Game Updates
no more, no reason can motivate to play with a small clubs or leagues by any manager. the medals are rubbish.
if i play in a no manager league i will a gain than a full league;
if i win the all of the match in the no manager premier league; 20*43=860 + end of the league and cup point (1000) = 1860
but if i play a full league and i lost 8 match, i dont reset my damage point if i win the other match.
8(-1500)+35*60(gain)+1500(league gain)=-8400this is an injustice sanction.
@koningco said in Game Updates:
@AlyssaGB How long will the VIP ticket be valid? I have already 4 leagues ongoing so if the ticket expires quickly than I can't use it. I hope GB takes this into account, because we didn't expect this gift and have no empty slot.
@KoningCo you can have mine too, talk to admin see if they can take it off me and give it to you.
@frk038 I hope everyone stops with OSM. They don't do it for the managers. They do it for money, money and money. Why don't they stop those training camps. Everyone wants that but they don't listen. I have 17 years experience and am in division 10. But other managers have only 2 months experience and are already in division 10. So that is insane.
@jeffro-davies said in Game Updates:
@koningco said in Game Updates:
@AlyssaGB How long will the VIP ticket be valid? I have already 4 leagues ongoing so if the ticket expires quickly than I can't use it. I hope GB takes this into account, because we didn't expect this gift and have no empty slot.
@KoningCo you can have mine too, talk to admin see if they can take it off me and give it to you.
@KoningCo I give it to you too
@mighty-stev_nl i am in D9 and cant rise the D10 because i usually play in crew battle crew league and full managers leagues.
and the game punishment me cause play with other managers?and i agree with you the training camp.
i game usually kill the source of motivate to the gamers.
I didn't get 50 bc. Yet I am a manager in the top 10,000
@lirind Realy, mine expires in 8!!! days, are they joking?
Next free slot is in 20days..... very nice gift this VIP ticket.
I used to be number 1 on the worldwide medal ranking till I started playing more challenging leagues like DUELS and KL, since then I demoted to position 435! Losing 1 match costs me 2000 medal points while gaining 120 if I win a match against an active manager. Means I have to win 17 matches against active managers to compensate for 1 loss!
This is the best change ever! NOT!
OSM wants your to play on your own I guess, because that's the only way to maintain your medals in the current system. Absolutely terrible update with no thought at all. Don't fix what's not broken is what they always say, yet OSM managed to do it. Truly incredible thinking by the osm team.
Goodluck everyone in your own, closed competition. Truly epic gameplay.
@biobas_nl maybe there is a bug... My VIP ticket as shown in the screenshot is valid for 29 days...
@biobas_nl @Lirind Thanks for reporting it, I think it's a bug. We have our developers looking at it.
@biobas_nl Gewoon ermee stoppen! Ga ik ook doen na 17 jaar. Helaas... Ze luisteren totaal niet naar de managers. Iedereen zegt dat die trainingskampen weg moeten maar ze blijven erin. Nu zeggen ze opeens dat iedereen die medailles heel goed vindt. Nou dat geloof ik gewoon niet. Ze willen gewoon dat iedereen met 4 slots gaat werken en dat dit hun dus meer geld oplevert.
that new medal system is just unfair. I am an average player who has been playing this game for 2 years, so no problem for me but this is so derogatory for experienced and well-playing managers. I really feel sad in fact. What a pity.
that new medal system is just unfair. I am an average player who has been playing this game for 6 years, so no problem for me but this is so derogatory for experienced and well-playing managers. I really feel sad in fact. What a pity.
@mighty-stev_nl Totally agree, been playing osm since 2005 and understand that you have to change things every now and then to keep it attractive to players
However, removing the manager points is really a slap in the face for many. Last time I was 7 points off the top 100 and now having a great season and definitly woud reach it.
No there goes away 16 years of work and if you look at what will take its place. It results in the opposite of what the medals should have done, but I'm also considering cutting it now.
Eternal shame this, or just turn it back!!
Total chaos, total headlessness, total bankruptcy. The game became dead.An incomprehensible and untraceable calculation system, unrealistic ranking, etc., etc.Operators do everything they can to keep old players out of the game.Every innovation is almost a stumbling block, this direction is very sad and incomprehensible.
Look at this league table with my friends...
So, the manager list is still organized by the manager points we had, from now on it will be organized by the amount of medals? are u telling me that xotoPT is the 3rd on this manager list? by creating his account in 29/05, never logged in afterwards, and being in 9th from 11th positions? are you telling me that he has more medals than the 1st place?
ItΒ΄s fair that the 11th (last) coach in the league is gaining more medals, with no victories, than the highest positioned teams? cmonn...
So, Mister Fontes, by continuing his good performance is gonna be the best manager in medals, so he will be the first appearing on the manager list?
By this manager list you can see all...
This is the "well received ranking from us" ? no way bro, are we dumb, stupid or dumb?
ItΒ΄s very pleasable to know that I went from being the 39th ranked, to be the 26000th...
And then you give a awesome reward of 50 boss coins... that definitely doesnΒ΄t reward us from the ones we spent, and a VIP league ticket, when you know we have to spend coins as well...Another great innovation made by GB! thanks a lot guys, from keeping this game enjoyable!
My friends... The 9th of June 2021 will become known as the day brilliant minds ended OSM! It's ridiculous and shameful the direction the game is taking! This rating system is the worst thing I've ever seen in my life!
People, this is not worth our frustration. As it is, so it is. We can be angry here as much as we want. GB is "convinced" that this way of ranking is liked by managers. Have you read the "explanation" by GB?
It all says this how they have an opinion of us. I started playing OSM because I got bored of the TOP 11 and found a better game.Stay healthy
Greetings -
@AlyssaGB Why is the top 1000 achievement only 50 coins? There was a top 100 achievement which gave 7.500 coins to everyone who reached the top 100 of the old ranking.