Game Updates
Vincent Ado Kompanyreplied to jasiuk88 on 5 Apr 2022, 18:18 last edited by Vincent Ado Kompany 5 Apr 2022, 18:19
@jasiuk88 thanks mate
I will have a free slot in this time
@ado-hackovic I will have also im few day free slot so maybe we will meet in VIP Cup Mate
We've recently fixed a problem with logging with FB or even connecting accounts with FB.
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@jetont said in Game Updates:
Does GB really think we are sheeps?
they seem to be starting to guess, mr. @SpecialOne
The reason why you have to spend so many Bosscoins for that player is because you have almost zero clubfunds. If you would have more clubfunds, you would have to pay less Bosscoins. That's how the bc compensation works. Or do you really think you can buy world class players for free?
@fc-eddie_nl said in Game Updates:
The reason why you have to spend so many Bosscoins for that player is because you have almost zero clubfunds. If you would have more clubfunds, you would have to pay less Bosscoins. That's how the bc compensation works. Or do you really think you can buy world class players for free?
It doesn't change the fact that it's a bullshit done just to spend coins.
@fc-eddie_nl Im not new in this game. My acc is 12 years old and I know this very well. The problem is that this special offers will come when you don't have money or its big difference in price and with your current moneys. The main goal for this special offers is to take us many BC's , not to help players with anything. If its not like that, why we don't get special offers in battles or leagues with bc compensation off?
borrowed the screenshot from above made by @majstor-matt
one player can't cost like creating several leagues...
@jetont said in Game Updates:
@fc-eddie_nl Im not new in this game. My acc is 12 years old and I know this very well. The problem is that this special offers will come when you don't have money or its big difference in price and with your current moneys. The main goal for this special offers is to take us many BC's , not to help players with anything. If its not like that, why we don't get special offers in battles or leagues with bc compensation off?
Ofcourse they want your money. That's how it works for free-to-play games. They need to make money, so they come up with these kind of things. I understand it can be frustrating, but it's not going to change.
I think the problem for many users is that recent Game Updates make the game worse. OSM was much better 6 years ago, before the boss coins were introduced. And recent updates on the transfer market (transfer workers that can occur shortly after each other and around match times) and special offers (not available anymore for 1 coin) make it worse. Together with bad staff communication and technical issues around weekend and weekday promotions this makes OSM a game that's not worth investing in anymore. I don't watch video's for coins anymore and I play in less active league with mostly beginners now. There will be a moment when I stop playing OSM entirely because of the game gets worse and worse.
@koningco Hey, I am a bit new, i mean i was not playing six years before, but if there was no boss coins, what were you using if you wanted to play friendly or train your players instantly??
@manchester-united-afc there were no friendlies at that time. And the players trained only 1 time a day, right at the time of the match simulation. In said training the players had probabilities to progress +0, +1 or +2 rating points at the time of match simulation.
It was a totally different format than it is today. It seemed like a different game. -
@jasiuk88 said in Game Updates:
@koningco this game was never for free
it was a Little bit different but when I started to plan in 2005 one slot was for free and if you wanted more you need to pay.
It was well playable without paying, not with 4 teams but 2 teams at the time without paying. I did watch some video's back then to receive season tickets, Probably that was for my second slot and maybe for extra training camps (I don't remember. Now it's all about paying and who pays more, like more training, friendly's, scout players and even buying players with more coins (which is encouraged more by the new Special Offer system). Also logging in twice per day was enough back then, now you have to be constantly online in order not to miss a transfer worker and be online around match time to avoid playing with 10 players because one suddenly got sold.
@koningco This is what i did when 3.0 came, 4 years out of this game, but now i can realize the game is way more worse, everything i wanna do i have to pay coins. Recently they introduced a special offer that is a joke, 2K BC for one single player, I havent been robbering to spend this amount of money in a game
Can the new reminders please be removed? I don't use them to go to the business club or play a friendly and I even get a "large squad" reminder to add a player to a transfer list while I already have 4 players on the list.
Why has the friends list been changed? You can’t send all invites at the sametime to a league no more🥲
Can this be changed back please. It’s good for competitions and creating leagues so it’s fair for everyone. @SpecialOne i don’t know who else to tag. Why has this changed please?
@jeffro-davies said in Game Updates:
Why has the friends list been changed? You can’t send all invites at the sametime to a league no more🥲
Can this be changed back please. It’s good for competitions and creating leagues so it’s fair for everyone. @SpecialOne i don’t know who else to tag. Why has this changed please?
I remember to have answered a similar question already...
This was an unfortunate downgrade on a major update on friends list that enphasizes a lot more rewards and the social side of the game.
There're no plans in short term to improve the bulk invitation, but that doesn't mean we won't ever bring it back.
About one update I would like to thank GB. I noticed that players from transfer list are getting sold much faster. Even high value player about 95-100 overal are sold daily- every 2 Days... in past sometimes week was without any transfer out. It makes game better! Thanks!