Game Updates
Last few days transfer list becoaming "Dead" and in lat few days no transfer out was done. I think that GB reduce possibility of transfer before giving possibility to buy extra money it is well planned
Can we also do the reverse?
I give you back the 100 million made on the transfer market and you give me 29.99 euros? -
I hope no one buy these shit packs but I guess some managers who want to pay to win will buy it everyday and we who wants to play fairly will be beaten unfairly
I encourage everyone to complain against this and I hope GB will understand and will remove these new updates that was done today, by the way Avatar update was better than this one, both of them are bad but this one is the worst I ever saw, Hope they will understand and remove before the manager that doesn't get beaten by the ones who buy these packs -
@Sr-bmfa of course tha´s a troll.
this is the worst update ever. -
Very rare staff or Albino reply or read, when they do it’s delusional what they come out with……
Only a few days ago talk about “evolving” on support and taking away 2.5x value sales to 2.0x because “squad building is to quick” but someone can buy 500m to build their squad no problem in minutes
I really wouldn’t waste your time trying to talk to these guys, like talking to a brick wall. It’s either quit or put up with it. Every update is just about making more
think they really pushed lots people over the edge this time!
Welp... I mean, to be honest, I stopped writing posts on the forum like a year ago because I saw that staff here obviously have no influence about any decisions and those who do do not take into consideration this forum and users in general.
Im not even slightly surprised at seeing something like this happening. They reduced the max sale to 2x and then 'surprisingly' introduced these club funds pack so that those willing to pay could have even bigger advantage.
I do understand that this is a bussiness and that these microtransactions are one of the primary means of financing but on the other hand I don't understand how can it make sense to lose so much active and loyal managers in order to get a couple guys who will buy something couple of times, get bored and move on to another game. Makes no sense to me.But hey, since they favor these 'come and go' users over us, loyal managers, I have one question for you other fellow loyal managers and friends here who still insist on writting here and hoping for something to change - do you know of any other similar game with less P2W feature to which we could switch? Because these guys ain't going to change. It will only get worse and worse...
The same story of all the times: GB/Miniclip destroying the game
Loyal players come to the forum showing how surreal is what they do
Nothing happens
They are always able to carry on their disgusting ideas.
There were lots of stupid updates during the last years, but this one exceeds all that is reasonable. Disgusting your greed and your lack of consideration and respect for the ones who have carried on this game for years and are still carrying - because the ones who you favor play it for 2/3 months, invest thousands of money, win everything (despite being totally noobs
) and then uninstall the game to look for the new Ferrari or Lamborghini they are planning to buy.
This update is the end of the game as we knew it. Congratulations Miniclip and GameBasics for destroying something with lots of beautiful stories.
I hope that your greed and arrogance bring you the bankrupt and the end of this game. That's simply what you deserve. If it doesn't change I will simply delete my account.
What the hell GB??? Remove this buying money option its going to kill the game boss coins already makes it ridiculously pay 2 win, this just overkills this game its going to be nothing but pay to win, unbelievable... theres no more keeping up with all these massive spends some people will do with their daddies credit card, no more being good at the game.. that cant be what GB wants to do with this game, please save this game...
@jeffro-davies just miniclip things xD
it's going downhill bro xD
And the answer to our questions and suggestions will be.... Everyone has the opportunity to buy these packs, so it is "fair" for all managers. And it is our decision whether to take this opportunity or not. And that we can not judge the managers just because those who use these packs, which after all are freely available to all of us
yall should stand up for your game, especially you gamebasics, 0 friggin' empathy
Well, guess i'll have more free time.
Bye OSM and S***basics.
@Fear-Force this is exactly the problem that i have. this guy has mbappe and the best goalkeeper in my save, and he is top in the league, by a long margin.
This post is deleted!
Why, instead of complaining (as if something were going to change), does the world osm community unite and abandon OSM for good? the facts are what they are, they don't want us here, nothing will change. Greed won, they don't want dialogue, they don't accept our suggestions. We must maintain our dignity, unite and leave the game. Let's go!
Vincent Ado Kompanyreplied to JetonT. on 15 Dec 2022, 21:05 last edited by Vincent Ado Kompany 15 Dec 2022, 21:06
@JetonT said in Game Updates:
Your words have been heard already.
Soon we will have package 'Start the game with 2 goals advantage' or 'Increase your chances of winning the game for 50%'.What brain came up with this idea? To buy club funds
@Daniel-Rausis easy to say but in our place will be new player. And if I play already 18 years it is difficult to stop
How is it possible that right now, in one of the current battles of my crew, some of the opponents already have the new update and are already buying money (one of them already purchased 2x 100M) and for us, the update isn't available?
I'm not saying that we will spend money on this, cause we won't, but this is entirely unfair from the start!!
To give you a comparison, it's like we're in a fight and you're giving weapons to some and the rest will have to rely on their fists.This is completely BS.
We will most likely lose this battle because the rules have changed along the way for some..