@feelstrikex I'll use your league to try to clarify some misunderstandings (at least it's what it looks to me)
I'll use a different image from your manager list, with more info to help
- Why do you have so many negative points and others so many positive points?
Some time ago you were on exact same division as all other managers on your league
When in lower divisions you get way more medals per victory and lose a lot less on every draw/defeat
The more you climb Divisions the harder is to win medals and the easier is to lose them! Which is natural because it's expected that you're 'better' and more experienced manager than someone that is on a lower Division!-
Medals shown on Manager List are the sum of ALL medals you earn/lost since league started. It doesn't take into account (at this point) end of season Medals (prize) that is calculated based on several factors with a bigger incidence on final position Vs goal. On old MPs system, you'll see there the Points you'll get at the end of season, including already end of season points.
On last match of the season, you get performance medals together with the medals won/lost on your last Match. These medals will take into account several factors, such as goal, position, number of teams, number of matches played, number of active managers, etc, etc...
Medals shown on Manager list were already added/removed from your total. It's not something that will be added/removed at the end of season as it was on MPs system.
If you chose to resign a league, you wouldn't have wasted time on that league, because your medals were already added to your total, while on old system, you needed to stay until the end of season to get the manager points conquered!
The thing is: who are the best OSM players in the world? Is GB interested in developing a system that helps finding it?When you have a ranking and you are competitive you want to reach the top of the ranking. But as it is it is impossible to reach it, unless you only play agains CPUs or inactive players in private leagues.
What measures will you implement in order to change it? Can you please clrify it?
The "Class" plays the game for years and invests in the game of course.
It doesn't matter to me, because I wasn't a player who played the game for the Ranking, but for one thing that came to replace another, not being able to compare is a fallacy, because naturally it will be compared if it came to replace it, of course it will be compared and an exchange should keep some things similar
Other questions.
Why am I at the top of the coach list if I am the one with the fewest points?Why do the coaches rankings appear in the profile and in the friends tab?
Please assemble a task force that will prevent "cheating your way to the top". My main concern is that this system promotes foul play and given incentive to cheat your way up.
What do I mean? Well, lets take a look at 85% of managers occupying top 50 spots in global ranking, what can we see? We can see closed leagues filled with bots and imaginary opponents that are completelly the same on all4 slots of top 50 user. Please sort that out and punish those who spit in our face in their private leagues acting like they are untouchables.Why do I want that "task force"? I understand that new cheaters will emerge after these are banned, and it will be an endless circle, but sadly that path you have chosen by promoting this system that kills every bit of competitive play and promotes cheating your way up as easiest way to get to top.
I sincerelly hope that you guys will think about this major problem with this new "ranking of the best"
Matija -
@ruipsc5 According to you, what would be the criteria that defines the best OSM manager?
I agree with you, that when we've a rank, one of the goals of all players is climb as much as possible on the rank and if possible reach the top.
I don't agree that you can only achieve it playing only against CPUs, but I do agree that at this point is faster and 'safer'.
Measures to change it are being studied, as the above message says, based on the feedback we got from you guys. But you guys have to agree that it's just not possible that those changes happen overnight. It will take some time!@FeelStrikeX Sorry, if you got offended by the use of 'class' word, but I couldn't find a better word, since type seemed way worse to me and not all players that doesn't like it are old school... that's why I used class.
About your argument of those managers playing the game for years, as I mentioned above not all that dislike it play for several years, but we tried to minimise the 'loss' of all those players by converting MPs to Medals when we set them live. So a big majority of our users were never below level 3/4!About the sorting... it's still a work in progress, for now it still sorts by old system. Same as old MPs ranking being visible on Web profiles!
"ranking of the best""Manager Medals" ranking -
@specialone Thanks for the positive feedback!
I "believe that we all believe" that the best manager is the one than performs better in the leagues where he is playing. If you play in a G16 team and you win the league you are the "best". And if you do it league after league you are on of the best. It's an universal principle.
However, we also believe that is different if you play in a private league with inactive players, CPUs or noobs and with all the league definitions available (using BCs to accelerate training sessions, buy players, etc) or in a competitive league with 8th, 9th or 10th Division players and with the league definitions unavailable (you cannot use BCs to maximize the performance of your team and the "pay to win" doesn't apply).
If we look at the current system, the alghoritm looks simple:
-if you are in a lower division you win a huge amount of medals, if you win a game and when you finish a league in a good position. And sometimes you even win a huge amount of medals when you loose, because GB wants to motivate the noobs to keep playing and investing. And it's fine for me, because this is a business.
-if you are in an higher division you will win less medals when you win a game and you loose few medals if you draw a game against a lower division player and a huuuuuuuge amount of medals when you loose a game, no matter who is your opponent. At least according my point of view.And the flaw is in the last part: if you are in the 9th division and you play against a player that is also in the 9th division you cannot loose the same 1.400 Medals you loose when you play against a 6th or 7th Division.
If you change this logic, I believe that the community will be really happy. If you look at the snapshots that are posted in the forum by lots of managers, the main complaints are related to that.
You are managing a G16 team. You finish 3rd. Once you lost 8 games, you finish the league with negative medals. And that simply cannot happen.Sugegestions:
You can reduce the number of medals you loose when you loose a game against a player that is in the same division as you or one below (if you are a 10th division player and you loose against a 3rd division player it's fair that you loose more than 1000 Medals. You can keep it!)
You can increase the number of medals you win when you win a game against a player that is in the same division as you, one below or one higher
You can increase the number of medals you win in the end of the league when you perform really well (achieving goal + positive difference between your goal and your classification).What do you think about this suggestions?
Thanks for listening!
@specialone said in Game Updates:
"ranking of the best""Manager Medals" rankingYeah, its not important how we call it, but lets just try and have a fair and cheating-free top of the ranks. Give us "normal people" a chance to reach top 50 in a fair way, without closing our leagues and filling them with bots and multi accounts.
Do that, and do some work on these situations when you lose against managers from same division as some before me have said and I am sure this system has a chance of getting some positive feedback.
Thank you for your feedback and thanks for letting us know that our oppinions are at least read and forwarded to people in charge of making this big changes
Can you (or someone else from the staff) please respond to my message about transfer workers that take place just before match time? See my post at 13:10 in this topic: hope the staff won't miss this message now that the discussion about medals started again here.