Game Updates
@ekene-onnuora said in Game Updates:
I noticed my Cup achievement trophy for the Champions Cup was removed on the tournament section on the Pick a team page (Tournament section) as a way to push managers such as myself to participate in a competition we have already conquered and thought we wouldn't notice. That's unfair!!!
I hope such action is reversed and the same isn't done for the Europe cup 22/23 and Conference Cup 22/23 as well as the LtAm Cup, African Cup and Asian Cup Thank You!
As you can see, the Champions Cup section is trophyless. It wasn't like that till the Champions League was updated for the 2022/2023. The fact that the players changed clubs and all doesn't invalidate past achievements. I petition for it to be undone.
@specialone Is it true that there have been changes in the training progression for high-level players somewhere between 2 weeks and 3 months ago? I haven't seen any communication, but I indeed see that my players above 105, 110 or 115 improve much slower at the moment. I don't know at which level the training gets slower (even during training events), maybe the slow-down starts at 105.
There has always been a difference when players get better, but I think the game slows down progression now even more. Please let us know what has changed (and next time communicate before we experience it ourselfs, now I am not even sure if it is a bug).
Thank you for the good times, great hits, frustrating and good moments over the last 10 years but guess its time I say goodbye as well to the community. We've had alot of "Game Updates" from the old osm with Doerak and friends, losing Tickets for BC, losing the old active forums for the current, losing old school battles for the new gen ones, losing manager points for medals, losing friends, activity, most importantly fun and everything. Think next we're supposed to lose our avaters for default images? but on top of all losing fun and fair play for P2W system with that new 1 week millionares pack. I wont rant or say more than everyone else has said before other than thank you for the good times and goodbye, wish all the new generation managers fun and blessings
@SpecialOne I think this last update to censor inappropriate lines, made Direct Message unusable, because you can't ask your friend if he's ok that a lot of *************** **** in the conversation.
It's hard to communicate like that... better take the tool out, because if the trainers can't communicate, then there's no point in having them. It's something that doesn't need to be blocked, because we need to communicate, and we already have the coach report tool.. there's no need to have anything else that makes the game boring.. I think this hinders more than helps.. -
@lord-supreme-17 As it was stated when announcing that we'll be removing personalised avatars and replaced by avatars provided by us in game, these are measures we need to implement due to world wide policies about UGC.
But we also understand that the way it's working is filtering way too much. The tool is set up to filter text on all possible languages available on this censorship tool which causes a lot of false positives.
We're working on improving it and we believe that on next update things will improve.
@specialone hello, forgive me for writing here, I don't know where to turn, editing the clan stopped working, I can't make it open, makes a mistake, there was no such thing before, please fix it. thank you for your understanding
@specialone Thanks for the reply Albino, good to know that they are working to improve this, because it has really become difficult to exchange DMs with the other managers. We will eagerly wait for this to be resolved.
Hello, I want to appreciate the works done by game basics on the updated World 2018 with players finally having their real ages as at the time the tournament was done.
Now onto the next request...or set of requests...
I'd love for some removed tournaments and leagues to be relauched:
Low Countries Liga (Tournament): The tournament was taken down without prior notice or warning and I am yet to win it. Hence, I have unfinished business with the tournament.
All Stars (League): This one involves best set of players from countries or continent. As an African I looked forward to using African All Stars which consisted of my heroes such as Kanu, Okocha, George, Drogba, Eto'o and so on. But I can't as it was taken down. To be fair, a countdown was issued prior to its removal but nonetheless, I'll appreciate it if it was re-launched.
Rivals Clash (OSM Mission): This was an tournament styled OSM Mission consisting of football clubs playing their local or main league rivals. I.e Arsenal vs Tottenham, AC Milan vs Inter Milan, Real Madrid vs Barcelona, Liverpool vs Everton. I'd appreciate if it was brought back in earnest as the tounament was fun and hard to conquer.
OSM World Cup (Knockout styled Tournament): This one was brief, for some reason it didn't last long before the mode was brought down. It needs a revival.
Champions League 19/20 (Tournament): This one was only made available on the VIP mode and now needs to be available for normal release to OSM players. (Real ages of players should be used as as the time the tournament was done with transfers disabled).
Champions League Historical Mission (OSM Mission): Liverpool 04/05, Porto 03/04, Inter Milan 09/10, Barcelona 08/09, Marseille 92/93, Ajax 94/95, Chelsea 11/12, Real Madrid 13/14. This mission is ongoing but real players ages as at the time each team won the CL should have been used for added effect rather than keep all players ages at 26 years.
Thank You!
Please, solve fast the problem of the direct messages. It is impossible to understand what people say with lots of words censored.
World B 2022
It's almost here, World 2022.
Unfortunately, countries like Italy and Turkey are missing the World 2022 Tournament this year. That means we won't see players like Donnarumma, Salah and Haaland playing.... But not to worry because in OSM you play World B 2022!Here you have the chance to play with your favorite country even though they didn't qualify. Also, you gain experience for World 2022 right away.
Show off your best manager skills and bring home the cup!
About the prize; this is a national contest. The country that wins the most World B 2022 Tournaments will see it's national team players In Form right after!
@specialone this looks nice
Good idea and I like it and I will try to win
@specialone Swiss players must be super happy. They can play both world cups
@majstor-matt said in Game Updates:
@specialone Swiss players must be super happy. They can play both world cups
Yup, you're right!
Looks like we did a mistake here.
But yeah, like you said, Swiss players will be able to see their National team (and play with it) in both tournaments. Moe chances to win one of them or even win both!
@specialone Yeah, its not a big deal for sure. Maybe it would be nicer that some smaller team from Europe had a chance to play it, but its not such a big deal or such a big mistake to be fair
For instance if Italy is there N.Macedonia for sure deserved a spot as well.
@majstor-matt It won't be N. Macedonia, but a 'neighbour'
We've adjusted tournament and from tomorrow (11h CET) morning onwards, Switzerland will be replaced by Bosnia-Herzegovina!
Some small recommendations to improve the background of OSM:
You should add some gravestones, blood and laundered money to the starting picture of OSM to make it more realistic!
@SpecialOne said in Game Updates:
World B 2022
It's almost here, World 2022.
Unfortunately, countries like Italy and Turkey are missing the World 2022 Tournament this year. That means we won't see players like Donnarumma, Salah and Haaland playing.... But not to worry because in OSM you play World B 2022!Here you have the chance to play with your favorite country even though they didn't qualify. Also, you gain experience for World 2022 right away.
Show off your best manager skills and bring home the cup!
About the prize; this is a national contest. The country that wins the most World B 2022 Tournaments will see it's national team players In Form right after!
Victor Osimen of Nigeria was not included in the squad. He would have been a huge boost!
New Tournament: World 2022
Boom! The moment we've all been waiting for: World 2022.
In two days we'll all leave our clubs (very shortly thank goodness) and will be rooting for our national team.World 2022 will be available on November 20 for everyone to play. But just playing isn't enough, all that counts is winning.
The national team that manages to win the Tournament the most in OSM will win. All(!) managers from that country will receive a VIP Ticket to the knockout stages of World 2022.Your national team isn't that good? Or didn't qualify? No worries. You can also qualify by winning the Tournament.
Is that all? No, it isn't. A short overview of what's happening in OSM:
- You can win shirts from all kinds of big world stars.
- You can test your match predicting skills in the Shop.
- In Form & Legendary world players will appear.
- New World 2022 related Avatars.
*Managers that join between 20-22 November will compete. All winners will get their VIP Ticket before the knockout stages start (December 3).
@SpecialOne Oh well, at least maybe we will have some avatars that will have some national features so that we can choose something mkre apart from 5 generic options we have now.
But I am not worried, I already see we will pay for that -
@SpecialOne said in Game Updates:
The moment we've all been waiting for:
i'm waiting for the game simulation here tbh.. it's normally 12:25 (brasilia time), but now it's 13:35 and nothing yet